This page provides instructions on recovering custom dashboards in AppDynamics.

When a user is deleted from the user list, any custom dashboard that the user has created becomes non-functional with no permissions and is unable to execute properly. This impacts all associated dashboard-based reports and shares. To solve this problem, you can use the Recover function.

Recovering a non-functional dashboard reassigns ownership to the recovering user which automatically makes the custom dashboard, its shares, and related reports functional again. 

The Recover option is activated only when the dashboard owner is a deleted user.

Use the following steps to recover a non-functioning dashboard:

  1. Login to the Controller as a user with VIEW_DASHBOARDS and CREATE_DASHBOARDS permissions.
  2. Access the custom dashboards listing page.
  3. Select the non-functioning dashboard and right-click to access the context menu.  
    When the owner of the dashboard is active, the Recover option remains disabled as shown below:
    Recover Dashboard

    When the owner is deleted, the Recover option is enabled automatically.

    Recover Option Enabled

  4. Choose Recover from the context menu. 
    The following confirmation dialog box appears in case of single dashboard recovery:
    Recover Confirmation

    You can select multiple non-functional dashboards and recover all of them at once. To select multiple custom dashboards, use control-click for non-contiguous rows and shift-click for contiguous rows. Also, you must ensure that the owners of all the selected dashboards are deleted users, else the Recover function remains disabled.  

  5. Once the dashboard is recovered successfully the following message pops up on the screen:
    Recover Pop-Up

To recover a dashboard, you must have the CREATE_DASHBOARD permission. If you execute the Recover function without this permission, the following message is displayed:

Recover Error Message

Also, see Visibility and Permissions.

Duplicating a dashboard creates a new dashboard with the same capabilities as the non-functioning dashboard. However, duplication does not make the shares or the associated reports. The result is that the new dashboard operates using deleted user's permissions (as with Recover), but the shares and reports have to be manually recreated.   

In some cases, duplicating the inactive dashboard helps customers in regaining control over the shares and reports. However, there are cases when the customers depend on the reports and shares created by the deleted user where duplication would not work. This is where the recover function is a better choice which retains all existing shares and related reports.