On this page:

This topic describes installing the HTTP SDK manually on a remote Linux 64-bit Gateway Server (remote server). You need to install, update, or reinstall HTTP SDK manually when using this method.

Before You Begin

  • Use this method if one or more application servers of your SAP system run on an unsupported OS, or when your SAP system has application servers with mixed OS types (like Linux and Microsoft Windows), see supported OS
  • Create a target directory on the remote server. The default recommended directory is /opt/appdynamics
  • Check the remote Linux server OS level if the GLIBC version is at least 2.17 to determine if the latest build of HTTP SDK can be installed.
    • If older C++ runtime is available and updating it is not possible, it is recommended to use a different Linux system with a supported GLIBC version where the Latest HTTP SDK can be used. If this is also not possible, use the Legacy build of HTTP SDK. See SAP Supported Application Server Operating System for more details.
  • Ensure that remote system contains Java (JRE or JDK) minimum version 1.8_401 (Java 8) due to TLS1.3 support of SDK Manager.

  • Provide full access rights (read, write, and execute) to the target directory
  • For an HTTP SDK update:
    • Go to t-code /DVD/APPD_STATUS and stop all HTTP SDK instances on all SAP systems that use this remote server
    • Stop the SDK Manager instance

Install or Update HTTP SDK Manually

  1. Extract the ABAP agent zip file: APPD-SAP-<version>.zip
  2. Copy the content of appdhttpsdk-latest or appdhttpsdk-legacy (based on GLIBC version check) sub-directory of the SapAgent-<version> directory into appdhttpsdk sub-directory in your target directory on the remote server 
    1. When updating to the new HTTP SDK version, overwrite existing files
  3. Provide full access rights (read, write, and execute) to the HTTP SDK directory (like /opt/appdynamics/appdhttpsdk) and all its files and sub-directories to enable configuration and control of the HTTP SDK by any user that starts the SDK Manager

SDK Manager

Start the SDK Manager on the remote system to enable remote control and life-cycle management of your HTTP SDK instances. SDK Manager is installed along with the HTTP SDK.

To start the SDK Manager application, run the following command (adjust the command path when using a different target directory):


Optional parameters:

  • -p <port number>: Use this parameter to override the default SDK manager port, 7999

  • -j <path to java>:  used to set JAVA_HOME variable for SDK manager 

  • -cSDK manager will not restart previously running HTTP SDK instances when this parameter is used

It is recommended that you add the SDK Manager startup script to your OS-level startup scripts. It enables the HTTP SDK auto-restart functionality for the remote server. Do not use the -c parameter in this scenario.

Open the SDK Manager port (default 7999) for all the SAP application server hosts that connect to the SDK Manager instance. This port enables control of HTTP SDK instance and access to logs. An additional port must be open per each SAP application server to enable communication between ABAP Agent and the remote HTTP SDK instance. If you are using strict firewall rules, open all relevant ports between relevant hosts.

  • Ensure that the SDK Manager is executed by one user or user group. HTTP SDK proxy configuration and log file authorizations are restricted to the user and user group that started the SDK Manager.
  • SDK Manager supports only IPv4 protocol.

Install Custom Controller Certificate for Remote HTTP SDK

Custom controller SSL certificate for remote HTTP SDK needs to be installed only if you want to use SSL communication between HTTP SDK and On-premises controller. 

  1. Go to your Controller using web browser
  2. Download SSL certificate in .crt format and save as custom.crt
  3. On the remote server, go to the HTTP SDK directory (like /opt/appdynamics/appdhttpsdk/)
  4. Copy downloaded certificate into this directory
  5. Go to transaction code /DVD/APPD_CUST
  6. Switch to edit mode
  7. Enter the custom certificate file name (like custom.crt) into Custom SSL file (optional) field
  8. Save settings
  9. Go to t-code /DVD/APPD_STATUS and restart all HTTP SDK instances


  • "Failed to start SDK manager. Check logs."

    • Make sure that the port you are trying to bind SDK Manager to is not blocked and is open. When you are using the script "runSDKManager" the port is 7999 by default. If you are using parameter "-p" check whatever
      port you are trying to use. Command to check if a port is not already in use is:

      • Linux - "netstat -tulpn | grep <port_number>" - if there is record with action "LISTEN" port is already in use

      • Windows - "netstat -ano | Select-String <port_number>" - if there is record with action "LISTENING" port is already in use