AppDynamics for Databases

2.9.x Documentation

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There are many database monitoring tools available today, so choosing the right one can be time consuming. Many traditional tools and methodologies of looking at database performance don't work and many companies waste time and money looking at the wrong statistics.

This topic describes the features experts agree that an efficient and effective database monitoring tool should provide. Proudly, AppDynamics for Database provides all these features.

Top Five Features of a Database Monitoring Tool

  • Low Overhead - Production safe and does not impact database workload.
  • Detailed Data Collection - Provides the details required to locate the root cause of performance issues. The types of performance data that are the most useful are resource consumption and wait event statistics; for example, how much CPU a program has used during a specific time period, or which wait events were most prevalent during a problematic period. Other important information pertains to statistics relating to the SQL statements; for example, how many buffer gets an Oracle query initiates over time or per execution. The higher the number of buffer gets, the more expensive the query is.
  • Current and Historical Data - Provides both current performance information and detailed performance history, assisting in problem diagnosis after an event and facilitating performance over time trend analysis.
  • Low Total Cost of Ownership - Easy to install, implement, and maintain.
  • Common GUI for all Database Types - Monitors and facilitates performance analysis of the most prevalent enterprise databases with a common GUI.
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