Modules are additional features or functionalities built to enrich a standalone application. An application can support multiple modules. The Cisco Observability Platform supports the following modules for the applications listed on the left.

ApplicationModuleDescriptionUse Cases
Cisco AIOpsNo modules availableProvides an end-to-end visualization of the applications and infrastructure along with incident correlation, event monitoring, and actions. AIOps/AI
Cisco Cloud ObservabilityApplication Resource OptimizerProvides insightful recommendations on how to optimally run workloads in a cloud native environment.FinOps/Costs

Cost InsightsAnalyzes workloads and services that are running in cloud and cloud-native infrastructures and generates detailed cost data for them. FinOps/Costs

Kubernetes Cost and Workload ProfilerAnalyzes workloads running on a Kubernetes cluster to identify performance and reliability risks and inefficient configurations.FinOps/Costs

Service Level Management (SLM) Tracks reliability of one or more Business Transactions (BTs) by defining Service Level Objectives (SLOs). This modules also enables you to setup SLOs on BTs, error budgets, and burn rate alerts. BizOps
Cisco Digital Experience MonitoringBrowser Real User MonitoringAllows you to monitor how your web application is performing from the end-user perspective. You can drill into real data to explore how users experience your application in their web browsers.

Digital Experience Monitoring

Session ReplayAllows you to visually replay user sessions. By analyzing user behavior, you can optimize your website or application to provide a better user experience. 

Digital Experience Monitoring

Cisco Secure Application

Cloud SecurityHelps you to secure cloud-native applications based on real-time vulnerability analytics and business risk observability.SecureOps/Security
Data Security

Discovers and classifies data stores to implement Data Access Governance (DAG), which prevents data exfiltration.
