This topic explains how to install the tools for SAP applications running on the NetWeaver ABAP platform to support monitoring with Cisco AppDynamics. It includes:

  • ABAP agent (includes SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring)
  • HTTP SDK and related components
  • Machine agent

Install ABAP Agent

You install the ABAP agent on the SAP system by importing standard SAP transport requests. The installation requires several transport requests to be imported in the correct order due to dependencies. Check readme.txt files included in the release bundle zip file.

Check your SAP NetWeaver release, before the installation. Also, check if your support package (SP) is supported. See SAP Supported Environments.

There are two main ABAP agent versions:

  • ABAP agent for NetWeaver earlier than version 7.4.0 
  • ABAP agent for NetWeaver version 7.4.0 or later

Deployment recommendations

Import SAP requests into production systems when the traffic and load are minimal. It is recommended to import SAP requests outside of business hours or during weekends. ABAP Agent takes advantage of several enhancements placed in standard objects that trigger the recompilation of these objects during import.

This affects SAP standard HTTP client, HTTP server, SOAP handler, BSP controllers, UI5 apps, WebDynpro pages, WebGUI pages, SAP Gateway/Backend, ST05 trace, Application Log, and Read Access Log.

If you are using other SNP products, it is recommended to have all components on the same version. If a newer version of CrystalBridge® Monitoring is already installed on the system, ensure that you do not overwrite it with an older version. ABAP Agent should still work fine with newer versions of CrystalBridge® Monitoring. To know more about how to check the currently installed versions, see Check Reuse Library Version.

In case of compatibility issues or version conflicts, contact customer support.

From the SAP Agent 24.5.0 release, SNP ReuseLibrary is no longer part of Agent dependencies and it is removed from the release bundle.

Install the Agent on SAP NetWeaver Earlier Than Version 7.4

To install the ABAP agent without import errors with RC=8, import the following transport requests in the sequence: 

  1. SNP Reuse Library for the Agent version <=24.4.0.
  2. SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring.
  3. Cisco AppDynamics Monitoring Content.
  4. Cisco AppDynamics ABAP Agent Core

Install the Agent on SAP NetWeaver Gateway Earlier Than Version 7.4

To install the ABAP agent on the NetWeaver Gateway system, import the following transport requests on both front end and back end systems:

  1. SNP Reuse Library for the Agent version <=24.4.0.
  2. SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring.
  3. Cisco AppDynamics Monitoring Content.
  4. Cisco AppDynamics ABAP Agent Core
  5. Cisco AppDynamics BEP instrumentation

Install the Agent on SAP NetWeaver Version 7.4 or Later

To install the ABAP agent on SAP NetWeaver 7.4 or later, import the following transport requests:

  1. SNP Reuse Library for the Agent version <=24.4.0.
  2. SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring.
  3. Cisco AppDynamics Monitoring Content.
  4. Cisco AppDynamics ABAP agent 7.4

For IS-U systems, the following transport request can be imported on top of previously listed transport requests:

Cisco AppDynamics ABAP agent for IS-U

Install the Agent on SAP NetWeaver Gateway Version 7.4 or Later

SAP NetWeaver 7.4 includes NW Gateway, so the instrumentation is part of ABAP Agent version 7.4. Use the same transport requests for all SAP NetWeaver version 7.4 or later systems.

If you have a separate NW Gateway system version 7.4 or later, the installation steps are the same as all ABAP version 7.4 systems. See also Instrument NetWeaver Gateway.

Install the BiQ Collector

To install the BiQ collector, import the necessary BiQ transport requests after ABAP Agent is already installed on the system. Check included readme.txt file and see Monitor SAP Business Processes for complete list of prerequisites.

As of release 23.2.0, BiQ Collector is included in ABAP Agent CORE and ABAP Agent 740 installation transport requests, and it no longer needs to be installed separately.

SAP Authorizations

This topic has been moved to a standalone page. See SAP Authorizations.

Install the HTTP SDK

Installation steps depend on the SAP application server Operating System (OS):

As of release 23.2.0, a Legacy HTTP SDK build is added to the release bundle. This Legacy build is intended for customers with SAP systems running on Linux system releases based on unsupported GLIBC versions. See SAP Supported Application Server Operating System for more details.

SSL Communication with On-premises Controllers

HTTP SDK is delivered with a default certificate used for SSL communication with SaaS controllers only. A custom SSL certificate must be installed if you want to use SSL communication with the On-premises controller. Installation steps depend on how HTTP SDK was installed.

Install the Cisco AppDynamics Machine Agent

As of release 20.11.0, HTTP SDK can be used to replace Machine Agent HTTP Listener for application event reporting. See Application Event API Adapters for more details.

The Machine Agent collects the OS performance metrics, such as CPU, RAM, disk, and network, for the SAP application servers. SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring uses the Machine Agent to report SAP-specific events. Install the Machine Agent on all SAP application servers and enable the HTTP listener.

See Install the Machine Agent and Configure the Machine Agent.

Enable Machine Agent HTTP Listener

HTTP SDK can be used to fully replace Machine Agent HTTP Listener. See Application Event API Adapters.

(Optional) The Machine Agent HTTP Listener is used to pass custom application events from SAP system to the Controller.

Do the following when you install the standalone Machine Agent from the RPM package:

  1. To enable the HTTP listener, edit the /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/etc/sysconfig/appdynamics-machine-agent configuration file and add the following line: 
    JAVA_OPTS="-Dmetric.http.listener=true -Dmetric.http.listener.port=8293"
  2. Save the changes. 
  3. Restart the Machine Agent service.

For a non-RPM installation, enable the HTTP listener of the machine. See Machine Agent HTTP Listener.