The Code Issues Analyze page has the Code Issue Events widget for viewing a list of current code issue snapshots, with one row for each snapshot, widgets for visualizing code issues data, and widgets for highlighting key data points. 

Code Issues Analyze shown below enables you to view and analyze the results based on cumulative data based on configured criteria. You can delete, re-add, re-size, and drag-and-drop to move all of the widgets. You can set criteria to visualize a subset of the data. Every code issue event in Code Issues Analyze is collected and stored by the AppDynamics Events Service.  

Code Issue Events Widget

The Code Issue Events widget given below enables you to scan individual code issues, filter, and sort to get exactly the code issue in which you are interested. The columns of the table are fields representing the code issue properties. See Code Issue Snapshot Properties for descriptions of these properties.

Other Code Issue Widgets

The other widgets fall into the following three categories: tables, charts, a summary, and a hybrid. 

Table Widgets

The table widgets display rows of code issues in tabular form. The Code Issue Events widget lists the code issue snapshots.

Chart Widgets

The chart widgets visualize the code issue data. For example, you can view the code issues data in pie charts showing the ratio of ANRs to caught errors/exceptions, severity levels, operating systems, etc.

Summary Widget

The Summary widget just lists totals for key statistics.

Hybrid Widget

The Code Issues By Region widget is a hybrid, displaying geographic data in a map and listing the data points in a table.

Code Issues in Mobile Analytics

Code issue snapshots can also be viewed in the context of a separate product, AppDynamics Mobile Analytics. It offers additional mechanisms to analyze and visualize code issue patterns, including:

  • additional predefined widgets, such as the funnel widget
  • ADQL for searching the data
  • custom widgets
  • manipulating multiple dashboard types
  • longer retention time for storing data

AppDynamics Analytics Mobile Non-Fatal Issues Data requires a license separate from the Mobile RUM license.