You can view 4.5 Analytics Agents connected to your Controller from the AppDynamics Agents page on the Analytics Agents tab. You can view agent status and health information for the Log Analytics and Transaction Analytics pipelines.

When a new Analytics Agent starts and connects to the Controller, it registers with the Controller. Once the agent is registered, the agent requests configuration information every five minutes. As part of this request, the Analytics Agent reports health status information to the Controller. healthy pipeline means analytics data is flowing from the Analytics Agent to the Events Service successfully. 

ConditionTransaction Pipeline HealthLog Pipeline Health

Analytics Agent does not contact the Controller for more than five minutes.

Not connected

Not connected

No business transaction analytics data is flowing and there are no errors in the connection.

Connection is healthy, no data flowing
Not Applicable

Business transaction analytics data is flowing and the Agent is publishing to the Events Service successfully with no errors.

Not Applicable

Business transaction analytics data is flowing, but the Agent is experiencing errors while publishing transactions to the Events Service.

Not Applicable

No log analytics data is flowing and there are no errors in the connection.

Not Applicable
Connection is healthy, no data flowing

Log analytics data is flowing and the Agent is publishing to the Events Service successfully with no errors.

Not Applicable


Log analytics data is flowing, but the Agent is experiencing errors while publishing transactions to the Events Service.

Not Applicable



To view the Analytics Agents list, you must belong to a role with the Account level "Administer users, groups, roles, authentication, etc. View License. View AppDynamics Agents. Use Agent Download Wizard" permission. The default Account Owner and Analytics Administrator roles include this required permission. 

Access Analytics Agent Health List

To access Analytics Agents health view, select Settings > AppDynamics Agents > App Server Agents

View information for connected Analytics Agents as follows: unique host id, version, last connected time, the status of log data collection, the status of business transaction data:

Double-click a row to see more agent details:

View Analytics Agents by event type (log data and business transaction data).

Perform free text search on the list of registered Analytics Agents.