With Tibco ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Service Engine, each application is started in its own JVM. Therefore, for each application you want to monitor, you need to configure the Java agent in the startup settings for the configuration file of that application. 

The file to configure is usually the TRA file named for the application. For example: 

  • <application_name>.tra
To instrument the Tibco application
  1. Open the TRA file for the application you want to monitor and add the following to the file:


    AppDynamics recommends you include all  -D system property arguments in a single java.extended.properties line. Otherwise, the -javaagent property may be overwritten.

  2. Restart the application to have the changes take effect using the command line tool bwengine.sh (or .exe) or the Tibco Admin UI. 

Since Tibco traffic commonly takes the form of incoming SOAP actions sent via HTTP requests to a single URL (i.e., /BusinessServices/WebGateway), it's likely that you will need to create a POJO split rule in the AppDynamics configuration to differentiate business transactions for Tibco. For information, see See "Split by POJO Method Call" on Split Servlet Transaction by Payload Examples