For some versions of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, the Avg Read and Write Time disk metrics are reported as 0. This is due to a known Microsoft Windows bug, please see Microsoft Knowledge Base. If this would impact you, you can download the hotfix available at that link. This refers to the following metrics:

Hardware Resources|Disks|<mount_point>|Avg Read Time (ms)

Hardware Resources|Disks|<mount_point>|Avg Write Time (ms) 

  1. Before installing, review the installation notes: Install the Machine Agent.

  2. Install all available Windows updates.

  3. If your machine hasn't been restarted recently, restart your machine. Failure to do so may cause your machine to experience a CPU spike when you start the Machine Agent.

  4. Download and unzip the Windows ZIP bundle: Extract the contents to the agent installation directory, <machine_agent_home>.
  5. Gather your configuration details and configure the agent by editing<machine_agent_home>/conf/controller-info.xml file or by adding system properties to the JVM startup script file.
    See Plan the Machine Agent Configuration.
    1. (Required) Configure the Controller host name and port number, and account access key.
    2. (Required for Multi-Tenant Mode or SaaS installations) Configure the Agent Account Information. See Controller Accounts (Multi-Tenancy)
    3. (Optional) Review memory requirements. See Machine Agent Requirements and Supported Environments.
    4. (Optional) To configure the agent to use SSL see Enable SSL for Machine Agent.
    5. (Optional) To configure the agent to use proxy settings see Machine Agent Configuration Properties.
    6. (Optional) Application and tier name, see Machine Agent Installation Scenarios to determine if you need to specify an application name and tier name. Usually, if you are installing the Machine Agent on the same server with any APM app agent, you should not specify application name and tier name.
  6. Start the agent. If no -D options are needed on the command line, you can execute the .vbs scripts below by double-clicking on them in Windows Explorer.
    1.  As a Windows Service. You need admin privileges for this step. You can specify AppDynamics-specific -D options on this command line or edit the controller-info.xml. Add other JVM properties on the command line as needed.
      In a terminal window, execute the following command:

          cscript <machine_agent_home>\InstallService.vbs <jvm_options>

      Now you can start or stop the Appdynamics Machine Agent service from Windows Services.

    2. As an application in the terminal window, execute:
              cscript <machine_agent_home>\bin\machine-agent.vbs.

      Usage parameters for machine-agent.vbs

      Using machine-agent.vbs

      > machine-agent.vbs -h
      Usage: machine-agent.vbs[-h] [-j JAVA_HOME][-Dprop1 ...] [-Xprop2 ...]
      Start the machine agent.
          -h              print command line options
          -j JAVA_HOME    set java home for the agent
          -Dprop1         set standard system properties for the agent
          -Xprop2         set non-standard system properties for the agent

      Example of machine-agent.vbs:

      > cscript machine-agent.vbs -Dappdynamics.controller.hostName= -Dappdynamics.controller.port=8090