To verify your Android instrumentation:

  1. Run the build.
  2. Verify the instrumentation.
  3. Confirm the agent connected to the Controller.

Run the Build

Build your Android app following the instructions for your build system:

In the console, you should see something like this:

 [injector] 				/=========================================\
 [injector] 				| AppDynamics BCI Instrumentation summary  |
 [injector] 				\=========================================/
 [injector] 		 - Total number of classes visited (#720 classes)
 [injector] 		 - Total number of classes instrumented (#1 classes)
 [injector] 		 - Total number of classes failed to instrument (#2 classes)
 [injector] 		 - Total number of features discovered (#3)

Verify the Instrumentation

Based on the build system you used, verify that the instrumentation was successful:

Gradle/Android Agent Installer Plugin

If you didn't use the -i flag, check to make sure there is a line in your console output that contains "inject". If you don't see this information printed in your console, either your project is incorrectly configured or the injector failed to run completely. There is a very detailed log of this process either at <project>/target/appdynamics_eum_android_bci.log or <module>/target/appdynamics_eum_android_bci.log.


If you don't see this information printed in your console, either your project is incorrectly configured or the injector failed to run completely. There is a very detailed log of this process either at <project>/target/appdynamics_eum_android_bci.log or <module>/target/appdynamics_eum_android_bci.log.


If you don't see this information printed in your console, either your project is incorrectly configured or the injector failed to run completely. There is a very detailed log of this process either at <project>/target/appdynamics_eum_android_bci.log or <module>/target/appdynamics_eum_android_bci.log.