Following sections provide the configuration and requirement details to install the Ruby agent.

Since the Agent is packaged as a Ruby Gem, installation is as simple as adding it to your Gemfile:

gem 'appdynamics'

Basic Configuration

You must configure the application using a config file or using Env variables.

To configure using a config file: 

app_name: My App
tier_name: Rails
node_name: Production
log_max_file_size: <Maximum bytes for Ruby log file (default 5 * 1024 * 1024)">
log_max_num_files: <Maximum number of Ruby agent log files (default 10)>
  port: 443# Optional
  account: myaccount
  access_key: accesskey
  cert_path: <absolute path>
  use_ssl: true# Optional
  http_proxy_host: <http_proxy_host>
  http_proxy_port: <http_proxy_port>
  http_proxy_username: <http_proxy_username>
  http_proxy_password_file: <absolute path to password file>
  log_dir: <log path>
  log_level: <trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal>
  log_max_file_size: <Maximum bytes for sdk controller log file (default 5 * 1024 * 1024)">
  log_max_num_files: <Maximum number of sdk controller log files (default 10)>

Alternatively, to configure using ENV variables:

 def self.env_to_key
      @env_to_key ||= super.merge(
        'APP_NAME' => :app_name,
        'TIER_NAME' => :tier_name,
        'NODE_NAME' => :node_name,
        'LOG_MAX_NUM_FILES' => :log_max_num_files,
        'LOG_MAX_FILE_SIZE' => :log_max_file_size,
        'CONTROLLER_HOST' => :'',
        'CONTROLLER_ACCOUNT' => :'controller.account',
        'CONTROLLER_ACCESS_KEY' => :'controller.access_key',
        'CONTROLLER_CERT_PATH' => :'controller.cert_path',
        'CONTROLLER_PORT' => :'controller.port',
        'CONTROLLER_USE_SSL' => :'controller.use_ssl',
        'CONTROLLER_HTTP_PROXY_HOST' => :'controller.http_proxy_host',
        'CONTROLLER_HTTP_PROXY_PORT' => :'controller.http_proxy_port',
        'CONTROLLER_HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME' => :'controller.http_proxy_username',
        'CONTROLLER_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD_FILE' => :'controller.http_proxy_password_file',
        'CONTROLLER_LOG_DIR' => :'controller.log_dir',
        'CONTROLLER_LOG_LEVEL' => :'controller.log_level',
        'CONTROLLER_LOG_MAX_NUM_FILES' => :'controller.log_max_num_files',
        'CONTROLLER_LOG_MAX_FILE_SIZE' => :'controller.log_max_file_size',
        'LAZY_START' => :lazy_start

Rails Setup

If you are using Rails, no further configuration is necessary.

Sinatra Setup

For Sinatra, you must add the following to your application:

require 'appdynamics/sinatra'
set(:appdynamics_config, file: "config/appdynamics.yml")

Miscellaneous Requirements

Enable in Rails Development Mode

We do not recommend instrumenting your development environment. However, for the sake of testing, this might be useful. To do so, update the config/application.rb to include:

config.appdynamics.environments << :development

View Initial Documentation

Download the code and run 'bundle exec yard' in it. You can then open 'doc/index.html' in the browser.

Alternate C/C++ SDK

The Ruby agent uses the AppDynamics C/C++ SDK, which is bundled with the gem. An alternate version (API compatible with 4.4/4.5) can be used by passing the parameters --with-appdynamics-dir to the installation. With bundler, you can set this as a config option:

bundle config build.app_dynamics --with-appdynamics-dir={INSTALL_PATH}