AppDynamics for Databases

2.9.x Documentation

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Prevent Port Conflicts


When installing AppDynamics for Databases on the same host as the AppDynamics Pro Controller, there is a port conflict. Both products use port 8090 for the UI by default. That means that the AppDynamics for Databases UI server will fail to start after the install. You must change the port number and then restart the server.

Change the Port Number of the AppDynamics for Databases UI Server

  1. Open the following file in a text editor:
     <AppD4DB install directory>/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml.
  2. Find the only line containing 8090 and change the number to the number of the desired port. 
    Note: We recommend that you use port 9090. Do not use 8091 because this port is used for the MySQL connection between AppDynamics for Databases and the MySQL server database where it stores the captured data, and do not use port 8092 either because that is the default shutdown port specified in the Tomcat server.xml file.
  3. Restart the AppDynamics for Databases process as follows:
    Windows: Restart the Windows services named: DBTuna_GUI and DBTuna_DB.
    Linux: From the AppDynamics for Databases home directory, run ./

Change the MySQL Port Number

The AppDynamics for Databases MySQL repository listens on port 8091 by default. If for some reason you would like to change this, for example, if it conflicts with a port used by an existing application, then follow these steps:

  1. Stop the MySQL repository as follows:.
    Windows: Stop the DBTuna_DB in the Windows Services console
    Linux: Run the ./ script on Linux from <AppD4DB install directory>.
  2. For Windows Installations, open <AppD4DB install directory>/mysql/my-appd4db.ini in a text editor and search for 8091, and then replace with a different port number that you know will not conflict
    For Linux based installs, modify <AppD4DB install directory>/mysql/my-appd4db.cnf.
  3. Open <AppD4DB install directory>/apache-tomcat/webapps/ROOT/shared/ in a text editor and change the reference to 8091 in the jdbc-connection-string property to your new port.
  4. Open <AppD4DB install directory>/agent/ in a text editor and change the reference to 8091 in the pw-jdbc-connection-string property to your new port.
  5. Restart the MySQL repository.
    Windows: Restart the Windows services named: DBTuna_GUI and DBTuna_DB.
    Linux: From the AppDynamics for Databases home directory, run ./ 

Change the Port Number of the AppDynamics Pro Controller

For information on how to change the port number of the AppDynamics Pro Controller, see Controller Port Settings in the AppDynamics Pro documentation.



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