On this page:

This topic describes installing the HTTP SDK automatically. You can install, update, and reinstall the HTTP SDK on every active application server node of the SAP system by using the Automatic HTTP SDK Installation program.

Before You Begin

  • Check the OS level of all SAP application servers if the GLIBC version is at least 2.17 (on Linux OS) or Visual C++ Redistributable version is at least 2019 (on Windows OS) to determine if the latest build of HTTP SDK can be installed. See SAP Supported Application Server Operating System for more details.
    • For Windows OS, if older C++ runtime is used, install Visual C++ Redistributable version 2019 or newer on all SAP application servers before installing HTTP SDK.
    • For Linux OS, if older C++ runtime is available on at least one of the servers and updating it is not possible, use the Legacy build of HTTP SDK, or Installing HTTP SDK Manually on a dedicated Linux server with GLIBC version 2.17 or newer. See SAP Supported Application Server Operating System for more details.
  • Create a target directory on every application server node. The default directory is /opt/appdynamics (Linux) or C:\AppDynamics (Microsoft Windows).

    Shared Folder

    As of ABAP Agent version 24.5.0, you can use shared network directory to install HTTP SDK from all SAP instances to one folder.

  • Provide the OS user, <SID>adm or SAPService<SID>, with full permission on the target directory on each application server node.

  • Install or update the ABAP agent first. It contains HTTP SDK package used for automatic installation.

  • For an HTTP SDK update, stop all running HTTP SDK instances using transaction code /DVD/APPD_STATUS.

  • For Microsoft Windows OS:

    • Install PowerShell on each application server. 

    • Set the execution policy to RemoteSigned. Execute the following command as Administrator and confirm with Y + Enter:

      PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Install or Update HTTP SDK

  1. Start the AppDynamics HTTP SDK Installation Manager application by using the transaction code /DVD/APPD_SDK. Alternatively, you can click SDK Installation in the customizing menu to start the application.
    The AppDynamics HTTP SDK Installation Manager screen appears. 

    Before the first SDK installation, a prompt to select the custom installation directory appears. The selected directory is used for all application servers. Ensure that the SAP OS user has full access to the selected directory and that the directory is not shared with other SAP application servers. You can recall this prompt from the menu Edit > Change Directory at any time.

  2. On the SDK Installation Manager page, click Install SDK.  In case of an older C++ runtime version, click Install Legacy SDK.
    When all the installation requirements are met, the application installs the HTTP SDK on all application servers.

    From the 24.5.0 release, the shared folder deployment is supported that allows the deployment of multiple HTTP SDK instances in the same shared network drive folder.

Verify if your installation is successful and looks similar to the following installation:

 The following table describes the fields and descriptions:


Global status of the installation for a given node

  • Green indicates that the node is ready for installation or that the newest SDK version is installed

  • Yellow indicates that new version is available, but HTTP SDK instances are still running so update is not possible until all instances are stopped

  • Red indicates potential errors during the installation pre-check

Node nameName of an application server node
HTTP SDK folderA local directory on the SAP application server, where you install the HTTP SDK
Directory Exists
  • Green indicates that a target directory exists on the application server node

  • Red indicates the absence of the target directory on the application server node

Write Access
  • Green indicates that the <SID>adm or SAPService<SID> user has write access on the target directory

  • Red indicates that the <SID>adm or SAPService<SID> user does not have write access on the target directory

SDK Installed
  • Grey indicates that no HTTP SDK version was detected in the target directory

  • Green indicates that the newest HTTP SDK version is installed in the target directory

  • Yellow indicates that a newer HTTP SDK version is available

SDK Stopped
  • Green indicates that no HTTP SDK instance is running on a given application server node

  • Yellow indicates the presence of an active HTTP SDK instance on the application server node. Stop all HTTP SDK instances before proceeding with HTTP SDK update or re-installation

CurrentShows the version of HTTP SDK currently installed on the application server
NewShows the newest version of HTTP SDK delivered with latest ABAP Agent transport request

Install Custom Certificate for Local HTTP SDK

Custom SSL certificate for local HTTP SDK needs to be installed only if you want to use SSL communication between HTTP SDK and On-premises controller. 

  1. Go to your Controller using web browser
  2. Download SSL certificate in .crt format and save as custom.crt
  3. Go to transaction code /DVD/APPD_SDK

  4. Select Edit > Upload Cust SSL file from menu

  5. Select the certificate file and click Open.

  6. Go to transaction code /DVD/APPD_STATUS and restart all HTTP SDK instances.


  • No Write Access to /opt/appdynamics folder

    • Make sure OS user <SID>adm has full rights for this folder

    • Alternatively, use another folder like /tmp/appdynamics

  • "Unable to create directory" even if write access is provided

    • Installation of HTTP SDK requires creating subdirectories; make sure that the user has also permissions to create and change subdirectories, and not only top directory (parameter -R in Linux)

  • Update of HTTP SDK to new version fails

    • Make sure old HTTP SDK instances are stopped (if they appear stopped in /DVD/APPD_STATUS, check manually on OS level)

  • Only one HTTP SDK instance remains running after all instances are started

    • Make sure that the installation directory is not shared among multiple SAP application servers.

    • If it is a shared network directory, change it to local directory that is unique on every SAP application server, reinstall HTTP SDK and start all instances again.

  • HTTP SDK / C++ SDK fails to initialize connection to the controller
    • Make sure that the correct controller settings are maintained. See Set Up SAP ABAP Agent.
    • Check C++ SDK logs via /DVD/APPD_STATUS → Logs for more details about the specific connection error.
    • If C++ SDK logs contain WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_FLAG_CERT_REV_FAILED error, you can use expert setting 'HTTP_SDK_CONT_IGNORE_CRLto suppress certificate revocation list check. See Expert Settings.