On this page:

This section describes the process of generating dashboards for SAP systems and importing them to the AppDynamics controller.

To access SAP Dashboard Generator, click the Dashboards toolbar button in t-code /DVD/APPD_DI_CON, or call t-code /DVD/APPD_DASHBOARD directly.


Before you generate, upload, or import any dashboard, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Direct Dashboard Upload to the Controller

If SSL connection to the controller is used, the SSL identity must be maintained in ABAP Agent customizing screen, see step 3 in ABAP agent setup for details.

When SSL connection to the controller is not used, the controller can sometimes redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS resources automatically and the connection is switched to SSL mode in the background. In this case, SSL identity must also be maintained for direct upload to work correctly, see step 3 in ABAP agent setup for details.

To generate and upload the dashboards directly to the controller, follow these steps:

  1. Select the dashboard category:
    • ABAP Dashboards for local SAP System
    • PI Dashboards for remote PI System
    • Native HANA Dashboards for remote Native HANA Database
    • Web Dispatcher Dashboards for SAP Web Dispatcher instance
    • Cloud Connector Dashboards for SAP Cloud Connector instance
  2. Enter the System ID, Application Name, and Tier of your dashboard. Here SAP PI system is selected.
  3. Select the dashboards you want to generate. This step is optional.
  4. Click the Upload to controller button.
  5. Enter valid controller user login credentials.
    Skip this sep if OAuth API is configured in /DVD/APPD_CUST.

    The controller user must have sufficient authorizations to create and modify dashboards. As of release 21.2.0, the user name needs to be entered in the following format: <username>@<controller account>

  6. Click Confirm. 

Manual Export of Dashboards

To manually export the dashboards:

  1. Select the dashboard category:
    • ABAP Dashboards for Local SAP System.
    • PI Dashboards for remote PI System. Enter System ID, Application Name, Tier,  and Node of Java Agent associated with your SAP PI system.
    • Native HANA Dashboards for remote Native HANA Database. Enter System ID (used in dashboard name), Application Name, Tier, and Node of Machine Agent associated with the Native HANA Database.
    • Web Dispatcher Dashboards for remote Web Dispatcher server. Enter System ID (used in dashboard name), Application Name, Tier, and Node of Machine agent associated with the Web Dispatcher server.
    • Cloud Connector Dashboards for remote Cloud Connector instance. Enter System ID (used in dashboard name), Application Name, Tier, and Node of Machine agent associated with the Cloud Connector instance.
  2. Select the dashboards you want to generate. This step is optional.
  3. Select the destination directory on your local machine, to store the generated dashboards.
  4. Click the Download to PC button.

Manual Import of Dashboards to the Controller

To manually import dashboards to the controller:

  1. Log in to AppDynamics Controller.
  2. Go to the application where your SAP system is registered.
  3. Navigate to Configuration > Tier / Node Dashboards in the left menu.
  4. Click Import.
  5. Select one of your generated files.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Click OK.
    Repeat all the steps for all generated files.

Manual Deletion of Dashboards

To delete dashboards in case of re-uploading them without having copies created, deletion of old dashboards is required first.

1. Log in to AppDynamics Controller.

2. Go to the application where your SAP system is registered.

3. Navigate to Configuration > Tier / Node Dashboards in the left menu.

4. Select dashboards you want to delete of desired system (hold SHIFT or CONTROL to select multiple)

5. Click Delete.

6. Confirm.

View Dashboards

To view the imported dashboards in the controller UI:

  1. Navigate to Tiers & Nodes in the controller.
  2. Select tier of your SAP system (do not expand to nodes)
  3. Click Details.
  4. Go to My Dashboards.
    To Change dashboard, choose required dashboard from the drop-down menu.

To view any data in the dashboards, SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring and AppDynamics Connector need to run for a couple of minutes for all dashboard metrics to fully register. If no data is displayed, wait for 10-15 minutes until the controller finalizes the metric registration process.


  • Dashboard upload fails

    • Make sure you are using the correct login details according to this guide. If your login name is not username but email, then use the format “<email>@<controller account>”.

    • If you are getting an SSL error - make sure that STRUST identity used in transaction /DVD/APPD_CUST contains the correct controller certificate.

  • Dashboard is empty

    • The metric definition must be on the controller sooner than the dashboard. Dashboards use metrics from Insights collectors which means these collectors have to run at least once before the dashboard is uploaded, otherwise it will not work properly. These collectors can be easily started from transaction /DVD/APPD_DI_CON by following this guide.

    • If you uploaded dashboards sooner than you started collectors

      • Make sure collectors are running and are executed at least once.

      • Navigate to transaction /DVD/APPD_DASHBOARD and upload dashboards again.

      • New dashboards with correct functionality should be registered on the controller with the naming “<dashboard_name> 2” (2 considering it is your second upload).