The Synthetic Private Agent fetches jobs from and reports measurement results to the Synthetic Shepherd service of the Synthetic Server. Thus, you must correctly configure the Synthetic Agent so it can connect to Synthetic Shepherd.
To connect the Synthetic Agent to on-prem Synthetic Server, follow the steps below:
Stop the Synthetic Private Agent if it's running by double-clicking the desktop icon .
Change to the directory C:\appdynamics\synthetic-agent\synthetic-driver\conf.
Edit the file synthetic-driver.yml.
Assign your EUM account and the license key to the properties eumAccount and licenseKey, and the URL to Synthetic Shepherd to shepherdUrl as shown below:
## Use the URL to your Synthetic Server and the port to the Synthetic Shepherd (10101)
shepherdUrl: http://<on-prem-synthetic-server-host>:10101
## You can get the values for this from the Controller Admin Console > Controller Settings
## or the properties 'property_eum-account-name' and 'property_eum-license-key' from your license file.
eumAccount: "<eum_account>"
licenseKey: "<license_key>"
Save the file.
Restart the Synthetic Private Agent by double-clicking the desktop icon .
Verify the Private Location in the Controller
Follow the instructions given in Create a Job and Choose Locations to create a synthetic job using the private location where your Synthetic Private Agent is running.