This page covers release information for the AppDynamics SaaS 23.11 release. For product updates, including release dates, support advisories, and end-of-life notices, see Product Announcements and Alerts Home.


The following tables list the enhancements included in the AppDynamics SaaS 23.11 release.

When there is an update to an artifact, you can find the new version numbers in the following tables. Version numbers are also displayed in the AppDynamics Downloads Portal.

Agent Enhancements

No results found.



Release Version

Release Date
Analytics Agent

This release upgrades the following third-party components.

ComponentPrevious VersionUpgraded Version
23.11.0November 27, 2023
Android AgentThere is no 23.11.0 release yet.--
Apache Web Server Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


AppDynamics AWS Lambda Extension for Serverless APM

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.




This release includes support for:

  • The Normal Average Response Time (ms) metric.
  • TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 for communication with the Controller and Analytics Server. The default version utilized depends on the TLS version supported on the Controller and Analytics Server.


November 17, 2023

Cluster Agent 

This release includes bug fixes.

23.11.1December 7, 2023

This release includes:

23.11.0November 29, 2023

Cordova Plugin

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.



Database Agent

This release adds:

  • The following Microsoft SQL Server database events. You can configure policies for these events.
  • The BLOCKING_SESSION database event

See Microsoft SQL Server Database Events Reference and Database Events Reference.

23.11.0November 28, 2023
Flutter AgentThis release includes the stack trace support for the hybrid applications that are built using Flutter. The Crash Summary page now segregates the hybrid stack trace as native and Flutter. It helps you to identify what type of code is causing the issue. See Crash Snapshots.23.11.0November 28, 2023


There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


IBM Integration Bus Agent 

This release includes:

  • An option to select IIB Agent while creating a match rule. This provides the necessary visibility and context for the non-performant IIB business transactions. See Custom Match Rules
  • An option to add HTTP parameters while configuring the data collectors. This provides the HTTP header and payload information for the IIB business transactions. See Data Collectors.
23.11.0November 7, 2023
iOS Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


Java Agent

This release includes:

23.11.0November 30, 2023

Java Serverless Tracer

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.



JavaScript Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.



Machine Agent

This release includes:


November 30, 2023
MAUI Agent There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


Network Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


Node.js Agent 

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.



Node.js Serverless Tracer

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.



PHP Agent

This release includes:

  • Support for Alpine Linux. See PHP Supported Environments.
  • A bug fix. See PHP-2168 in the Agent Resolved Issues.
  • Upgrades to the following third-party component.

    ComponentPrevious VersionUpgraded Version


November 29, 2023

Python Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


Python Serverless Tracer

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.



React Native Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.




SAP Agent Release Notes


November 30, 2023

Hosted Synthetic Agent

This release supports Synthetic jobs execution on Chrome version 117 (Beta). There are no changes to the support on Chrome version 86.

See Choose Browsers.


November 16, 2023

Private Synthetic Agent

There is no 23.11.0 release yet.


Xamarin AgentThere is no 23.11.0 release yet.--
.Net Agent

This release includes:

  • Code optimizations, performance improvements, and third-party library upgrades.
  • Bug fixes. See Agent Resolved Issues.
23.11.0November 30, 2023

SaaS Controller Enhancements

Product/ComponentSummaryRelease VersionRelease Date

The Controller UI now displays the JavaScript Agent version for the browser application. Select the browser application in User Experience and the following pages display the Agent version:

  • Browser App Dashboard > Browser Snapshots: Go to View Options and select Agent Version.
  • Analyze: Select Agent Version from the Fields section.

This release includes the following bug fix. See SaaS Controller Resolved Issues.

  • ANALYTICS-15997
  • TMNT-7109
23.11.7April 29, 2024

This release includes the following bug fix. See SaaS Controller Resolved Issues.

23.11.6March 6, 2024

This release includes the following bug fixes. See SaaS Controller Resolved Issues.

  • PRAGUE_UI-469
  • STUDIO-5198
  • TMNT-7002
23.11.5February 14, 2024

This release includes the following bug fixes. See SaaS Controller Resolved Issues.

23.11.4January 25, 2024

This release includes the following bug fixes. See SaaS Controller Resolved Issues.

  • LIC-4512
23.11.3December 22, 2023
Database Monitoring

This release optimizes the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) API, and redundant RBAC calls to the backend are removed.

23.11.2December 13, 2023
Alert and Respond

You can now create a policy for the following AppDynamics Config Warnings events:

  • Controller Metric Registration Limit Reached
  • Agent Metric Registration Limit Reached

See Configure Policies.

For a data unavailable scenario, you can now control the health rule evaluation to one of the following:

  • Critical or Warning: The health rule considers this no data scenario as Critical or Warning condition, and the health rule status is shown in Red or Yellow, respectively.
  • Unknown: The health rule considers the no data scenario as unknown, and the health status is shown in Grey.
  • Healthy: The health rule considers the no data scenario as healthy, and the health rule status is shown in Green.

See Create and Configure Conditions.

23.11.1December 6, 2023

These components are upgraded in this release:

ComponentPrevious VersionUpgraded Version
Apache Xerces2.
Lodash3.10.1 and

These components are removed in this release:

  • Linux kernel 
  • GlassFish
23.11November 30, 2023
Anomaly DetectionIn the Suspected Cause details page, the Top Deviating Metrics timeline now clearly displays the evaluation period of an anomaly. The evaluation time period is the duration in which the data is analyzed to detect the anomaly.  From the timeline, you can now precisely identify the time when the issue started. See Troubleshooting Anomalies.23.11.0November 30, 2023
ThousandEyes Integration with Mobile Real User MonitoringYou can integrate ThousandEyes with Mobile Real User Monitoring. This integration combines mobile application data from AppDynamics and internet network metrics from ThousandEyes to provide full-stack observability.

When you add the ThousandEyes widget to the mobile application dashboard, you can:

  • View ThousandEyes network metrics (packet loss, latency, and jitter) and network health in the context of mobile applications.
  • Analyze the impact of network performance on mobile application performance
    • Analyze how latency, packet loss, and jitter affect end-user response time and application errors
  • Identify whether the network is the cause of mobile application issues:
    • Network issue affecting a specific geographic location
    • Network issue affecting a specific domain
    • Network issue (latency) causing higher end-user response time
    • Network issue (packet loss) causing errors in mobile applications
    • Network issue (jitter) causing inconsistent user experience
  • Narrow down the network issue to a specific domain and a specific location
  • Forward the ThousandEyes test with the network issue to the NetworkOps team for further troubleshooting
  • Troubleshoot the network issue by navigating to the ThousandEyes dashboard

See ThousandEyes Integration with Mobile Real User Monitoring.

To activate the integration, you need an active license of any of the following EUM licenses and an active subscription to ThousandEyes Network and Application Synthetics: 

  • Real User Monitoring (SaaS) - Peak Edition
  • Mobile Real User Monitoring (SaaS) - Peak Edition 

For the license entitlements, see License Entitlements and Restrictions.

Your data may travel outside your selected region if you use the ThousandEyes integration. For more information, see the Privacy Data Sheets for AppDynamics and ThousandEyes.

23.11.0November 30, 2023
Cluster Monitoring

The following event subtypes are now supported to define the policy actions:

  • Deployment Added
  • Deployment Deleted
  • Replicaset Added
  • Replicaset Deleted
  • Pod Added
  • Pod Deleted
  • Pod Phase Changed

On the Events page, New Cluster Events are now changed to Custom. See Configure Policy for Kubernetes Events.

23.11.0November 30, 2023
Browser Real User Monitoring

You can now enable Google Core Web Vitals in Splunk AppDynamics SaaS while configuring the JavaScript Agent. Google Core Web Vitals is a set of metrics that measure the real-world user experience for loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability of the page. For more information, see Enable Core Web Vitals.

23.11.0November 30, 2023
Unified Observability Experience (EAP)

Cisco introduces the all-new Unified Observability Experience, combining Cisco Cloud Observability and AppDynamics SaaS tenants to get to the root cause faster with logs. With the Early Access Program (EAP), you can see in-context logs for your applications and leverage the advanced log troubleshooting capabilities of Cisco Cloud Observability.

Cisco Cloud Observability is Cisco’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) product for observing, securing, and optimizing large, managed Kubernetes deployments on public clouds (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenShift). For participation, AppDynamics SaaS tenants must be integrated with Cisco Observability Platform tenants. The Cisco Support team will perform this integration during the EAP phase.

For information about Cisco Cloud Observability, see About Cloud Native Application Observability.

This documentation mentions features that are currently in the early access phase. Cisco AppDynamics makes no warranties regarding these features, including performance, quality, or availability, and reserves the right to change the features and its documentation including the content herein at any time before making them generally available as well as never making them generally available. Any buying decisions should be made based on features and products that are currently generally available.

23.11.0November 30, 2023

Business Transactions are now mapped to the automatic transaction discovery rule. See View Business Transactions.

23.11.0November 30, 2023
Agent Management 

You can now view all the installed agents on the Agent Management tab in the Controller UI. You can navigate using any of the following ways on the Controller UI to view the Agent Management tab:

  • Home > Agent Management > Manage Agents
  • Settings >  Agent Management > Manage Agents

See Agent Management User Interface.

23.11.0November 30, 2023

Agent Management Enhancements

This release introduces Smart Agent that allows you to use the Controller UI to perform bulk agent operations—install, upgrade, or rollback. 
Additionally, Agent Management provides the following:
  • The auto-attach feature to detect and start the supported AppDynamics agents without modifying the start configuration of the applications.
  • A command line utility, Smart Agent CLI, for buildtime workflows to automate install, upgrade and uninstall of supported AppDynamics agents (including Smart Agent).

Resolved Issues

When artifacts are updated, they are listed with their new version numbers in the following tables. Version numbers are also displayed in the AppDynamics Downloads Portal.

Agent Resolved Issues

No results found.




Severity Level

Affected Version(s)Release VersionRelease Date


Cluster Agent

Cluster Agent crashes with OpenShift OperatorHub bundle

High-23.11.1December 7, 2023


Cluster Agent

The Cluster Agent pod keeps restarting because numberOfTaskWorkers auto-instrumentation property does not work.Medium23.6.0, 23.7.0, 23.8.0, and 29, 2023


Cluster Agent

Cluster Agent uses environment variables for the Cluster Agent secrets. With this release, Cluster Agent uses volume mount instead of environment variable for  the secret. 

Medium-23.11.0November 29, 2023


Cluster AgentCannot use uppercase letters for appName.Medium23.6.0, 23.7.0, 23.8.0, and 29, 2023


Cluster AgentThe resourcesNetViz instrumentation property was unsupported when installing Infrastructure Visibility with Helm chart. With this release, Helm includes netViz.resourcesNetViz property. Medium-23.11.0November 29, 2023


Database Agent

Upgraded the following components:

ComponentPrevious VersionUpgraded Version
Medium23. 28, 2023
DBMON-9462Database AgentDatabase Agent does not report the agent telemetry metrics.Medium23. 28, 2023
DOTNET-6702.Net Agent The payload object name is mentioned in the logs instead of the actual payload content.
Low23. 30, 2023
DOTNET-6861.Net Agent SQL data collectors does not report data to analytics.
Low23. 30, 2023
JAVA-12316Java AgentJava Agent logs error messages when re-transformation is enabled.Medium-23.11.0November 30, 2023
JAVA-12449Java AgentMuleSoft stops working when JDK 8 is upgraded to JDK 11.- 30, 2023


PHP Agent

PHP Agent causes crashes in the underlying environments.

Medium23. 29, 2023

SaaS Controller Resolved Issues

No results found.




Severity Level

Affected Version(s)

Release Version

Release Date


When you perform a Query Language Search and click Visulization, the time series chart types are disabled for some event types.

Low23. 29, 2024


SaaS Controller

User login sessions get timed out on the Controller UI.


December 22, 2023


SaaS Controller

The Controller reports log exceptions and does not communicate with agents as expected.


November 30, 2023


SaaS Controller

The Error 500 message is displayed in the Splunk logs for some of the Controller hosts.


November 30, 2023


SaaS Controller

The stale nodes are not purged and are displayed on the Agent Management page. 

Medium-23.11.0November 30, 2023


SaaS Controller

The Health Rule violation is not displayed under Applications > Server when health rule is defined for the application

Medium-23.11.0November 30, 2023


SaaS ControllerThe pop-up message that the changes are not saved gets displayed when you close the shared dashboard.Medium-23.11.0November 30, 2023
CONTRLRDEV-649SaaS ControllerThe Controller UI does not display server metric data if you select a custom time range.Medium-23.11.0November 30, 2023
CONTRLRDEV-813SaaS ControllerThe Controller does not audit and capture the deletion of a business transaction rule in the log file.Medium-23.11.0November 30, 2023
CONTRLRDEV-1287SaaS ControllerJava Agent that runs on Oracle JRockit JVM cannot connect to the Controller.High
  • 23.8.0
  • 23.9.0
23.11.0November 30, 2023
CONTRLRDEV-1355SaaS ControllerUsers are logged out of the Controller.High
  • 23.8.0
  • 23.9.0
23.11.0November 30, 2023
CONTRLRDEV-1945SaaS ControllerCannot access shared dashboard, requests authentication.High23. 30, 2023
CONTRLRDEV-2089SaaS Controller

The Controller UI gives an IllegalStateException and displays the following error message:

Max number of active transactions reached:150

Medium23. 25, 2024
CONTRLRDEV-2242SaaS Controller

The Controller UI displays the following error message:

Error fetching overall health for servers.

Medium-23.11.4January 25, 2024



When a health rule is violated, the Server tab does not load and the Controller UI displays HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.


-23.11.5February 14, 2024
CONTRLRDEV-2644SaaS Controller
  • Cannot access the Controller URL.
  • Latency issues impact Controller performance.
Medium23. 6, 2024

The Machine Agent does not report data to the Controller.

High23. 29, 2024

The reports do not display some properties after importing the report from Dashboards & Reports > Reports.

Medium23. 29, 2024

While editing an existing Custom Dashboard report under Dashboards & Reports, if you do not make any changes on the Report Data tab, and click Save, Controller displays the following error message:

Please select a Custom Dashboard under the Report Data tab.

Medium-23.11.7April 29, 2024

Controller UI does not display the license consumption details for Analytics.


December 22, 2023



While adding or editing a license rule, matching criteria for applications does not work if you select Specified Applications on the Application Scope tab.


-23.11.5February 14, 2024
STUDIO-5161Dash StudioWhen you use dashboard variables and select the Baseline query option, the Baseline dropdown does not display any option.Medium-23.11.0December 5, 2023
STUDIO-5198Dash Studio

Cannot open or create dashboards.


-23.11.5February 14, 2024
SYNTH-9634Synthetic MonitoringThe Credential Vault page does not display the updated application name in the list view. However, it displays the correct name in edit mode. Low-23.11.0November 30, 2023
BRUM-7938Browser Real User MonitoringIn Geo Dashboard, JavaScript Errors display an incorrect Errors/Min value. Medium23. 30, 2023



The Controller UI is slow and unresponsive. 


-23.11.5February 14, 2024

Cannot access shared dashboards when the custom time range is set.

Medium-23.11.7April 29, 2024

Known Issues

23.11 Agent Known Issues

Hosted Synthetic Agent

Some pages fail to return their Visually Complete Time and visually complete screenshots. This issue occurs when you create scripted jobs using Chrome version 117.

The Visually Complete Time is not captured for webpages that have less load. Also, visually complete screenshots are not displayed for these webpages.
IBM Integration Bus Agent 

The 23.11 agent does not report metrics to Controller versions 23.9 and 23.11. We recommend upgrading to Controller 23.12. Alternatively, you can upgrade the IIB agent to version 24.2.0.

Java Agent

The agent reports too many events to the Controller which causes the Controller to drop events randomly. We recommend upgrading to Java Agent 23.12.0 to resolve this issue.

23.11 SaaS Controller Known Issues

There are no known issues yet for the SaaS Controller 23.11 releases.

23.11 Agent Management Known Issues

  • When you enter a search criteria in the Search field on the Agent Management page, the search is performed only on the page that is currently displayed instead of the entire list of agents.
  • The status of Smart Agent is not displayed correctly on the Agent Management page. If the Smart Agent is inactive, it is still visible on the Agent Management UI. If you trigger any deployment on the inactive Smart Agent, the task gets terminated.
    You can view the status of the task in the log file under Task In Progress or History on the Agent Management UI. 
  • The container node reuse feature is not supported for any agent.
  • Even though the Smart Agent upgrade is unavailable for Smart Agent < 24.4, the Upgrade action under Smart Agents tab is enabled. Therefore, the upgrade flow will fail only after the task is initiated.