The Enterprise Console command line utility allows you to perform orchestration tasks in an automated way. It is designed with the following limitations in mind:

  • There is not a complete match of all the functionalities provided by the web UI. 
  • The command line utility is only supported to run on the host where the Enterprise Console is installed. 

Command Line Directory

The|bat script in the <Enterprise Console home>/platform-admin/bin directory on the host machine provides a set of commands to install and manage the AppDynamics platform. 

To see the operations available for the Enterprise Console, from the command line, navigate to directory and run the script with -h specified:

bin/ -h
bin\platform-admin.exe cli -h
And you can view the format for each command in the command line by specifying the -h argument for a specific command: 
bin/ <command> -h
bin\platform-admin.exe cli <command> -h

You can also use bin/ list-jobs --service <controller or events-service> to see a list of jobs available for the provided service. You can then see what parameters are required for the provided job using bin/ list-job-parameters --job <job_name> --service <controller or events-service>.
Not all commands available on Linux are available on Windows. Refer to the list of the Enterprise Console commands displayed with the -h parameter.

The Enterprise Console prevents multiple users from running commands at the same time. If a second user attempts to run a command while another command is in progress, the second command is not completed and an error message appears indicating that another command is in progress. To avoid such conflicts, the Enterprise Console should generally be used by a single user at a time.   

Logging into and out of the Enterprise Console

Commands for logging in and out of the Enterprise Console are:

  • login --user-name <admin_username> --password <admin_password>
    If it has been more than one day since your last session, you will have to log in before you are able to use the command line utility. You will also have to log in again if you see the following error message:

    error: Command failed due to an error: Unauthorized
    API code 401
    Session expired. Please login and run the command again.
  • logout

Managing the Password of the Enterprise Console

Commands for resetting or changing your Enterprise Console password are:

  • reset-password
    If you forget your admin password or run into a 401 error, run this command to reset your password to its default value, admin. You will need to log out then log back in for this change to take effect.
  • change-password --user-name <username> --password <old_password> --new-password <new_password>

Starting and Stopping the Enterprise Console

Just as you can start and stop the Controller and Events Service, you can start and stop the Enterprise Console process. Commands for starting and stopping the Enterprise Console are:

  • start-platform-admin
  • stop-platform-admin 

The Enterprise Console must be running to install or administer Events Service nodes.

Getting Platform Versions

You can get the version of the Enterprise Console and any other components that you installed with the Enterprise Console. 

To get the version of the Enterprise Console:

bin/ show-platform-admin-version
bin\platform-admin.exe cli show-platform-admin-version
To get the version of one of the platform components:
bin/ get-available-versions --platform-name <platform-name> --service <controller or events-service>
bin\platform-admin.exe cli get-available-versions --platform-name <platform-name> --service <controller or events-service>

Setting the Current Platform

The optional parameter, --platform-name, can be passed in each of your commands to set the current working platform. However, you can set the environment variable, APPD_CURRENT_PLATFORM, so that you do not have to pass the current working parameter with each of your commands. You can set this variable using setenv or export. The Enterprise Console will pick up the value if it is present.

If you happen to provide the --platform-name parameter while APPD_CURRENT_PLATFORM is set, the value passed through the flag will override the environment variable.

All Platforms Flag

You can use the --all flag to denote that you want to modify all platforms with your command. For example, you can upgrade all platform binaries at once by running the following command:

bin/ upgrade-orcha --all
bin\platform-admin.exe cli upgrade-orcha --all

Additional Enterprise Console Commands

The following is a list of frequently used Enterprise Console commands:

  • create-platform --name <platform_name> --description <description> --installation-dir <install_dir>

  • delete-platform --name <platform_name>
  • upgrade-orcha --platform-name <platform_name>
    This command triggers an upgrade of the Orcha module binaries on all remote Orcha machines in the provided platform. The platform should not be running any jobs on its services when you run this command.
  • list-supported-services
  • show-platform-admin-version