This page describes how to configure Network Visibility to monitor applications running on Kubernetes.

Network Visibility monitors an application's network interactions and reports key performance metrics. These metrics isolate an application's network issues from its application issues.

The Network Agent uses a REST API to open a TCP port in each node for the application containers to communicate with the Network DaemonSet container. This communication enables monitoring between pods and nodes. You can deploy the agent as a DaemonSet in each node that has the host mode enabled. 

Before You Begin

Before you create a Docker image for the DaemonSet and configure the agent, verify the following requirements:

Create a Network Visibility DaemonSet Docker Image

To configure Network Visibility with Kubernetes, you must first create a Docker image for the Network Visibility DaemonSet and push the image to your Docker Trusted Registry.

  1. Paste this sample Dockerfile into a text file and save the file.

    FROM ubuntu:14.04
    RUN groupadd -r appd-netviz && useradd -r -g appd-netviz appd-netviz
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
      net-tools \
      tcpdump \
      curl  \
      unzip   \
      ssh-client \
      binutils \
    WORKDIR /netviz-agent
    # copy NetViz agent contents
    # run the agent install script and disable netlib
    RUN unzip $NETVIZ_ZIP_PKG && ./ \
        && sed -i -e "s|enable_netlib = 1|enable_netlib = 0|g" ./conf/agent_config.lua \
        && sed -i -e "s|WEBSERVICE_IP=.*|WEBSERVICE_IP=\"\"|g" ./conf/agent_config.lua
    RUN chown -R appd-netviz:appd-netviz /netviz-agent
    RUN setcap cap_net_raw=eip /netviz-agent/bin/appd-netagent
    USER appd-netviz
    # default command to run for the agent
    CMD  ./bin/appd-netagent -c ./conf -l ./logs -r ./run
  2. Navigate to the directory where you saved the Dockerfile and build the Docker image by entering the following command:

    $ docker build --build-arg NETVIZ_ZIP_PKG=/path/to/ -t appd-netviz .
  3. Push the Docker image to your Docker Trusted Registry.

Configure Network Visibility with Kubernetes

  1. Create a yaml file with the following configuration:

    apiVersion: apps/v1 # for versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2
    kind: DaemonSet
      name: appd-netviz-agent
          name: appd-netviz-agent
          name: appd-netviz-agent
            name: appd-netviz-agent
          hostIPC: true
          hostNetwork: true
          - name: appd-netviz-agent
            image: path/to/your/Docker/image # docker registry image
                memory: "250Mi"
                cpu: "0.5"
                memory: "2Gi"
                cpu: "1"
                add: ["NET_RAW"]
            - containerPort: 3892
              hostPort: 3892
            - name: your-registry-key # add the registry key, kubectl create secret ...
  2. In the configuration file, update the following fields:
  3. Deploy the Network Agent in Kubernetes by entering the following command:

    $ kubectl apply -f MyConfigFile.yaml

Configure Network Visibility to Monitor Application Pods

After deploying Network Visibility in Kubernetes, you must deploy at least one pod with a Java Agent >= 4.4 to the same cluster as the Network Agent. This allows you to map network metrics to application flows. 

  1. Open the application's deployment configuration yaml file with Kubernetes in a text editor and set the APPDYNAMICS_NETVIZ_AGENT_HOST and APPDYNAMICS_NETVIZ_AGENT_PORT values:

          fieldPath: status.hostIP
      value: 3892

    If you are using a version of the Java Agent that is <= 4.5.2, you must open the <app-agent-install-dir>/<version-number>/external-services/netviz/ file to set these values.

  2. In the Controller UI, enable socket instrumentation to map network metrics to application flows. See Set Up the Network and App Agents.