AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) is a managed migration and replication service that helps move your database and analytics workloads to AWS.

Cisco Cloud Observability supports monitoring the following AWS DMS entities:

  • DMS replication task: An entity that can migrate data between the source and target data stores, apply cached changes, and perform ongoing replication.
  • DMS replication instance: A managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that hosts one or more replication tasks.
  • DMS endpoint: An endpoint that provides connection, data store type, and location information about your data store. AWS DMS uses this information to connect to a data store and migrate data from a source endpoint to a target endpoint. This entity has no metrics.

You must configure cloud connections to monitor this entity. See Set up Cisco AppDynamics Cloud Collectors to Monitor AWS.

Cisco Cloud Observability displays AWS entities on the Observe page. Metrics are displayed for specific entity instances in the list and detail views.

This document contains references to third-party documentation. Cisco AppDynamics does not own any rights and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such third-party documentation.

Detail View 

To display the detail view for an AWS DMS entity:

  1. Navigate to the Observe page.
  2. Under Database & Storage, click AWS DMS Replication Instances.
    The list view now displays.
  3. Click an entity Name to display the detail view of a replication instance.
    The detail view displays the metrics, key performance indicators, and properties (attributes) related to the instance you selected.
  1. Navigate to the Observe page.
  2. Under Database & Storage, click AWS DMS Replication Instances.
    The AWS DMS Replication Instances list view now displays.
  3. In the Relationships panel in the left-hand navigation panel, click AWS DMS Replication Tasks.
    The AWS DMS Replication Task detail view now displays.
  4. Click an entity Name to display the detail view of a replication task.
    The detail view displays the metrics, key performance indicators, and properties (attributes) related to the instance you selected.

Metrics and Key Performance Indicators 

Cisco Cloud Observability displays the following metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for AWS DMS. See Monitoring AWS DMS tasks.

Display NameSource MetricDescription
Memory (Bytes)


An estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. For more information, see MemAvailable value in /proc/memInfo section of the Linux man-pages.
FreeMemoryThe amount of physical memory available for use by applications, page cache, and for the kernel’s own data structures. For more information, see MemFree value in /proc/memInfo section of the Linux man-pages.
FreeableMemoryThe amount of available random access memory.
CPU (%)CPUUtilizationThe percentage of allocated vCPU (virtual CPU) currently in use on the instance.
Pending RequestsDiskQueueDepthThe number of outstanding read/write requests (I/Os) waiting to access the disk.
Free Storage Space (Bytes)FreeStorageSpaceThe amount of available storage space.
IOPSReadIOPSThe average number of disk read I/O operations per second.
WriteIOPSThe average number of disk write I/O operations per second.
Disk Throughput (Bytes/s)


The average number of bytes read from disk per second.
WriteThroughputThe average number of bytes written to disk per second.
Latency (ms)ReadLatencyThe average amount of time taken per disk I/O (input) operation.
WriteLatencyThe average amount of time taken per disk I/O (output) operation.
Swap Usage (Bytes)SwapUsageThe amount of swap space used on the replication instance.
Network Throughput (Bytes/s)


The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the replication instance, including both customer database traffic and AWS DMS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
NetworkReceiveThroughputThe incoming (Receive) network traffic on the replication instance, including both customer database traffic and AWS DMS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
Display NameSource MetricDescription
Full Load Througput Bandwidth to Target (KB/s)FullLoadThroughputBandwidthTargetOutgoing data transmitted from a full load for the target in KB per second.
Full Load Throughput to Target (Rows/s)FullLoadThroughputRowsTargetOutgoing changes from a full load for the target in rows per second.
CDC Incoming Changes (Count)CDCIncomingChangesThe total number of change events at a point-in-time that are waiting to be applied to the target. Note that this is not the same as a measure of the transaction change rate of the source endpoint. A large number for this metric usually indicates AWS DMS is unable to apply captured changes in a timely manner, thus causing high target latency.
CDC Changes Memory (Rows)CDCChangesMemorySourceAmount of rows accumulating in a memory and waiting to be committed from the source. You can view this metric together with CDCChangesDiskSource.
CDCChangesMemoryTargetAmount of rows accumulating in a memory and waiting to be committed to the target. You can view this metric together with CDCChangesDiskTarget.
CDC Changes Disk (Rows)CDCChangesDiskSourceAmount of rows accumulating on disk and waiting to be committed from the source. You can view this metric together with CDCChangesMemorySource.
CDCChangesDiskTargetAmount of rows accumulating on disk and waiting to be committed to the target. You can view this metric together with CDCChangesMemoryTarget.
CDC Throughput (Rows/s)CDCThroughputRowsSourceIncoming task changes from the source in rows per second.
CDCThroughputRowsTargetOutgoing task changes for the target in rows per second.
CDC Throughput Bandwidth to Target (KB/s)CDCThroughputBandwidthTargetOutgoing data transmitted for the target in KB per second. CDCThroughputBandwidth records outgoing data transmitted on sampling points. If no task network traffic is found, the value is zero. Because CDC does not issue long-running transactions, network traffic may not be recorded.
CDC Latency (s)CDCLatencySource

The gap, in seconds, between the last event captured from the source endpoint and current system time stamp of the AWS DMS instance. CDCLatencySource represents the latency between source and replication instance. High CDCLatencySource means the process of capturing changes from source is delayed. To identify latency in an ongoing replication, you can view this metric together with CDCLatencyTarget. If both CDCLatencySource and CDCLatencyTarget are high, investigate CDCLatencySource first.

CDCSourceLatency can be 0 when there is no replication lag between the source and the replication instance. CDCSourceLatency can also become zero when the replication task attempts to read the next event in the source's transaction log and there are no new events compared to the last time it read from the source. When this happens, the task resets the CDCSourceLatency to 0.


The gap, in seconds, between the first event timestamp waiting to commit on the target and the current timestamp of the AWS DMS instance. Target latency is the difference between the replication instance server time and the oldest unconfirmed event id forwarded to a target component. In other words, target latency is the timestamp difference between the replication instance and the oldest event applied but unconfirmed by TRG endpoint (99%). When CDCLatencyTarget is high, it indicates the process of applying change events to the target is delayed. To identify latency in an ongoing replication, you can view this metric together with CDCLatencySource. If CDCLatencyTarget is high but CDCLatencySource isn’t high, investigate if:

  • No primary keys or indexes are in the target

  • Resource bottlenecks occur in the target or replication instance

  • Network issues reside between replication instance and target

CPU Utilization (%)CPUUtilizationThe percentage of CPU being used by a task across multiple cores. The semantics of task CPUUtilization is slightly different from replication CPUUtilization. If 1 vCPU is fully used, it indicates 100%, but if multiple vCPUs are in use, the value could be above 100%.
Swap Usage (Bytes)SwapUsageThe amount of swap used by the task.
Memory Usage (Bytes)MemoryUsage

The control group (cgroup) memory.usage_in_bytes consumed by a task. DMS uses cgroups to control the usage of system resources such as memory and CPU. This metric indicates a task's memory usage in Megabytes within the cgroup allocated for that task. The cgroup limits are based on the resources available for your DMS replication instance class. memory.usage_in_bytes consists of resident set size (RSS), cache, and swap components of memory. The operating system can reclaim cache memory if needed.

AWS DMS raises this metric against the combined dimensions of ReplicationInstanceIdentifer and ReplicationTaskIdentifier in the CloudWatch console. Use the ReplicationInstanceIdentifier, ReplicationTaskIdentifier category to view this metric.

Properties (Attributes)

Cisco Cloud Observability displays the following properties for AWS DMS.

Display NameProperty NameDescription
Replication Instance Nameaws.dms.replication_instance.nameThe name of the replication instance.
ARNaws.dms.replication_instance.arnThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
Classaws.dms.replication_instance.classThe compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for the specified replication instance class.

The status of the replication instance.

Allocated Storageaws.dms.replication_instance.allocated_storageThe amount of storage (in gigabytes) that is allocated for the replication instance.
Created Ataws.dms.replication_instance.create_timeThe time the replication instance was created.
Multi identifier of the VPC.
VPC IDaws.dms.replication_instance.multi_azSpecifies whether the replication instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You can't set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the Multi-AZ parameter is set to true.
Engine Versionaws.dms.replication_instance.engine_versionThe engine version number of the replication instance.
Automatic Minor Version Upgradeaws.dms.replication_instance.auto_minor_version_upgradeBoolean value indicating if minor version upgrades will be automatically applied to the instance.
Public IP Addressesaws.dms.replication_instance.public_ip_addressesComma-separated list of public IP addresses for the replication instance.
Private IP Addressesaws.dms.replication_instance.private_ip_addressesComma-separated list of private IP addresses for the replication instance.
Pending modify values - Instance Classaws.dms.replication_instance.pending_modified_values.classThe compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for the specified replication instance class.
Pending modify values - Storageaws.dms.replication_instance.pending_modified_values.allocated_storageThe amount of storage (in gigabytes) that is allocated for the replication instance.
Pending modify values - Multi AZaws.dms.replication_instance.pending_modified_values.multi_azSpecifies whether the replication instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
Pending modify values - Engine Versionaws.dms.replication_instance.pending_modified_values.engine_versionThe engine version number of the replication instance.
Publicaws.dms.replication_instance.publicly_accessibleSpecifies whether an instance is public or private.
Providercloud.providerThe name of the cloud provider.
Account IDcloud.account.idThe cloud account ID the resource is assigned to.
Regioncloud.regionThe cloud account ID the resource is assigned to.
Platformcloud.platformThe cloud platform in use.
Availability Zonecloud.availability_zoneThe zone where the resource is running.
Display NameProperty NameDescription
Replication Task Nameaws.dms.replication_task.nameThe name of the replication task.
Source ARNaws.dms.replication_task.source_endpoint_arnThe ARN of the source database endpoint.
Target ARNaws.dms.replication_task.target_endpoint_arnThe ARN of the target database endpoint.
ARNaws.dms.replication_task.arnThe ARN of the replication task.
Replication Instance ARNaws.dms.replication_task.replication_instance_arnThe ARN of the associated DMS replication instance.
Created Ataws.dms.replication_task.creation_dateThe timestamp when the replication task was created.
Started Ataws.dms.replication_task.start_dateThe date at which the replication start is scheduled to start.
Last Checkpointaws.dms.replication_task.recovery_checkpointIndicates the last checkpoint that occurred during a change data capture (CDC) operation.
Last Failure Messageaws.dms.replication_task.last_failure_messageThe last error message encountered during task execution.
Migration Typeaws.dms.replication_task.migration_type

The type of database migration.

Stop Reasonaws.dms.replication_task.stop_reason

The reason the replication task was stopped.

Tables Loadedaws.dms.replication_task.tables.loadedThe number of tables loaded for this task.
Tables Loadingaws.dms.replication_task.tables.loadingThe number of tables currently loading for this task.
Tables Queuedaws.dms.replication_task.tables.queuedThe number of tables queued for this task.
Tables Erroredaws.dms.replication_task.tables.erroredThe number of errors during this task.
Providercloud.providerThe name of the cloud provider.
Account IDcloud.account.idThe cloud account ID the resource is assigned to.
Regioncloud.regionThe geographical region the resource is running.
Platformcloud.platformThe cloud platform in use.
Availability Zonecloud.availability_zoneAvailability zone represents the zone where the resource is running.
Display NameProperty NameDescription
ARNaws.dms.endpoint.arnThe ARN of the endpoint.

The type of endpoint.

Retention and Purge Time-To-Live (TTL)

For all cloud and infrastructure entities, the retention TTL is 180 minutes (3 hours) and the purge TTL is 525,600 minutes (365 days). 

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