This page covers release information for the Cisco AppDynamics SaaS 24.7 release. For product updates, including release dates, support advisories, and end-of-life notices, see Product Announcements and Alerts Home.

When there is an update to an artifact, you can find the new version numbers in the following tables. Version numbers are also displayed on the Downloads Portal.

Agent Enhancements

The following table lists the Agent enhancements included in the 24.7 release.

No results found.



Release Version

Release Date
Analytics Agent

Analytics Agent 24.7.0 is the last release that supports Java 8. From the next release, Analytics Agent will support Java 11.

This release upgrades the following third-party component:

ComponentPrevious VersionUpgraded Version
24.7.0July 25, 2024
Android AgentThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.


Apache Web Server AgentThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Cisco AppDynamics AWS Lambda Extension for Serverless APM

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.


C/C++ SDKThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.


Cluster Agent

This release includes:

  • Support to enable custom SSL for Java Agent during auto-instrumentation. See javaAgentCustomSSLKeystore and javaAgentCustomSSLKeystorePasswordSecret at Auto-Instrumentation Configuration.
  • Minor bug fixes.


July 23, 2024

Cordova Plugin

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Database Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.


Flutter Agent

This release includes:

  • Support for the Flutter 3.22.2 version. See Agent Resolved Issues.
  • Updated HTTP library:
    LibraryPrevious VersionNew Version


July 22, 2024


There is no 24.7.0 release yet.


IBM Integration Bus Agent There is no 24.7.0 release yet.


iOS AgentThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Java Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Java Serverless Tracer

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



JavaScript Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Machine Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.


MAUI Agent There is no 24.7.0 release yet.


Network Agent
LibraryOperating SystemsPrevious VersionUpgraded Version

CentOS, Ubuntu, Windows
24.7.0July 10, 2024
Node.js AgentThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.


Node.js Serverless TracerThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.


.NET Agent

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • You can now request .NET agent log files using the Controller UI. See Request Agent Log Files.

  • You can now disable Secure App services for the .NET agent using the Controller UI. To do so, add or edit the disable-dynamic-services node property and include the secapp value.

  • The default user in the appdynamics/dotnet-core-agent container image was changed to the non-root user.
  • Improvements to transaction context handling at the end of ASP.NET asynchronous instrumentation.
  • Updates to third-party dependencies.
  • Bug fixes. See Agent Resolved Issues.


July 26, 2024

PHP Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Python Agent

The Python Agent now supports Boto3.


July 22, 2024

Python Serverless Tracer

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



React Native Agent

The React Native Agent now supports React Native 0.74.2. See Instrument React Native Applications.24.7.0July 8, 2024


There is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Smart Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.--

Hosted Synthetic Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.--

Private Synthetic Agent

There is no 24.7.0 release yet.--
Xamarin AgentThere is no 24.7.0 release yet.



Agent Resolved Issues

No results found.




Severity Level

Affected Version(s)Release VersionRelease Date
NETVIZ-58 and NETVIZ-62Network AgentThe agent does not locate configuration files in customer directories.
LowAll versions24.7.0July 10, 2024
NETVIZ-15 and NETVIZ-16Network AgentThe non-administrator users can access the packet capture files.
MediumAll versions24.7.0July 10, 2024
CDM-9849Flutter AgentThe screenshots of the Flutter-based Android application in the Controller UI are appearing black.Medium23.12.0, 22, 2024


.NET AgentSome end user monitoring cookies are not excluded from the business transaction correlation even when the request exclude rule is configured to exclude these cookies.Low23.424.7.0July 26, 2024

Agent Known Issues

There are no known issues yet for the 24.7 agent releases.

SaaS Controller Enhancements

The software for the update described in this release note may be provided to select customers as an early release prior to GA. Release notes provided during such early access period may be missing documentation and are subject to change at the sole discretion of Cisco AppDynamics

References to third parties are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a suggestion of endorsement or partnership. All rights related to any such references are reserved for the respective owner or party.

Product/ComponentSummaryRelease VersionRelease Date
Accedian Skylight Integration

You can now:

  • use the Accedian Skylight integration to gain insights to the health of your critical networks in the context of browser applications.
  • create dashboards for Accedian Skylight using Dash Studio. The supported widgets are Time Series, Metric Number, and Gauge.
24.7.0July, 2024
Anomaly Detection

In addition to application performance issues,Cisco AppDynamics SaaS can now automatically detect anomalies in base pages for browser applications and network request for mobile applications. 

You can configure anomaly detection with severity level and detection sensitivity to identify anomalies in specific base pages and network requests.  When anomalies are detected, you get alerts to take corrective actions.

24.7.0July, 2024
Business Transaction

The Slowest DB & Remote Service Calls tab is now available for business transactions. This tab lists the remote service calls with call details and related business transaction snapshots that can help you troubleshoot. 

24.7.0July, 2024
Cluster Monitoring

You can now use the following Controller settings for pod purge:

  • sim.machines.pod.purger.batchSize: The maximum number of pods assigned per thread for purging.
  • sim.machines.pod.purger.maxThreadCount: The maximum number of threads for pod purge.
24.7.0July, 2024

The new look and feel of the Controller UI is designed to enhance your user experience. Here are the major changes:

  • Updated Navigation Path: The navigation path within the Controller UI is revamped for a more intuitive experience. The main menu is now accessible from the left pane, replacing the previous top menu bar.
  • Applications Menu: The Applications menu is now displayed on the left pane, listing all available applications. You can then choose an application to navigate to the details.
  • Consolidated User Settings: All user details are now conveniently located in one place within the user settings option. You no longer need to enable the miniprofile.controller.enabled property in the admin.jsp page to view your personal profile.
  • Help Menu: The help and support information is now available within the help menu under the help icon.

24.7.0July, 2024

The following libraries are upgraded:

LibraryPrevious VersionUpgraded Version









24.7.0July, 2024
Mobile Real User Monitoring

The Controller UI now displays request and response metrics when monitoring mobile applications. This feature helps in analyzing and troubleshooting performance issues.

The Network Request Snapshot page now indicates the time stamps and content length of requests and responses. See Network Request Snapshot Content.

24.7.0July, 2024
Database Monitoring

The BLOCKING_SESSION event is now supported for the Oracle database. 

24.7.0July, 2024
Dash Studio

You can now define a custom variable in a dashboard to fetch attributes of Analytics metrics and use the variable in an ADQL query.

24.7.0July, 2024
License Usage
  • License Usage Reporting: For Agent-based Licensing (ABL), you can now generate license usage reports for one or more applications from License > Reporting. The report breaks down the licensing units for agents. It also indicates how many license units originate from APM microservices that can be filtered through Controller properties and Cluster Agent data. Finally, you can export and download the report as a CSV file.
  • Cisco Secure Application License Usage: From the License Summary Dashboard, you can view the point-in-time data for your Infrastructure-based Licensing (IBL) Cisco Secure Application license usage.
24.7.0July, 2024

SaaS Controller Resolved Issues

The software for the update described in this release note may be provided to select customers as an early release prior to GA. Release notes provided during such early access period may be missing documentation and are subject to change at the sole discretion of Cisco AppDynamics

No results found.




Severity Level

Affected Version(s)

Release Version

Release Date


Alert and Respond

Policy creation fails with the error Action has invalid timezone.

Medium-24.7.0July, 2024



Cannot create health rules when there are large number of servers in Affected Entities.

Medium-24.7.0July, 2024



The Controller REST APIs do not work when the application name contains slash (/).

Medium24.3.0, 24.5.0, and, 2024



The complete custom event summary is not displayed under Events.

Low24., 2024


Alert and Respond

The HTTP request and email actions do not get triggered for Controllers on certain IP domains.

--24.7.0July, 2024


End User Monitoring

The Network Request page will not load if stale metrics are purged in the Controller.

Medium-24.7.0July, 2024


End User Monitoring

The Controller displays incorrect license data on the time series graph.

Medium23., 2024


ControllerRetrieving all health rules for an application through the API takes more time than anticipated.High23., 2024


ControllerThe HTTP 500 Internal server error occurs while saving the ADQL search. This issue occurs intermittently. Low24., 2024


ControllerThe 500 Server error gets displayed on the Agent Management page.High24., 2024



Copying Service Endpoint configuration deletes the custom service endpoint definition.

Low24., 2024


ControllerCannot select multiple applications for the bulk actions on the Agent Management UI.Low-24.7.0July, 2024


ControllerThe 500 internal server error gets displayed when you add variables for metric expression in the custom dashboard.Low-24.7.0July, 2024



The SameSite cookie attribute was not set for the response cookie.

Low-24.7.0July, 2024



The search applies only to the current page in the Agent Management UI.

Medium24., 2024


ControllerThe Servers page does not list the servers when you filter using custom tags.Low24.2.724.7.0July, 2024


ControllerThe unit of measurement is not displayed for  Average Request Size in the Metric Browser.Low-24.7.0July, 2024


ControllerThe UI displays the 504 Gateway Timeout error when retrieving large number of node information.Low-24.7.0July, 2024


ControllerThe container details of applications with server visibility are not displayed on the Controller UI.
Low24., 2024


Database MonitoringThe Databases > <collector> > Queries tab does not display any data.High24., 2024


ControllerAn error message is displayed when a user with default permissions navigates from the Applications page to the Business Transaction page. Low
  • 24.3.0 
  • 24.4.0 
  • 24.5.0 
  • 24.6.0
24.7.0July, 2024


LicensingLicense denied error is displayed; clustered databases consume more leases than expected.Low
  • 24.5.1
  • 24.6.0 
24.7.0July, 2024


Licensing.NET Agents consume more license units than expected.Medium
  • 24.5.0 
  • 24.6.0
24.7.0July, 2024


LicensingRUM license usage displayed in Controller UI varies from the license usage displayed in Accounts UI. Low-
24.7.0July, 2024
SYNTH-10328Synthetic MonitoringSynthetic jobs do not start at the scheduled time.Medium24., 2024
TMNT-6740ControllerThe custom time range displays incorrect date. This issue occurs when timezone is set as per local time.Medium23.11.0
24.7.0July, 2024


Database Monitoring

Cannot register the Database collectors.Low24., 2024



The disk I/O trend data is not visible in the Server tab.Low-24.7.0July, 2024


ControllerThe Specify a Relative Metric Path field is empty after importing the custom dashboard.Medium
  • 24.5.0
  • 24.6.0
24.7.0July, 2024


ControllerThe Controller displays 499 status code instead of the 401 error code.
Low24., 2024

Agent Management Enhancements

This release includes the following Agent Management UI improvements:

  • Sorting: You can now sort the columns except Version Status on AppServer Agents, Machine Agents and Smart Agents pages.
    Sorting applies to the entire list, not just the current page.
  • Searching: You can use the search field to search from the entire list and not just the current page.
  • Sort tasks with start and finish timeframe: You can now sort the History and Tasks In Progress pages by using Started on and Finished on columns.
  • Identify the task creators: Task In Progress includes a new column Created By, which includes the user name who created the task.
  • Smart Agent Details: You can now view the details of any Smart Agent when you click Details for the selected agent in the Smart Agents page. The details also include all the agents that are deployed through Smart agent. You can view the deployed agents under Connected Agents with their respective statuses on the Smart Agent Details page.
  • .Net install location: You can now specify Installation directory and Config Directory for .Net Agent during Installation. During the installation, the available Smart Agents will have Windows architecture.
  • View history and tasks: The application owners with View Agent, Edit Agent, and Install Agent permissions can now view the details in Tasks In Progress and History.
  • Agent Architecture Details: The operating system and architecture of agents are displayed in the Architecture column within any agent inventory. You can also view the architecture when selecting a Smart Agent during installation.
  • Export Grid Data: You can use Export Grid data to export only the filtered data on the current page.
  • Admin permission for Agent Management UI: You can get the admin privileges only to Agent Management UI by using the Install Agents permission. This does not grant the admin permissions for other pages.