
Show BW query execution statistics which allow analysis of query performance and errors.

This dashboard requires Analytics license. Statistics for every query execution is replicated into analytics schema bw_query_runtime_details.


Query executions

Total number of BW query executions for selected time period

Average query runtime

Average BW query runtime for selected time period

Maximum query runtime

Maximum BW query runtime for selected time period

Query executions with errors

Number of query executions which ended with an error

Queries with errors

Number of distinct queries which ended with an error

Long-running queries

Number of distinct queries which are running longer than the defined threshold

Problematic queries

Show list of events for BW queries which end with an error or are running longer than expected

Double-click on a custom event to get more details about the executed query.

In order to capture also the WHERE clause of the query, the extended query statistics need to be enabled using transaction /DVD/QS_CONF

See also Mapping Between KPIs and Metrics.