Microsoft Azure Database services provide fully managed relational, NoSQL, and in-memory databases with automated infrastructure management. Azure Database for MySQL is a relational database service powered by the MySQL community edition. You can use either a single server or flexible Server to host a MySQL database in Azure.

In Cisco Cloud Observability, Azure Database for MySQL is categorized as a database instance, or a collection of databases. Metrics are collected for both the single and flexible database instances.

You must configure cloud connections to monitor this entity. See Configure Azure Cloud Connection. For detailed visibility, such as query profiling and streamlined troubleshooting, install Database Monitoring.

Cisco Cloud Observability displays Azure entities on the Observe page. Metrics are displayed for specific entity instances in the list and detail views.

This document contains references to third-party documentation. Cisco AppDynamics does not own any rights and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such third-party documentation.

Detail View

To display the detail view for an Azure Database for MySQL entity:

  1. Navigate to the Observe page.
  2. Under Database & Storage, click SQL Database Instances.
    The list view now displays.
  3. Click the Azure button to display only Azure database entities.
  4. From the list, click a database Name to display the detail view.
    The detail view displays metrics, key performance indicators, and properties (attributes) related to the database you selected.

Metrics and Key Performance Indicators

Cisco Cloud Observability displays the following metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for Azure Database for MySQL. For details, see:

Display NameSource MetricDescription

CPU Utilization (%)


The percentage of CPU in use.

Database Connections (Count)


The number of active connections to the server.

Failed Connections (Count)


Total number of failed attempts to connect to your MySQL server, for example, failed connection due to bad credentials. 

Memory Utilization (%)


The percentage of memory in use.

IO Utilization (%)


The percentage of IO in use. (Not applicable for Basic tier servers)

Storage Utilization (%)


The percentage of storage used out of the server's maximum.

Network Receive Throughput (Bytes)


Network In across active connections.

Network Transmit Throughput (Bytes)


Network Out across active connections.

Server Log Storage Percent


The percentage of server log storage used out of the server's maximum server log storage.
Display NameSource MetricDescription

CPU Utilization (%)


Host CPU percent is total utilization of CPU to process all the tasks on your server over a selected period. This metric includes workload of your Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server and Azure MySQL process. High CPU percent can help you find if your database server has more workload than it can handle. This metric is equivalent to total CPU utilization similar to utilization of CPU on any virtual machine.

CPU Credits Remaining (Count)


The count of remaining CPU credits.

CPU Credits Used (Count)


The count of CPU credits that have been consumed.

Database Connections (Count)


The number of active connections to the server. Active connections are the total number of threads connected to your server, which also includes threads from azure_superuser.

Failed Connections (Count)


Total number of failed attempts to connect to your MySQL server, for example, failed connection due to bad credentials. 

Memory Utilization (%)


The total percentage of memory in use on the server, including memory utilization from both database workload and other Azure MySQL processes. This metric shows total consumption of memory of underlying host similar to consumption of memory on any virtual machine.

IO Utilization (%)


The percentage of IO in use over selected period. IO percent is for both read and write IOPS.

Storage Utilization (%)


The percentage of storage used out of the server's maximum.

Network Receive Throughput (Bytes)


Total sum of incoming network traffic on the server for a selected period. This metric includes traffic to your database and to Azure MySQL features like monitoring, logs etc.

Network Transmit Throughput (Bytes)


Total sum of outgoing network traffic on the server for a selected period. This metric includes traffic from your database and from Azure MySQL features like monitoring, logs etc.

Properties (Attributes)

Cisco Cloud Observability displays the following properties for Azure Database for MySQL.

Display NameProperty NameDescription

SKU Name

nameThe name of the sku, e.g. Standard_D32s_v3.

SKU Tier

tierThe tier of the particular SKU, e.g. GeneralPurpose.

Replication Role

replicationRoleThe replication role. 

Geo Redundant Backup

geoRedundantBackupDefines whether or not geo redundant backup is enabled.

Created At

createdAtThe timestamp of resource creation.

Size (GB)

storageSizeGBThe max storage size allowed for a server.


versionThe server version.


stateThe state of a server.

Backup Retention Days

backupRetentionDaysBackup retention days for the server.


idThe fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Example:  /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}


nameThe resource name.


typeThe type of managed service identity.


fullyQualifiedDomainNameThe fully qualified domain name of a server.
Resource GroupN/AThe name of the resource group. 
LocationlocationThe location the resource resides in.
Storage Auto Grow


Gets or enables Storage Auto Grow. Possible values include: Enabled, Disabled.
Master Server ID


The master server id of a replica server.

Display NameProperty NameDescription

SKU Name

nameThe name of the sku, e.g. Standard_D32s_v3.

SKU Tier

tierThe tier of the particular SKU, e.g. GeneralPurpose.

Storage SKU Name

storageSkuThe sku name of the server storage.

Replication Role

replicationRoleThe replication role. 

High Availability State

highAvailabilityThe state of high availability configuration of the server.

Geo Redundant Backup

geoRedundantBackupDefines whether or not geo redundant backup is enabled.

Created At

createdAtThe timestamp of resource creation.

Size (GB)

storageSizeGBMax storage size allowed for a server.


versionServer version.


stateThe state of a server.

Backup Retention Days

backupRetentionDaysBackup retention days for the server.


idFully qualified resource ID for the resource. Example:  /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}


nameThe resource name.


typeThe type of managed service identity.


fullyQualifiedDomainNameThe fully qualified domain name of a server.
Resource GroupN/AThe name of the resource group. 
LocationlocationThe location the resource resides in.
Storage Auto Grow


Specifies if Storage Auto Grow is enabled.
Master Server ID


Gets or sets the source server resource ID to restore from. Required when createMode is PointInTimeRestore.

Retention and Purge Time-To-Live (TTL)

For all cloud and infrastructure entities, the retention TTL is 180 minutes (3 hours) and the purge TTL is 525,600 minutes (365 days). 

Microsoft Azure, the Microsoft Azure logo, Azure, and any other Microsoft Azure Marks used in these materials are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.