Amazon Cognito handles user authentication and authorization for your web and mobile apps. With user pools, you can easily and securely add sign-up and sign-in functionality to your apps. With identity pools (federated identities), your apps can get temporary credentials that grant users access to specific AWS resources, whether the users are anonymous or are signed in.

You must configure cloud connections to monitor this entity. See Set up Cisco AppDynamics Cloud Collectors to Monitor AWS.

Cisco Cloud Observability displays AWS entities on the Observe page. Metrics are displayed for specific entity instances in the list and detail views.

This document contains references to third-party documentation. Cisco AppDynamics does not own any rights and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such third-party documentation.

Detail View

To display the detail view for an Amazon Cognito instance:

  1. Navigate to the Observe page. 
  2. Under Cloud Governance & Security Management, click AWS Cognito User Pools.
    The list view now displays.
  3. From the list, click an instance Name to display the detail view.
    The detail view displays the metrics, key performance indicators, and properties (attributes) related to the instance you selected.

Metrics and Key Performance Indicators

Cisco Cloud Observability displays the following metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for Amazon Cognito. For more information, see Metrics for Amazon Cognito user pools.

Display NameSource Metric NameDescription
User Sign Ups Count by Client IDSignUpSuccessesProvides the total number of successful user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful user registration request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.
User Sign Ins Count by Client IDSignInSuccessesProvides the total number of successful user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A user authentication is considered successful when authentication token is issued to the user. A successful authentication produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.
User Tokens Refresh Count by Client IDTokenRefreshSuccessesProvides the total number of successful requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful refresh Amazon Cognito token request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.
Requests Throttle Count by Client IDTokenRefreshThrottlesProvides the total number of throttled requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever a refresh Amazon Cognito token request is throttled.

Properties (Attributes)

Cisco Cloud Observability displays the following properties for Amazon Cognito.

Display NameProperty NameDescription
IDaws.cognito.user_pool.idThe unique identifier for the user pool.
Nameaws.cognito.user_pool.nameThe name of the user pool.
ARNaws.cognito.user_pool.arnThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user pool.
Estimated Number of Usersaws.cognito.user_pool.number_of_usersSpecifies the estimated number of users in the user pool.
Statusaws.cognito.user_pool.statusThe status of the identity pool.
Last Modified Dateaws.cognito.user_pool.last_modified_dateThe date and time that the item was modified.
Creation Dateaws.cognito.user_pool.creation_dateThe date and time that the item was created.
MFA Configuration Statusaws.cognito.user_pool.mfa_configurationThe status of MFA configuration.
Cloud Providercloud.providerThe name of the cloud provider.

Retention and Purge Time-To-Live (TTL)

For all cloud and infrastructure entities, the retention TTL is 180 minutes (3 hours) and the purge TTL is 525,600 minutes (365 days). 

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