

Components Without Updates

There are components included in this release that were not updated. The following components report a version where they were last changed:

  • Java Agent JCo Extension - version 20.5.0

  • SDK Manager - version 20.5.0

Components With Different Versions

There are AppDynamics components included in this release where the version does not match with the ABAP Agent components version. The following components report a version that was used in this release:

  • C++ SDK - version 21.7.4-283

ABAP Agent

SAP-174 (ASM-690): Default Match Rule Generator 

Button for generating default auto-detection match rules was added to the Match Rules tab under Instrumentation settings. This feature is intended for non-productive environments. See Configure Business Transaction Detection.

SAP-174 (ASM-699): Latest C++ SDK 

This version of ABAP Agent includes HTTP SDK compiled with the latest generally available version of C++ SDK. The latest version contains many fixes that were implemented since the last generally available C++ SDK version. The most important areas that were addressed are stability and cross-application correlation.

Because of the newly added functionality, the default 'events per minute' limit is now increased to 500.

Datavard Insights

SAP-172 (ASM-694): Enqueue Monitoring S/4 Compatibility 

Enqueue monitoring collector now works with the latest S/4 HANA releases.

SAP-175 (ASM-705): qRFC Monitoring Improvements 

Collector for monitoring RFC queues and data extraction logic for SCM systems / APO queues has been adjusted to extract more details. More queue error states are now detected automatically. Extracted details are now added into both queue error events as well as queue details analytics.

SAP-176 (ASM-512): Certificate Expiration Monitoring

Daily collector for monitoring upcoming STRUST certificate expiration was added. New widget was added to ICM Monitor dashboard.

SAP-183 (ASM-738): Number Range Monitoring

Daily collector for monitoring number ranges was added. A new dashboard Number Range Usage was added to SAP Dashboard Generator.


SAP-185: Change Documents as Document Creation and Update Time Source 

New option was added to the default business process step implementation that extracts date and time information from change documents. This can be configured at the document definition level by specifying the change document object class.

Resolved Issues

ABAP Agent

  • ASM-725: Several potential compatibility issues with the older SAP release were resolved.
  • ASM-729: Progress bar is now displayed during dashboard upload.
  • ASM-733: Toolbar navigation no longer leads to runtime errors because of context nesting.
  • ASM-740: 64-bit java compatibility check in SDK manager start-up script was adjusted to work with newer versions of Java.
  • ASM-747: Default JSAgent snippet was adjusted to enable JSAgent 21.6.0 SAP Fiori compatibility fix by default.
  • ASM-746: Dashboard upload logic is no longer broken when HTTP proxy port is used.
  • ASM-750: Directory creation on Windows OS was reworked and new authorizations were added to the admin role.
  • ASM-754: Potential issues section now contains more details that are propagated via reported call graphs.
  • ASM-763: Top RFC, HTTP, and Tables data collector for SAPGUI BTs are now limited to 10 per each type.
  • ASM-766: ABAP Agent HTTP client wrapper is no longer affected when all enhancements are uninstalled.

Datavard Insights

  • ASM-659: Program for selective deletion of Insights transactional data was added.
  • ASM-660: Program for deletion of obsolete Insights licenses was added.
  • ASM-682: Option to skip error pop-ups during Insights data export was added.
  • ASM-688: HANA collectors were adjusted to correctly detect index servers on newer HANA releases where ports do not match '%03' pattern.
  • ASM-696: Alerts table is now correctly refreshed when system selection changes in Insights cockpit.
  • ASM-701: Automated detection of full network address was added to specific server ping logic.
  • ASM-703: Several Insights database tables have been reclassified and table buffer settings were changed accordingly.
  • ASM-706: KPI Group description will no longer be missing when the custom group is generated via KPI Creation Wizard.
  • ASM-710: Input validation was added to the BO monitoring middleware (JMX connector) setup program /DVD/JMX_JCO_SETUP.
  • ASM-711: JMX connector authority checks were adjusted and relevant authorizations were added to the admin role.
  • ASM-712: System definition is now using message server hostname instead of application server hostname to avoid unnecessary definition table updates.
  • ASM-715: Division by zero cases are now handled correctly in HANA CPU and IO monitoring collector.
  • ASM-717: New user parameter was added to address Chromium compatibility issues in Insights cockpit when using SAPGUI 7.70 or newer. See User Display Settings.
  • ASM-719: SQL statement row length of the SQL collector was adjusted to the maximum length of ALV input/output values.
  • ASM-731New page with steps on how to enable HANA expensive statements was added.
  • ASM-735Added new parameter 'UPD_THRESHOLD' for WP information collector (/DVD/MON_CL_COL_GET_WP). See Parameters of Collectors.
  • ASM-736Some Oracle-specific KPIs were not correctly collected when the Oracle database is on the same host as the application server.
  • ASM-751Error in processing XML body for PI Error messages (XML contains a NULL character) is now resolved.