You can use the default health rules provided by AppDynamic, modify them to map to your requirements, or define a custom health rule.

Access the Health Rule Wizard

  1. Click Alert & Respond in the menu bar.
  2. Click Health Rules either in the right panel or the left navigation pane.
  3. Select the context for the health rule from the pulldown menu.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new health rule, click the + icon.
    • To edit an existing health rule, select the health rule and click the Edit (pencil) icon.
    • To remove an existing health rule, select the health rule and click the Delete icon.

Configure Heath Rule Details

You configure health rule details in the Overview panel.

  1. Enter a name. If a name already exists, you can change it. The following character types are allowed in a health rule name:
    • Uppercase letters: A-Z
    • Lowercase letters: a-z
    • Numbers: 0-9
    • Symbols: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | : ; ' . ? / > <

      & and <> are not allowed in a health rule name. Single angle bracket > or < is allowed, but not as an opening and closing pair <>.

  2. Check Enabled to enable the rule, clear the checkbox to disable it.
  3. The Always option is pre-selected in the When is the rule enabled? drop-down list. If the health rule is enabled only at certain times, select other predefined schedules from the When is the rule enabled? drop-down list. 

    To define a custom health rule schedule or modify the predefined time intervals, click Manage Health Rule Schedules. See Create and Manage Health Rule Schedules.

  4. Click the drop-down list Use data from last <> min(s) and select a number between 1 and 120 minutes. The value you specify is the latest time interval during which data is collected to determine if there is a health rule violation. This value applies to both critical and warning criteria. See Health Rule Evaluation Time Frame.

    If you have defined a persistence threshold for the health rule condition, ensure that you define an evaluation time frame of 30 mins or less.

  5.  In the Wait Time after Violation field, enter the number of minutes to wait before re-evaluating the rule for the same affected entity in which the violation occurred. See Health Rule Wait Time After Violation.

After you configure the Health Rule details in the Overview panel, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Configure the entities affected for the health rule, see Configure Affected Entities.
  2. Define the evaluation criteria for the health rule, see Configure Health Rule Evaluation Criteria.
  3. Save your configuration.

Create and Manage Health Rule Schedules

  1. In the Overview panel of the Create Health Rule wizard, click Manage Health Rule Schedules. The Manage Health Rule Schedules window lists all the predefined time intervals.
  2. Select a predefined schedule in the Manage Health Rule Schedules window and click the Edit icon to see the details of the predefined schedule.

  3. To edit a predefined schedule for health rule evaluation:
    1. In the Edit Schedule window, make necessary changes.
    2. Click Save.

      Schedules created in version 4.5.15 or earlier are set to 'Custom' type by default and the time zone is automatically set to the controller time zone.

  4. To create a new health rule schedule:
    1. Click the + icon. The Create New Schedule window appears.
    2. Enter following details:
      1. a name for the schedule.
      2. an optional description of the schedule.
    3. If you want to evaluate the health rule only once,
      1. Select One Time.
      2. Enter the Start Date and Start Time.
      3. Enter the End Date and End Time for the schedule.
    4. If you want to define a recurring schedule to evaluate the health rules,
      • Select how often you want to evaluate the health rules:

        Additional steps


        1. Enter the Start Time and End Time.


        1. Select a specific day to execute the schedule.
        2. Enter the Start Time and End Time.


        If you select a specific date of the month to execute the schedule:

        1. Enter the Start Date and Start Time.
        2. Enter the End Date and End Time.

        For example, you might want to evaluate the health rules on the 1st of every month from 6.00 AM to the 5th until 6.00 PM.

        If you select a specific day of the month to execute the schedule:

        1. Select an occurrence and the Day.
        2. Enter the Start Time and End Time.

        For example, you might want to evaluate the health rules on the first Monday of every month from 6.00 AM to 6.00 PM.


        1. Enter a Start Date and Start Time for the schedule as a cron expression.
        2. Enter an End Date and End Time for the schedule as a cron expression.

        For example, the following custom schedule specifies:

        a start time value of 0 0 13 ? * 2-6 and

        end time of 0 0 15 ? * 2-6

        directing the health rule to be evaluated from 1 pm to 3 pm, Monday through Friday:

    5. Select a Time Zone applicable to your application.
      Time Zone
  5. Save your configuration.

Delete Health Rule Schedule

To delete a health rule evaluation schedule, select the schedule in the Manage Health Rule Schedules window and click Delete – the bin icon at the top. Click OK to confirm the deletion.