The SMTP email server must be configured to enable email and SMS notifications and digests to be sent by the Controller.


For this activity, users need the predefined Account Owner role or another role with the Configure Email / SMS permission.

Configure an SMTP server

  1. In the Controller UI, from the top navigation menu bar, click Alert & Respond > Email/ SMS Configuration.
  2. Provide the connection information for the SMTP host and port. 

    • A SaaS Controller should be preconfigured with the appropriate settings, but verify the settings as the following:

      1. SMTP Host: localhost

        For SaaS deployments, set SMTP Host to mx.mail.svc.cluster.local.

      2. SMTP Port: 25

      No authentication is needed.

    • For an on-premises controller, use a host and port settings for an SMTP server available in the controller deployment environment.

  3. For the sender address in notification emails, you can use the default or customize the addresses using one of the following:
    • Default SMTP (SaaS): Leave the From Address field empty, and you will receive emails from the default email address: noreply@<yoursaasprefix>
    • Custom SMTP (SaaS): SaaS Controllers on AWS use Amazon Simple Email Service for sending emails. To use a custom domain for the email, you must verify the domain with Amazon SES and then enter your verified email addresses in the From Address field.
    • Default SMTP (On-Premises): Enter your custom email addresses in the From Address field.

  4. If the SMTP host requires authentication, configure the credentials in the Authentication settings. 
  5. If you want to add any text to the beginning of the notification, enter it in the Notification Header Text field.
  6. If you are using SMS do one of the following:

    • Select Default and choose one of the available carriers from the pulldown menu.
    • Select Custom and enter the phone number receiving the message as  <phone number>@<sms gateway>.

      For example, a mobile phone in the United States serviced by AT&T might be:

      A mobile phone in the United Kingdom serviced by Textlocal might be:

      See SMS gateway by country for information on most common SMS gateways.

  7. Test the configuration by sending an email.
  8. Save the settings.

Troubleshoot Notifications

If you do not receive notifications for health rule violations, it could be because the default SMTP server timeout period is too short. To troubleshoot, increase the value of the mail.smtp.socketiotimeout Controller Setting in the Administration Console. The default value is 30 seconds.