AppDynamics for Databases

2.9.x Documentation

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The following are sample screenshots from an AppDynamics for Databases Microsoft SQL Azure Database collector. They illustrate the type of information collected for this database platform.  The information available for Azure is similar to that for SQL Server.  This page illustrates some of the changes with the Azure platform. These changes are due to the fact that the Azure platform does not support the same metric collections.


Microsoft SQL Azure Database Current Window

The Current Window for Microsoft SQL Azure Database appears exactly as that for Microsoft SQL Server with the following exceptions:

  • CPU Statistics are not displayed because these are derived from the Host Collector, which is not supported.
  • Memory metrics are not available from Microsoft SQL Azure Database

Microsoft SQL Azure Database Activity Window



Microsoft SQL Azure Database SQL Window

For Microsoft SQL Azure Database, SQL drilldown is fully supported and the SQL tab contents appears exactly the same as that for Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, see Monitor Microsoft SQL Server Databases.

Fully Supported Explain Plans

Microsoft SQL Azure Database Statistics Window

Microsoft SQL Azure Database Objects Window

You can view the database schema browser, and Event Log and Resource Usage objects on the Objects window.  

There are several other objects that Microsoft SQL Server supports, which are not available for the Microsoft SQL Azure Database platform.



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