This page lists the resolved issues for the Controller (on-premises or SaaS) and the on-premises platform for the 20.2 - 23.x releases. For on-premises platform resolved issues from 4.5.0 - 4.5.17, see Past On-premises Platform Releases.

When artifacts are updated, they are listed with their new version numbers in the tables below. Version numbers are also shown in the AppDynamics Downloads Portal.

You can sort the table of resolved issues by key, version, and product, or use the search field to find resolved issues. The most recent releases appear at the top of the page.

23.1 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.




Severity LevelAffected Versions

Release Version

Release Date


Platform Sustaining Engineering

Jetty (Java-based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server) was upgraded to 9.4.50.v20221201.

High<21.4.2123.1.0January 30, 2023


Platform Sustaining EngineeringThe NuProcess version was upgraded from 1.0.4 to 2.0.6.HighAll23.1.0January 30, 2023

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

There are no 23.1 on-premises platform resolved issues yet.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in the 23.1 release yet.

21.4 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-8667 Alert & RespondAffects column not available in the Health Rule widget21.4.3
ALERT-86678Alert & RespondBehavior of the Controller's Email Template Editor is confusing21.4.3
ANALYTICS-13273AnalyticsAdd back ticks to ADQL query if field matches ADQL keyword21.4.0

Optimize the Analytics Agent status call by using AnalyticsAgentConfigurationCache

ANALYTICS-13923AnalyticsBlank line in Dashboard where data exists21.4.10
ANALYTICS-13997AnalyticsSave and Cancel buttons missing on the Analytics Save Search dialog21.4.12


AnalyticsThe Funnel Watch page, which is not functional in the 21.4 on-premises controller, is visible to users.21.4.17
BRUM-6548Browser RUMNull Point Error preventing the Controller UI from loading the dashboard data21.4.0
BRUM-7066Browser RUM

AppDynamics Map widget displays incorrect map in Mobile RUM and Browser RUM screens

CLUSTERMON-2958Cluster MonitoringAfter adding namespaces, unable to add additional namespaces to monitor21.4.4


Mobile RUMOn the Controller UI, closing a crash fails and the crash is still considered open after refreshing. 21.4.16
DBMON-7397Database VisibilityRemove incorrect max heap size information from the Getting Started Wizard - Databases21.4.0
DBMON-7533Database VisibilityHTTP thread pool saturation preventing access to the Controller UI21.4.0
DBMON-7843Database VisibilityNo auditing for database collectors (update/delete/create)21.4.0
DBMON-8033Database VisibilityAdd Controller flag to control metric filtering for configurations such as Cassandra's keyspace metrics and Couchbase's bucket metrics21.4.2
DBMON-8038Database VisibilityDBMonEventBus POST event caused thread pool saturation21.4.2
DBMON-8374Database VisibilityFor some databases, the Object Browser>Error log screen does not render the log data


Database Visibility

Inconsistency in identifying backends leads to the following automapping failures:

  • Case-sensitive identifications of backends
  • Incorrect identifications of URL, vendor, etc.
  • Case-sensitive mapping between APM backend and DBMON


Database Visibility

In the Database section, there is no Save button when queries or statements are edited. 



Database VisibilityThe Drill Down button is missing on transaction snapshots.21.4.21


Database VisibilityOn the Live View page, double-clicking a session under the Session List displays a session data window with no data.21.4.21


Database Visibility
  • The View Connected Agents page lists incorrect Agent versions.
  • The License page shows incorrect license usage statistics because licenses are not being released for inactive database servers.

Service Endpoints returns an HTTP 500 status and emits the error message Error handling snapshot data

IAM-1546Identity, Authentication, Authorization, and AuditRemove invalid notification configs in SaaS Account DTO.21.4.6
IAM-1924Identity, Authentication, Authorization, and AuditLogin entries and user role/permissions are not displayed in the Audit Report & Audit Table21.4.4
IAM-2067Identity, Authentication, Authorization, and AuditLDAP user unable to import applications21.4.6
L4A-17233License ManagementUsage views not displaying proper data granularity21.4.0
L4A-17818License ManagementMultiple entries with the same key caused an llegalArgumentException in Glassfish21.4.0
L4A-19184License ManagementUnable to login to the Controller, LOGIN_FAILED error message is displayed21.4.13
LIC-1172LicensingServer exception for missing database partition encountered when fetching license usage21.4.4

Licensing error with the .NET Agent: vCPU information is not passed to renew lease calls

LIC-1669LicensingIBL license consumption reporting is not working for on-prem Controllers21.4.9
LIC-1691LicensingIntegrate the data migration fix to on-prem Controllers21.4.9
LIC-1981LicensingLicense consumption is not displayed for license rule for each module type21.4.13



When the Java Agent with Analytics enabled is used in fallback mode, the agent consumes twice the amount of correct license units.

METADATA-9564DashboardExport Custom Dashboard should check for null widgets and not include them in the export21.4.0
METADATA-9614DashboardCorrected caching issue to ensure the setting of the Strict-Transport-Security header21.4.2
MOBILE-1778Mobile AppRemove registered device details from cache when users delete the account from mobile applications21.4.7
MOBILE-1813Mobile AppNotifications are not being pushed to mobile devices21.4.7
PLATSE-132Platform EngineeringDisplay the correct node information in the flow map21.4.3


Platform Sustaining EngineeringApplying filter to reject unsecure URLs21.4.7
PLATSE-250Platform Sustaining Engineering

HTTP Data Collector parameters conversion type is not getting applied to the .NET Agent

PLATSE-261Platform Sustaining Engineering

Error details are not reflected on the main dashboard flow map and in BT

PLATSE-263Platform Sustaining Engineering

Other Events section missing on the Create Policy window, Trigger tab for an on-prem controller

PLATSE-272Platform Sustaining EngineeringFrom the Waterfall view, drilling down to an application in a snapshot causes an error21.4.8
PLATSE-341Platform Sustaining EngineeringUpgrade Xstream to version 1.4.18 or latest21.4.11
PLATSE-352Platform Sustaining EngineeringController root and admin credentials leaked in log files
PLATSE-356Platform Sustaining EngineeringUnlock business transaction and Save options unavailable on the UI
PLATSE-365Platform Sustaining EngineeringAgent log folders are not available for download in controller UI21.4.11
PLATSE-378Platform Sustaining EngineeringWhen creating a new app in the Browser Apps section of the EUM, the CSRF token is leaked in the HTTP GET request
PLATSE-414Platform Sustaining EngineeringMultiple REST endpoints are susceptible to vertical authorization bypass21.4.13
PLATSE-415Platform Sustaining EngineeringUnable to save a data collector with many business transactions21.4.13
PLATSE-416Platform Sustaining EngineeringWhen a large number of nodes are displayed in a custom dashboard, values are Incorrectly calculated by metric expressions.21.4.16


Platform Sustaining EngineeringWhen users with roles that have limited access to applications view the All Applications Flow Map, all applications are shown with restricted access.21.4.16


Platform Sustaining EngineeringOn the Server tab, selecting View dashboard during health rule violation in the incident window causes the permission error "ID000458: The current Identity 'F521064' does not have permission to do this. action: VIEW_SIM entity: APPLICATION 3."21.4.16


Platform Sustaining EngineeringThe property system.use.notification.message does not work on Controller >=
PLATSE-643Platform Sustaining EngineeringThe Strict-Transport-Security filter has a regression error and cannot be configured correctly in all cases.21.4.16


Platform Sustaining EngineeringSeveral error reporting issues caused cascaded errors to be reported rather than the original error.21.4.16
PLATSE-658Platform Sustaining EngineeringOn the Dashboards & Reports tab, adding a widget using a node with no data generates a 500 internal server error.21.4.20


Platform Sustaining Engineering

The Enterprise Console Discover and Upgrade process fails at the "wait for for the database to stop" task and does not discover the Controller, despite the previous task showing that the database was successfully stopped. 

The call /controller/restui/userAdministrationUiService/{user ID} allows a regular user to query any other user with higher permissions



Platform Sustaining EngineeringWhen you select the drop-down menu on the Dashboards, Server, or Business Transaction pages, the entity names are cut off after the first 21 characters.21.4.18


Platform Sustaining EngineeringOn the JMX page, selecting and exporting a JMX configuration does not export the complete configuration.21.4.21


Dash Studio

Upgraded the following JavaScript libraries to the specified versions:

  • JQuery version 3.5.1
  • AngularJS version 1.8.2


Dash StudioCustom dashboard stops responding when you attempt to share it, on an on-prem controller21.4.11


Dash Studio

In the metric widget, the menu button blocks metric values in View mode.

SVCMON-1253APMNull Pointer Error is preventing the deletion of business transactions and applications21.4.0
SVCMON-1273APMService Endpoints page displays No Data Available message or blank screen after scrolling21.4.0
SVCMON-1277APMImproved the loading of Custom Dashboards by optimizing business transaction queries21.4.0

New Service Endpoints table does not fit on the screen size

SYNTH-7058Synthetic Browser Monitoring

Synthetic Agent is not displaying in the Job Editor

SYNTH-8011Synthetic Browser Monitoring

Synth jobs [On-Prem] can be edited even without EUM permissions 

SYSTEAM-306Systems EngineeringUpgrade the Reports Service version that uses Node.js version 14.17.521.4.7
SYSTEAM-322Systems EngineeringOn-prem controller performance impacted due to queuing on hashmap accesses
TMNT-1767APMLarge number of license notifications freezes Controller UI21.4.0
UISVCS-1622UI ServicesUpgrade Controller to use latest Reports Service with new nodemailer package21.4.6

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ECONSOLE-6426Enterprise ConsoleThe upgrade process after the glassfish password change is fixed 21.4.0
ECONSOLE-6436Enterprise ConsoleThe HA Module final replication process is fixed21.4.0
ECONSOLE-6438Enterprise ConsoleThe Database data directory downtime is fixed21.4.0
ECONSOLE-6440Enterprise ConsoleThe HA Module now shows rsync errors for the Database replication




Enterprise ConsoleChange the Glassfish admin password using the asadmin utility of the Enterprise Console21.4.4


Enterprise ConsoleFixed "illegal option -- V" finalize replication error21.4.7
ECONSOLE-6530Enterprise ConsoleUpdated the regex for cleaning up InnoDB log files from the Secondary during replication21.4.4
ECONSOLE-6537Enterprise Console

Udate Azul JRE to jdk8.0.292

ECONSOLE-6539Enterprise ConsoleUpdated the regex for sanitizing InnoDB log files from the Secondary during replication21.4.4
ECONSOLE-6569Enterprise ConsoleWhen upgrading the Controller, the diagnosis script runs twice causing increased CPU usage21.4.4
ECONSOLE-6570 Enterprise ConsoleHardening the file permissions of the pa_orcha directory21.4.4
ECONSOLE-6587Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade Node.js to the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) Version 14.17.421.4.5
ECONSOLE-6649Enterprise ConsoleUpdate Apache Log4j2 versions to 2.17.1



EUMPLAT-2101EUM ServerInfrastructure-based Licensing (IBL) license file signature validation failure21.4.2
SYNTH-7154Synthetic ServerSynthetic jobs get deleted when there are connection issues between the Synthetic Server and EUM database21.4.0

Known Issues

There are no known issues in the 21.4 release.

21.3 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

There was no Controller release for 21.3.

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

There was no on-premises platform release for 21.3.

21.2 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-7111Alert & RespondGarbled characters appear in email template instead of cyrillic string21.2.0
ALERT-7786Alert & Respond

Health rules not available in cache after Controller upgrade

AMCSEV-1260App Monitoring Cloud ServicesTiers Page does not show node details for the nodes after the 10th registered node21.2.0

From the Dashboard, double-clicking "business journey" transactions directs user to Overview page instead of Details dialog


When changing the date format in My Preferences to "DD/MM/YY" and then opening a transaction snapshot in Analytics the error TRS has illegal timeRange is displayed

ANLYTCS_ES-3474Events Service

Some logically incorrect ADQL is validated

BRUM-6410Browser RUMReview of health rules violations from User Experience applications redirects to health rules for Application Performance21.2.0


Cluster Monitoring

Agent registration is prevented while storing Cluster Agent properties in the database

DBMON-7131Database VisibilityAn Incorrect Database Agent version is displayed in the Database Agents setting after upgrading the agent and starting the new agent with the same name21.2.0
DBMON-7222Database Visibility

When configuring Monitoring Operating System for an AWS RDS collector, the required region is not displayed in the list.

Now, the required regions are included and some unnecessary regions are removed from the list.

DBMON-7302Database VisibilityDisk Usage within the database Queries displays an incorrect error message for the PostgreSQL database21.2.0
DBMON-7308Database VisibilityThe Live view session list displays all the active sessions when the View filter is set to All Sessions, but active sessions are not displayed when the filter is set to All Active21.2.0
DBMON-7354Database VisibilityThe Invalid DB error is displayed when saving an action suppression on one of the nodes of the database cluster21.2.0
DBMON-7373Database VisibilityA blank window is displayed when you click Drill Down for a database on the Transactions snapshot21.2.0
DBMON-7517Database VisibilityInconsistent Custom Metric permissions21.2.0
DBMON-7535Database VisibilityThe Exclude Schemas option gets checked after upgrading from old Controller to new Controller21.2.0
DBMON-7549Database VisibilityDuplicate IO Metric entries are displayed for Microsoft SQL Server on the Health Rule configuration page21.2.0
DBMON-7604Database VisibilityCustom Metric not displayed in Custom Metrics tab even though data is displayed in Metric Browser21.2.0
DBMON-8034Database VisibilityAdded the dbmon.config.metrics.filtering.enabled Controller flag to control the Database metric filtering for Cassandra's Keyspace and Couchbase's bucket-level metrics21.2.6
DBMON-8039Database VisibilityDBMonEventBus post-event call results in thread pool saturation21.2.6
DIAGPLAT-1080APMSearching for snapshots yields inaccurate results for Standard Time Range from Transaction Snapshot21.2.0
DIAGPLAT-1212APM"Internal Server Error" when opening Error Snapshots21.2.0
DIAGPLAT-1229APMCorrect the data population for the "Snapshots Summary View"21.2.6
DIAGPLAT-1279APMServiceEndpoint Snapshots fail to load with the error getRequestSegmentDataListItemsWithFilterHandle21.2.8
LIC-647LicensingDatabase Monitoring license usage reporting does not work with Agent-based license rules21.2.3
L4A-17203License ManagementThe Get License Usage API was reporting zero active licenses despite active agents with valid leases21.2.0
L4A-17796AccountsIncrease the container-app version in the Controller 21.2.1
L4A-17818License ManagementMultiple entries with the same key caused an llegalArgumentException in Glassfish21.2.0
L4A-17838AccountsMultiple entries with the same key21.2.1
L4A-17959AccountsSAML and LDAP users without email addresses are not able to edit or add roles21.2.2
PLATSE-120Platform MaintenanceReset counter when restarting Developer mode21.2.6


APMNPE in BtServiceImpl#registerDeleteMdsBtEntityTransactionListener does not allow purge of applications and Business Transactions21.2.0
UISVCS-1063AccessibilityThe color of blue links in data grids, such as the Business Transactions list, has been updated to #0040B6 for improved contrast21.2.0
USERIMPACT-714Experience Journey MapBad Link when clicking View All Applications in Experience Journey Map21.2.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ANLYTCS_ES-5166Enterprise ConsoleUpdate the Enterprise Controller to use Events Service 20.921.2.4
ECONSOLE-6395Enterprise ConsoleThe Controller monitoring setting in the AppServer configuration is fixed21.2.0
ECONSOLE-6518Enterprise ConsoleCorrect the Enterprise Console's discovery for the latest version of the Events Service 21.2.7
ECONSOLE-6598Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade Node.js to the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) Version 14.17.421.2.8

Known Issues

Synthetic Services (Version 21.2.0)

Change in Synthetic job failure events behaviour (in the 20.7.0. version) affects the alerting configurations. This change triggers alerts for wrong events. 

In this release:

  • The events behaviour is reverted to the standard behaviour in Chrome, IE, and Firefox browsers. The issue still persists in Mobile Browser Emulation. 
  • Non-alphanumeric characters are not displayed in script logs of the Synthetic sessions.

21.1 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-7111Alert & Respond

Garbled characters are appearing in email template instead of a Cyrillic string

ALERT-7682Alert & RespondAction suppression time selector value is reset once you navigate away from the tab20.
AMCSEV-575App Monitoring Cloud ServicesNot able to create custom Service Endpoint for JMS type with property type Integer21.1.0
AMCSEV-927App Monitoring Cloud ServicesLong thread names are difficult to read21.1.0
AMCSEV-1075App Monitoring Cloud ServicesPopup on flow map does not show the calls per minute/response as per grouped JDBC21.1.0
AMCSEV-1099App Monitoring Cloud ServicesFilter UI For Tiers & Nodes in application need to close on Cancel or Apply21.1.0
AMCSEV-1187App Monitoring Cloud ServicesMachine Agents screen displays the error unnecessary keys are empty error21.1.0

Automatic field extraction does not permit adding a definer sample for more than one field

ANALYTICS-12912AnalyticsMissing start tier causes TypeError in Business Transaction flow map with EUM and BT node21.1.0
ANALYTICS-12846AnalyticsBetter handling of fields to display from originating tier in Analytics data table21.1.0
ANALYTICS-12938AnalyticsFunnel Dashboard UI: Access to the specified resource forbidden21.1.0

When editing the Analytics Search widget on the Dashboard, the toggle Use Dashboard Time Range is not responding


From Analytics Search, the array of Booleans and numbers display incorrect values

ANALYTICS-13031AnalyticsFrom Analytics Search, the Tier filter is incorrectly initialized by the Node filter21.1.0

From Transaction Snapshots, the Analytics timestamp is incorrect if the customer changed Display Time Zone in Preferences

ANALYTICS-13090AnalyticsNodeJS does not receive Analytics HTTP config21.1.0
BRUM-6390Browser RUMFrom Timing Breakdown, the SSL/TLS bar is not rendering correctly21.1.0
CDM-7016Mobile RUMAccessing warning snapshots from Code Issues causes a java.lang.exception21.1.0

Snapshots are sometimes not displaying the potential issue information

DIAGPLAT-1043APMQuery executed in getSummariesAndAppendBlobsIfNeeded times out21.1.0
DIAGPLAT-1081APMSearching for snapshots yields inaccurate results for Standard Time Range from Transaction Snapshot21.1.0
L4A-15351AccountsEmail address field not accepting special characters.21.1.0
L4A-15898AccountsCompany Admin is unable to add new user21.1.0
L4A-16541Controller-LicenseThe UI is storing the machineId instead of the hostId value reported by the agent, therefore it doesn't match the value stored for the filter.
L4A-16565AccountsAfter migrating to Infrastructured-based Licensing, the Premium package had the wrong license consumption21.1.0
METADATA-9467APMThe security header response (HSTS) is fixed21.1.0
METADATA-9483APMHealth rule status precedence is fixed21.1.0
REPORTS-799ReportsScheduled reports are sent on clicking Save21.1.0
REPORTS-811ReportsReports (scheduled or one time) with a custom time range are delivered with the Login page21.1.0
TMNT-952APMCustomer time range does not display time as per the timezone configured in the preferences21.1.0
TMNT-1799APMNotifications slow the UI down when there are many notifications21.1.0
UISVCS-1011UI ServicesCreation of error detection configuration field for the HTTP return codes for the PHP Agent21.1.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ECONSOLE-6162Enterprise ConsoleThe Enterprise Console now selectively calls the create-xxx commands and sets the alias equal to s1as (the default for the Controller)21.1.0
ECONSOLE-6245Enterprise Consolecheck-ec-dir-owner.orcha now runs a task on all inventory hosts21.1.0
ECONSOLE-6303Enterprise ConsoleThe lsof package check on has been updated with a non-pipe ( | ) implementation21.1.0
ECONSOLE-6304Enterprise ConsoleFunction to check privileged ports in has been fixed21.1.0
ECONSOLE-6344Enterprise ConsoleEC Installer copies mysql 5.5 binaries to null in 4.5.17+ versions4.5.17, 20.3.0, 20.4.0, 20.7.0, 20.8.0, 20.10.0, 20.11.0, 20.6.10, 21.1.0
ECONSOLE-6368Enterprise ConsoleThe Controller diagnosis job has been fixed and no longer fails in a Windows implementation21.1.0
ECONSOLE-6370Enterprise ConsoleInstallation of Enterprise Console fails on some time zone settings21.1.0
EUMPLAT-1280EUM ServerHMAC key is not available for Synthetic Hosted Agent license21.1.1
EUMPLAT-1320EUM ServerUnified license terms not properly provisioned on Controller with license file21.1.0
EUMPLAT-2101LicensingInfrastructure-based license file signature fails to validate21.4.1
L4A-15433AuthorizationA non-system account user is able to login to admin.jsp with no elevated permissions. 21.1.0
L4A-16638Enterprise ConsoleUnable to download AppDynamics platform components for on-premises platform upgrade21.1.0

Known Issues

There are no known issues in the 21.1 release.

20.12 Resolved and Known Issues

There were no resolved or known issues in the 20.12 release.

20.11 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-6830Alert & RespondIncorrect link destination during remediation script action creation20.11.0
ALERT-6990Alert & RespondOnly application object scope is supported for application error displays when you suppress an action (one-time) for an EUM enabled APM application20.11.0
ALERT-7088Alert & RespondHealth Rule for the User Experience Application does not automatically include new pages20.11.0
ALERT-7828Alert & RespondHealth rules not available in cache after Controller upgrade20.11.4
ALERT-9686Alert & RespondUnable to create a Custom Action due to unavailability of Save and Cancel buttons20.11.0
AMCSEV-727App Monitoring Cloud ServicesAutomatic Leak detection session duration shows 60 minutes when the agent default is 30 minutes20.11.0
AMCSEV-1023App Monitoring Cloud ServicesUnable to export the call graph20.11.0
AMCSEV-1328App Monitoring Cloud ServicesTiers page does not display node details after the 10th node is registered20.11.7
ANALYTICS-12780Application AnalyticsADQL basic search filter does not escape double quotation20.11.0
ANALYTICS-13089Application AnalyticsIncorrect Browser Sessions/Mobile Sessions details in the Analytics Home page20.11.1
ANALYTICS-13095Application AnalyticsNode.js Agent does not receive the Analytics HTTP configuration20.11.0
ANALYTICS-13067Application Analytics

From Analytics Search, the Tier filter is initialized incorrectly by the Node filter

CLUSTERMON-2089Cluster MonitoringAgent registration is prevented while storing Cluster Agent properties in the database20.11.0
DBMON-7170Database VisibilityThe database health rule is not evaluated for the custom metric name that has more than two | (pipe) symbols20.11.0
DBMON-7256Database VisibilitySome Sybase custom metrics do not display when the SQL query returns multiple result sets20.11.0
DBMON-7268Database VisibilityYou cannot update the Advanced Options for a collector because the collector is automatically updated when you select the Advanced Options on the Collector configuration page20.11.0
DBMON-7269Database VisibilityThe values cannot be added in Advanced Options on the Edit Collector page20.11.0
DBMON-6620Database VisibilityThe Oracle collector cannot be created with a custom connection string and sub-collectors20.11.0
DBMON-7615Database VisibilityCustom Metric appears in the Metric Tree for all the configurations regardless of the configuration it belongs to in the Metric Browser20.11.1
DBMON-7618Database VisibilityUnable to create action suppression on single node for database with multiple nodes (topology)20.11.1
DIAGPLAT-879APMRetrieve Event Data API is not filtered by the tier ID20.11.0
DIAGPLAT-891APMEvent creation locked because of a thread pool saturation20.11.0
DIAGPLAT-907APMFiltering is incorrect for the Service Endpoints in getRequestSegmentsByFilterHandle API20.11.0
DIAGPLAT-947APMSome TSS bound its detail string with the wrong ID20.11.0
DIAGPLAT-950APMProviding JavaScript to purge bad TSS detail IDs from the cache20.11.0


APMQuery executed in getSummariesAndAppendBlobsIfNeeded timed out20.11.3
DIAGPLAT-1082APMSearch for snapshots gives inaccurate results for Standard Time Range under Transaction Snapshot20.11.4, 20.11.5
JAVA-8865APMServiceProxy feature for Controllers upgraded to 20.11.0 are disabled20.11.2
L4A-14347AccountsImproper Authorization allows access to admin.jsp20.11.0
METADATA-9402APMREST API has added load historical liveness data for a tier, its node, and its parent app based on a anchor metric ID provided by users20.11.0
METADATA-9485APMEnsure that the HTTP header Strict-Transport-Security is set20.11.0
METADATA-9488APMHealth rule status precedence is incorrect20.11.0
MQS-1247Metric Query ServiceMetric Browser does not display data for some random window sizes20.11.9
REPORTS-813ReportsReports with custom time ranges getting delivered with login page20.11.0
SVCMON-1301APMImprove queries for business transactions to optimize performance20.11.8
SYNTH-5864Synthetic Browser MonitoringSynth Credential vault shows EUM App name in the dropdown instead of the app name20.11.0
TMNT-707APMWhen exporting metric data, the browser does not show data points after the Daylight Savings Time (DST) change20.11.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ECONSOLE-5932Enterprise ConsoleThe .properties files are no longer included in the Enterprise Console Installer20.11.0
ECONSOLE-6190Enterprise ConsoleEnterprise Console successfully changes the http-listener-2.port after the update_config job completes20.11.0
ECONSOLE-6196Enterprise ConsoleThe Controller DB user password has been updated with Aurora DB20.11.0
ECONSOLE-6201Enterprise ConsoleCustomizations to the domain.xml file are no longer lost during upgrade to 20.420.11.0
ECONSOLE-6216Enterprise ConsoleThe Enterprise Console recognizes timeouts in Windows Stop Service from playbooks20.11.0
ECONSOLE-6344Enterprise ConsoleMySQL 5.5 and 5.6 binaries are fixed in the Enterprise Console packaging for Windows20.11.0
ECONSOLE-6587Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade Node.js to the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) Version 14.17.421.11.10

Known Issues

There were no known issues in the 20.11 release.

20.10 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-6669Alert and RespondDrill down for health rule violation and affected entities display blank results20.10.0
ALERT-6767Alert and RespondApplication with id:-1 does not exist error is displayed when you access the health rules using the dashboard and click on Critical or Warning tab20.10.0
ALERT-6781Alert and RespondSupport Overall Application Performance type health rules through Alerting Templates for EUM-enabled APM applications20.10.1
ALERT-7379Alert and RespondUnable to save action suppression for EUM-enabled applications20.10.1
AMCSEV-743App Monitoring Cloud ServicesNode count on the Dashboard does not match the node count on the Node panel20.10.0
AMCSEV-768App Monitoring Cloud ServicesCustom transaction match rules cannot be created from Snapshot screen20.10.0
AMCSEV-808App Monitoring Cloud ServicesJava Agent version not displayed correctly on Tier & Nodes20.10.0
AMCSEV-862App Monitoring Cloud ServicesBackend discovery rules losing data upon enabling or disabling20.10.0
AMCSEV-885App Monitoring Cloud ServicesJava Agent version not displayed correctly on Tier & Nodes. Backport to 20.820.8.0, 20.10.0
AMCSEV-1170App Monitoring Cloud ServicesEnable Automated Transaction Diagnostics in the Controller by default20.10.1
ANALYTICS-11516Application AnalyticsUI not setting start and end timestamps correctly in ADQL aggregation query20.10.0
ANALYTICS-12809Application AnalyticsSelected options do not attach the correct options in Add Business Journeys20.10.0
ANALYTICS-12926Application AnalyticsLimit error messages and stack traces in Business Transactions to 8191 characters20.10.0
ANALYTICS-13094Application AnalyticsNode.js Agent does not receive the Analytics HTTP configuration20.10.5
BRUM-6243Browser RUMCreating EUM Application using Getting Started Wizard fails with error20.10.0
BRUM-6223Browser RUMEURT column on Pages and AJAX request UI is too slim and column sizing does not persist20.10.0
CDM-6544Mobile RUMCorrect Fragment Start Event type typo in the Collector20.10.0
CDM-6571Mobile RUMCreate unit test cases for IP Header and Geo resolution handling for mobile beacons20.10.0
CLUSTERMON-1948Cluster MonitoringThe Pods tab does not display data20.10.0
CLUSTERMON-2090Cluster MonitoringCluster Agent runs out of database space when persisting the agent registration request20.10.2
DBMON-6275Database VisibilityWhen you edit the query text of a custom metric, the changes get saved without clicking Save20.10.0
DBMON-6816Database VisibilityThe Metric Browser displays a 504 Error when you launch it for the first time20.10.0
DBMON-6937Database VisibilityThe Custom Metrics tab displays a 500 internal error 20.10.0
DBMON-6947Database VisibilityThe database health rules are not evaluated for the collectors with the view permissions20.10.0
DBMON-7055Database VisibilityThe memory metrics are not displayed for the Oracle 11g database20.10.0
DBMON-7060Database VisibilityThe Transaction Snapshot is not displayed for the Oracle Cluster20.10.0
DBMON-7600Database VisibilityOnly add custom metrics to the configuration which it belongs to in the Metric Browser20.10.8
DBMON-7617Database VisibilityUnable to create action suppression on single node for database with multiple nodes (topology)20.10.8
DIAGPLAT-767APMNo RSD found for filter error in /snapshot/getRequestSegmentDatav220.10.0
DIAGPLAT-925APMFiltering incorrect for the Service Endpoints in the getRequestSegmentsByFilterHandle API20.10.0
DIAGPLAT-961APMSome top summary stats (TSS) are bound to the wrong ID20.10.0
DIAGPLAT-994APMAdded a filter to the REST endpoint /restui/events/query to curtail unexpected results20.10.3
DIAGPLAT-1018APMIncorrect join for archive queries when getting potential problems for snapshots20.10.5

Query executed in getSummariesAndAppendBlobsIfNeeded timed out

DIAGPLAT-1083APMSearch for snapshots gives inaccurate results for Standard Time Range under Transaction Snapshot20.10.9, 20.10.10
IAM-1541Identity, Authentication, Authorization, and AuditThe Controller is running slow due to multiple calls for config import/export to ApiClientResourceImpl. 20.10.0
L4A-8473AccountsWhen passing multiple groups, the SAML Access Attribute does not work20.10.0
L4A-13281AccountsAccount key is appearing in the Controller audit report 20.10.0
METADATA-9355APMMDS connection pools no longer ignore JDBC parameters in domain.xml20.10.0
METADATA-9372APMMDS connection pools no longer ignore JDBC parameters in domain.xml20.10.0
METADATA-9486APMEnsure that the HTTP header Strict-Transport-Security is set20.10.4
METADATA-9489APMHealth rule status precedence is incorrect20.10.4
MOBILE-1619Mobile AppFetch push server URL from the Configuration Manager in each notification request20.10.2
METADATA-5428DashboardsDashboard health status widget appears green even when the health rule shows grey20.10.0
REPORTS-799, REPORTS-814ReportsScheduled reports are sent on clicking Save20.10.0, 20.10.6
REPORTS-812ReportsReports with a custom time range are delivered with the login page20.10.6
SVCMON-963APMExit calls to resolved backends now display on Flow Maps20.10.0
SVCMON-1252APMQuery updating a flow map preference causes high CPU usage20.10.7

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ECONSOLE-6221Enterprise ConsoleEnterprise Console now honors timeouts in Windows Stop Service during upgrade20.10.0
ECONSOLE-6343Enterprise ConsoleUpgrading the Enterprise Console from 20.8 to 20.10 no longer hinders the JRE upgrade on Controller nodes during an orcha upgrade20.10.0


Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade Node.js to the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) Version 14.17.420.10.11
EUMPLAT-1104EUM ServerUpgrade MySQL to 5.7.3120.10.0
EUMPLAT-1231EUM ServerThreads blocked in JSON parsing in the gson library20.10.1

Known Issues

There are no known issues in the 20.10 release.

20.9 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-6835Alert and RespondAlerting template popup status does not change as per the template progress statusuic-20.9.0
SYNTH-6536Synthetic Browser MonitoringCookies not visible in request headers of Chrome v8320.9.0

20.8 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-6676Alert and RespondThe third-party Bzip2 library used by the Controller has been updated to version 1.0.820.8.0


Alert and RespondUpon clicking the View Dashboard During Health Rule Violation for a BT, you are redirected to a non-existing entity with the id -120.8.0


Alert and RespondWhen you access a health rule using the health status widget on the dashboard, Application with id:-1 does not exist error is displayed20.8.0
ALERT-6916Alert and RespondUpgrade to Kafka Streams
ALERT-6996Alert and RespondActions are not getting triggered after Recurring Action Suppression time has expired20.8.0
AMCSEV-62App Monitoring Cloud ServicesUnable to save an exception match condition20.8.0
AMCSEV-90App Monitoring Cloud ServicesCreate Method Invocation Data Collector dialog from call graph does not autofill20.8.0
AMCSEV-519App Monitoring Cloud ServicesUnable to save Java Error Detection Configuration because of an OptimisticLockException20.8.0
AMCSEV-543App Monitoring Cloud ServicesUnable to delete archived machine snapshots20.8.0
AMCSEV-607App Monitoring Cloud ServicesError counts for the URLs in the Error Occurrence Details table are not getting refreshed for different time ranges20.8.0
AMCSEV-755App Monitoring Cloud ServicesFailed to create a backend detection Custom Exit Point via the right-right-click 20.8.0
AMCSEV-885App Monitoring Cloud ServicesJava Agent version is not displayed correctly with the Controller version on Tier & Nodes20.8.0
ANALYTICS-12711Application AnalyticsOverloaded method checkbox becomes unchecked in Create Data Collector dialog box20.8.0
ANALYTICS-12730Application AnalyticsAnalytics widget size is setting wrong when add to absolute layout dashboard20.8.0
ANALYTICS-12900Application AnalyticsAnalytics Home page displays inconsistent EUM charts20.8.1
ANALYTICS-12912Application AnalyticsMissing start tier causes TypeError in Business Transaction flow map with EUM and BT node20.8.0
ANALYTICS-12935Application Analytics

When you add a Business Journey and select a Business Transaction, the BT name is replaced with the BT ID upon saving the Business Journey

ANALYTICS-13024Application Analytics

The Business Transactions are not filtered based on the tier selected in the Business Journey page

ANALYTICS-13093Application AnalyticsNode.js Agent does not receive the Analytics HTTP configuration20.8.9
ANLYTCS_ES-3766Events ServiceThe third-party netty library used by the Controller has been updated to 4.1.4820.8.0
ANLYTCS_ES-3804Events ServiceUser is unable to see data in the Metric Browser because of the error message last run failed20.8.0
ANLYTCS_ES-3861Events ServiceThe third-party search-guard-ssl library used by the Event Service is updated to version 24.0 and kibana plugin is updated to version
APMPLAT-11061APMApp and Machine Agent Status now correctly display percentages for Nodes and Tiers in the user interface20.8.0
BRUM-6161Browser RUMAnalyze records can fail to load20.8.0
CLUSTERMON-1870Cluster MonitoringCollect Cluster Agent adoption and usage data20.8.0
COGENG-901Cognition EngineThe third-party netty library used by the Controller has been updated to 4.1.4820.8.0
DBMON-6596Database MonitoringThe Oracle Collector does not work when the Oracle Wallet option is enabled during the Oracle Collector configuration20.8.0
DBMON-6764Database MonitoringThe Hardware Monitoring option includes an outdated region for Amazon RDS20.8.0
DBMON-7005Database MonitoringThe third-party netty library used by the Controller has been updated to 4.1.4820.8.0
DBMON-7111Database MonitoringThe Controller does not display any data when you open the Metric Browser for the first time20.8.0
DBMON-7140Database MonitoringUpgrade the JAR singularity-xml to include Apache Xerces
DIAGPLAT-798APMSnapshots do not get loaded, 500 Internal Server Error is displayed20.8.0
DIAGPLAT-828APMCall to /snapshot/getRequestSegmentDatav2 returns the error No RSD found for filter20.8.0
DIAGPLAT-893APMCorrect the exit call mapper RSD v220.8.0

When reviewing a Business Transaction Snapshot, the display of Potential Issues takes time of 30 to 60 seconds


Service Endpoints do not filter corresponding transaction snapshots when you use the getRequestSegmentsByFilterHandle API

DIAGPLAT-942APMCorrect the Service Endpoints filter for snapshots at the front-end layer20.8.5
DIAGPLAT-960APMModify query for loading the TSS detail string to cache20.8.7
DIAGPLAT-963APMSome TSS bound its detail string with the wrong ID20.8.7
JAVA-8021Java Agent - ControllerUpgrade the Java Agent to 20.6.0-30555 in the Controller20.8.0
L4A-12908AccountsReset password via email does not work for single tenant20.8.0
L4A-14101AccountsUpgrade platform-rbac to 20.4.0-17020.8.0
L4A-14454AccountsUpgrade the dropwizard library to 20.4.0-17020.8.0

LDAP group sync fails due to deleted groups being included in results

METADATA-9008APMSocket timeout and number of connections in Jedis pool are configurable20.8.0
METADATA-9384APMMDS connection pools no longer ignore JDBC parameters in domain.xml20.8.0
METADATA-9397APMUpgrade the JAR singularity-xml to include Apache Xerces

The context is not reset post an exception in some dashboard flows

METADATA-9453APMREST API loads historical liveness data for a tier, its node, and its parent app based on an anchor metric ID provided by users20.8.7
METADATA-9487APMEnsure that the HTTP header Strict-Transport-Security is set20.8.8
METRICSVC-5021Metric ServiceApp and Machine Agent Status now correctly display percentages for Nodes and Tiers in the user interface20.8.0
METRICSVC-5758Metric ServiceUpgrade the PostreSQL JDBC Driver library to 42.2.1420.8.0
MQS-1139Metric Query ServiceApp and Machine Agent Status now correctly display percentages for Nodes and Tiers in the user interface20.8.0
NETWORK-5403Network VisibilityUser with Administration, Agents, Getting Started Wizard permission is not allowed to view the Network Visibility Agents tab20.8.0
REPORTS-791ReportsController changes made all reports fail if any had scheduling fails on startup 20.8.0

NodeJs used by controller has been updated to v14.8

REPORTS-777ReportsUpgrade the version of Node.js in the Controller to
SERVER-8174Machine AgentApp and Machine Agent Status now correctly display percentages for Nodes and Tiers in the user interface20.8.0
SVCMON-827APMIn Controller UI, Web Service Exit Call showing as ui:ms_TransactionExitPointType_null20.8.0
SVCMON-864APMController logs full of the Redis error Cache unavailable issue20.8.0
SYNTH-5965Synthetic Browser MonitoringProblem Ended event should be generated only after Error/Warning is confirmed20.8.0
TMNT-720APMTime changes randomly in the Custom Time range component20.8.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.






Enterprise Console

User who installed Enterprise Console is the only user permitted to upgrade the Enterprise Console



Enterprise Console

Windows Controller upgrade fails


Known Issues

There were no known issues in the 20.8 release.

20.7 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-3800Alert and RespondThe audit.log and REST API response include a typo, helathRuleIds20.7.0
ALERT-4781Alert and RespondWhen you update an existing action, OBJECT_UPDATED events in the audit log file show old values as 0 instead of the previously configured value20.7.0
ALERT-5940Alert and RespondWhen you update a global health rule checkbox for an application, the application name is missing in the audit log20.7.0
ALERT-6106Alert and RespondAction suppression does not work for health rules with status Ended – Critical; this happens for events of the type Database20.7.0
ALERT-6139Alert and RespondAlerting template does not get applied to applications, it gets stuck with a status In Queue20.7.0
ALERT-5349Alert and RespondWhen you open an Event UI and reload the background UI, the refreshed background UI display is distorted20.6.0, 20.7.0
ALERT-6028Alert and RespondRemove Alerting Template RBAC constraints20.4.0, 20.7.0
ALERT-6684Alert and RespondThe third-party Bzip2 library used by the Controller has been updated to version 1.0.820.7.1
ALERT-6764Alert and RespondDeep link for Affected Entity and View Dashboard During Health Rule Violation is taking -1 instead of the correct entity ID20.7.2
ALERT-6857Alert and RespondAccessing the Health Status widget returns the Application with id:-1 does not exist error20.7.4
ALERT-6915Alert and RespondUpgrade to Kafka Streams
AMCSEV-49App Monitoring Cloud ServicesMissing information when exporting JMX Rule20.7.0
AMCSEV-191App Monitoring Cloud ServicesCustomization of Automatic Leak Detection settings transforms APP_AGENT configuration20.7.0
AMCSEV-470App Monitoring Cloud Services

500 Internal Server Error occurs while loading Application Dashboard

AMCSEV-512App Monitoring Cloud ServicesUser Getter Chain not working correctly when \. operator is found20.7.0
AMCSEV-518App Monitoring Cloud ServicesDeleting backend throws the error message Invalid unresolved backend call id20.7.0
AMCSEV-521App Monitoring Cloud ServicesSnapshots link broken in Transaction Summary Statistics UI with RSD V2 enabled20.7.0
ANALYTICS-11038Applications AnalyticsADQL with substring function does not work for fields with hyphen20.7.0
ANALYTICS-11634Applications AnalyticsMIDC configuration incorrectly stores method chains from APM configurations20.7.0
ANALYTICS-12263Applications AnalyticsBO definition in draft state with duplicate names will loop forever in UI20.7.0
ANALYTICS-12441Applications AnalyticsAnalytics: UI Fails To Handle Long Queries20.7.0
ANALYTICS-12571Applications AnalyticsPage Name filter in Add Business Journey dialog does not display by App Key and does not use ADQL20.7.0
ANALYTICS-12675Applications AnalyticsBO grid view API call should include an additional param flowmapDetails set to false20.7.0
ANALYTICS-12878Applications AnalyticsSelected options do not attach the correct options in Add Business Journeys20.7.3
ANLYTCS_ES-3415Events ServiceCannot create Analytics metrics from an ADQL query that contains a comma20.7.0
ANLYTCS_ES-3803Events ServiceUnable to see metric data on the Metric Browser, last run failed message is displayed20.7.1
ANLYTCS_ES-3860Events ServiceThe third-party search-guard-ssl library used by the Event Service is updated to v24.0 and kibana plugin is updated to v5.6.8.720.7.3
ANLYTCS_ES-3938Events ServiceUpgrade the Controller HTTP Client, HTTP Core, and AsyncHTTP Client library versions20.7.3
APMPLAT-11934APMJMX create metric operation to auto-fill domain name in UI popup and JMX rule using the create metric operation have been fixed4.5.17, 20.7.0
APMPLAT-13274APMThis event warning has been updated: "Automatic Service Proxy Discovery functionality has minimum agent version requirements for agents upstream of discovered proxies. Please check the documentation for details."20.7.0
CLUSTERMON-1358Cluster MonitoringThe Pods tab does not display the pod list after the re-registration of Cluster Agent20.7.0
DBMON-6529Database VisibilityThe Connect backends to Database Visibility to track health status message is displayed every time, even when it is not required20.7.0, 20.4.3
DBMON-6628Database VisibilityThe Network Dashboard flowmap does not display the backend nodes of the database20.6.0, 20.7.0, 20.4.2
DBMON-6601Database VisibilityThe Events tab for the MySQL collector displays the error, Error processing InnoDB metrics for config20.7.0
DBMON-7141Database VisibilityThe third-party Apache xerces library used by the Database Agent is updated to
DIAGPLAT-807APMSnapshots do not get loaded, 500 Internal Server Error is displayed20.7.1
DIAGPLAT-809APMArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is displayed for RSD V2 enabled Controllers20.7.1
DIAGPLAT-815APMAllow a list of GUIDs in SnapshotListFilter to view multiple GUIDs in the snapshot list view20.7.3
DIAGPLAT-857APMNo RSD found for filter error is displayed for the REST API call /snapshot/getRequestSegmentDatav2?20.7.3
DIAGPLAT-892APMCorrect the exit call mapper RSD v220.7.5
DIAGPLAT-915APMCorrection of a query for the RSD v2 20.7.5

Service Endpoints do not filter corresponding transaction snapshots when you use the getRequestSegmentsByFilterHandle API


Correct the Service Endpoints filter for snapshots at the front-end layer


EUMPLAT-593EUMArchived Browser Snapshot does not open when the linked Transaction Snapshot does not exist20.7.0
EUMPLAT-831EUMAccount credential is not updated when hitting renew-license-key endpoint20.7.0
JAVA-8020APMThe third-party Apache xerces library used by the Java Agent is updated to
L4A-12097AccountsNo audit log entry created for license changes20.7.0
L4A-12444AccountsNullPointerException when using REST API to generate an access token for API Client20.7.0
L4A-12447AccountsEncountered LDAP sync failure while updating user outside Hibernate session20.7.0
L4A-13981AccountsThe third-party Jackson databind library used by platform-rbac is updated to
L4A-14453Accounts Upgrade the dropwizard to 20.720.7.5
L4A-14542Accounts LDAP group sync fails due to deleted groups being included in results20.7.5
METADATA-7833APMAnchor metrics for business transactions are getting lost causing issues in entity liveness20.7.0
METADATA-8834Metric BrowserADDs display correctly in the Metric Browser without a name conflict20.7.0
METADATA-9035APMAble to use native query to find Business Transaction IDs and their tier IDs from the database correctly20.7.0
METADATA-9171APMNo snapshots are created because the ADD stacktrace purger takes more than 20 hours to complete and holds the read-only lock for the metadata table20.7.0
METADATA-9381APMMDS connection pools ignore the JDBC parameters in domain.xml including useSSL, which impacts the the AppDynamics GovAPM deployment20.7.4
METADATA-9393APMUpgrade the JAR singularity-xml to include Apache Xerces

Context is not reset in some dashboard flows post an exception

METRICSVC-5472Metric ServiceReader client version was updated to version for Controller primary20.7.0
METRICSVC-5776Metric ServiceThe third-party PostgreSQL JDBC Driver library used by the Controller has been updated to version 4.2.1320.7.1
METRICSVC-5972Metric ServiceClient connection pool saturated20.7.4
MQS-1100Metric Query ServiceMissing business transaction specific graphs in the Expression Dashboard20.7.0
REPORTS-792ReportsScheduled reports not working after Controller upgrade if any invalid report definitions exist when appserver is restarted20.7.3
REPORTS-796ReportsNodeJS used by controller has been updated to v14.


Server VisibilityService availability check interval in the Controller UI now displays minutes instead of seconds20.7.0
SERVER-8271Server VisibilityServer metrics no longer disappear in the UI when scrollinguic-20.5.0, 20.7.0
SVCMON-883APMWebService type exit call is displayed as ui:ms_TransactionExitPointType_null20.7.0
SVCMON-900Controller UIResourceManager renders package:key strings when a key is not found instead of the locale strings, with a log message package or string not found20.7.0
TMNT-580Machine AgentUnable to download the Machine Agent from Getting Started Wizard - Servers20.7.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.



Enterprise Console

Controller Upgrade button has been fixed and is now responsive after Enterprise Console upgrade



Enterprise Console

Add secondary job now verifies JRE version and updates the JRE configuration on both primary and secondary Controllers


SYNTH-4759Synthetic ServerOn-premises Controller with hosted license is unable to create jobs due to SaaS API call failures20.7.0
SYNTH-5678Synthetic ServerPrivate synthetic agent jobs do not consume synthetic license units if webpages are not loaded20.7.0
SYNTH-5685Synthetic AgentTEMP directory C:\users\agent_user\AppData\Local\Temp does not get deleted automatically20.7.0
SYNTH-5636Synthetic ServerSynthetic jobs are auto-disabled even when sufficient license units are left20.7.0
SYNTH-5554Synthetic ServerSynthetic job editor becomes unresponsive when it receives errors from AJAX calls20.7.0
SYNTH-5458Synthetic ServerCapacity-related error messages displayed for private agents are now different from the error messages displayed for SaaS agents20.7.0
SYNTH-5445Synthetic ServerWaterfall graph displays duplicate tick labels in the timeline on the Session Summary page20.7.0
ALERT-4182Alert and RespondNullPointerException is displayed when configuring the Email SMS for an on-premises Controller20.7.0

Known Issues

There were no known issues in the 20.7 release.

20.6 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-5349Alert & RespondWhen you open an Event UI and re-load the background UI, the refreshed background UI display is distorted20.6.0
ALERT-5731Alert & RespondAlert link in the email notification is broken and does not display the alert details, post Controller upgrade20.6.0
ALERT-6220Alert & RespondWhen you apply an alerting template, it gets stuck in a queue and is not applied20.6.0
ALERT-6355Alert & RespondAlerting Templates not showing in 20.6 Controllers20.6.2
ALERT-6377Alert & RespondEditing or deleting custom roles for Alerting Templates causes the error CONFIG_ALERTING_TEMPLATES_PLANS doesn't exists20.6.2
ALERT-6518Alert & RespondUnable to add dashboards to the admin role, error permission action is not specified due to missing CONFIG_ACTION_SCHEDULE permission20.6.3
ALERT-6914Alert & RespondUpgrade to Kafka Streams


App Monitoring Cloud ServicesCustomization of Automatic Leak Detection settings transforms APP_AGENT configuration20.6.10
ANALYTICS-12073Analytics Events Service (SaaS)Inconsistency in counting business transaction segments for Analytics licensing4.5.13
ANALYTICS-12775AnalyticsBizOutcome Grid View API call should include the parameter flowmapDetails set to false20.6.3
ANALYTICS-12644AnalyticsBusiness Journeys are failing to load20.6.3
ANLYTCS_ES-3536Events ServiceUpdate the Events Service version in Controller to get library updates for Apache Kafka, Google Guava, and snakeyml20.6.3
ANLYTCS_ES-3859Events ServiceRemove the search-guard library from the Events Service20.6.9
ANLYTCS_ES-3937Events ServiceUpgrade the Controller HTTP Client, HTTP Core, and AsyncHTTP Client library versions20.6.9
BRUM-6022Browser RUMGrid columns appear when user sorts some EUM paginated grids20.6.0
CLUSTERMON-1257Cluster MonitoringThe Succeeded pod count includes the number of deleted pods on the Pods page20.6.0


Database Monitoring

The queries that correlate with standalone collectors are not displayed when you drill-down Business Transactions



Database Monitoring

The Network Dashboard flowmap does not display the backend nodes of the database

DBMON-4676Database MonitoringCollectors display multiple nodes with the same name when creating a health rule20.6.0
DBMON-6718Database MonitoringThe Connect backends to Database Visibility to track health status message is displayed every time, even when it is not required20.6.0
DBMON-5508Database MonitoringSorting does not work as expected for the Queries, Time in database, or CPU Usage(%) metrics in the Databases page20.6.0
DBMON-6948Database MonitoringRemoved a singleton from an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) to prevent a Database Monitoring thread pool saturation20.6.3
DBMON-6983Database MonitoringAfter upgrading to 20.6, the Database Dashboard is missing the CPU and Network I/O graphs20.6.3
DBMON-7142Database MonitoringUpgrade the Apache Xerces third-party library to
EUMPLAT-601End User MonitoringUpdate the Neustar map library to correct geodata20.6.0
EUMPLAT-776End User MonitoringMetrics missing intermittently due to an SocketTimeoutException when EUM tries to download metrics20.6.0
JAVA-8019Controller - APMUpdate the Java Agent in the Controller20.6.9
L4A-12343AccountsCompany admins getting "email address already a member" error while adding self service users to the account.20.6.0
L4A-14102AccountsUpgrade platform-rbac to 20.4.0-170 20.6.9
L4A-14452AccountsUpgrade dropwizard to 20.620.6.10
L4A-14541AccountsCustomization of Automatic Leak Detection settings transforms APP_AGENT configuration20.6.10
METADATA-9220APMNo snapshots are created because the ADD stack trace purger takes more than 20 hours to complete and holds the read-only lock for the metadata table20.6.1
METADATA-9399APMUpgrade the Apache Xerces third-party library in the Controller to
METRICSVC-5901Metric ServiceClient connection pool saturated 20.6.9
MQS-1131Metric Query ServiceServer|Component:tearName metrics not supported by new implementation of Custom Dashboards20.6.0
MQS-1163Metric Query ServiceMissing graphs specific to business transactions in the Expression Dashboard20.6.3
SERVER-6833Server VisibilityServer page displays the total number of servers in the bottom right footer20.6.0
SERVER-7785Server VisibilitySearching using the Hierarchy field is now possible20.6.0
SERVER-8250Server VisibilityUpgraded Apache httpclient to
SERVER-8279Server VisibilityThe dashboard now displays all processes, even if they share the same name20.6.0
WEBSRV-6Apache Agent

Apache Agent injects ADRUM headers when Business Transaction correlation is disabled

WEBSRV-22Apache AgentUsing AppDynamicsLaunchProxy directive with the apachectl reload (graceful) option does not delete a previous proxy task20.6.0
WEBSRV-228Apache Agent

The Webserver Agent version is displayed in place of the proxy version on the Controller UI


On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

ECONSOLE-5466Enterprise Console

The check-controller-health CLI command from the Enterprise Console now reads results correctly

ECONSOLE-5825Enterprise ConsoleThe appserver-admin-console-password is no longer used nor displays in setup.xml20.6.0
ECONSOLE-5832Enterprise ConsoleEnterprise Console no longer allows an older Enterprise Console platform installer to be used to upgrade to a newer version20.6.0
ECONSOLE-5889Enterprise ConsoleMySQL root permissions have been fixed to allow upgrade20.6.0
ECONSOLE-5906Enterprise ConsoleController upgrade from 4.5.x to 20.3 no longer fails with mysql_upgrade version20.6.0
ECONSOLE-6183Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade MySQL to 5.7.3120.6.10
EUMPLAT-903EUM ServerUse jetty-util 9.4.18 to resolve the issue upgrading SSLContextFactory20.6.1

Known Issues

There were no known issues in the 20.6 release.

20.5 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

L4A-12476AccountsInternal users are not able to add an organization from "Manage Zendesk Organization" in the portal because it's not fetching the right parent company from Zendesk while trying to update.

Known Issues

There were no known issues for the on-premises platform in the 20.5 release.

20.4 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.

ALERT-2307Alert & RespondImport of Action API fails with a Could not import Actions: Transaction marked for rollback error20.4.0
ALERT-4482Alert & RespondAction suppression with object scope set to node resets to scope application when saved20.4.0
ALERT-6028Alert & RespondRemove Alerting Template RBAC constraints20.4.2


Alert & RespondEditing or deleting custom roles for Alerting Templates causes the CONFIG_ALERTING_TEMPLATES_PLANS doesn't exists error20.4.8
AMCSEV-544App Monitoring Cloud ServicesSnapshots link broken in Top Summary Lists UI when RSD V2 is enabled20.4.6
AMCSEV-941App Monitoring Cloud Services

Customization of Automatic Leak Detection settings transforms APP_AGENT configuration

ANALYTICS-10310Application AnalyticsSQL data collectors are not enabled for Analytics when saved from new HTML screens20.4.0
ANALYTICS-12272Application AnalyticsCannot save Analytics searches if the search name exists in another account20.4.0
ANALYTICS-12322Application AnalyticsNo access to Mobile Code Issues event type on Analytics search screen20.4.0
ANALYTICS-12397Application AnalyticsOption to create SQL Data collector from APM snapshot is missing from 4.5.10 Controller version20.4.0
APMPLAT-11662APMExcessive logging of error messages has been fixed20.4.0
APMPLAT-13124APMFilters for Transaction Snapshots has been fixed and is working correctly20.4.0
CDM-6119iOSAppD sessions do not end post 10 mins inactivity as per the defined timeout, leading to long-running events20.4.0
CDM-6198Mobile RUM

Crash Snapshot Details dialog fails to open

CLUSTERMON-868ControllerSome Cluster Agent metrics are listed even when there are not enough Server Visibility licenses20.4.0
CLUSTERMON-1177ControllerHigh load on Controller when monitoring the deleted and the succeeded pods in a cluster20.4.0
COGENG-110Cognition EngineSelecting the business transaction in filters does not change the list of violations20.4.0
COGENG-438Cognition EngineVariables are not being replaced with values intermittently, within an email template for anomaly events20.4.0
COGENG-703Cognition EngineUI does not invoke the API to plot the abstract syntax tree (AST) graph intermittently20.4.6


Database VisibilityThe hardware metrics are not captured on the MS SQL Database dashboard or on the Metric Browser when using a custom cluster20.4.0
DBMON-6115Database VisibilityThe controller displays access key mismatch event when the database agents start with license rule access key20.4.0
DBMON-6119Database VisibilityThe details pane on the Queries Statistics Report page is too small to view the data20.4.0
DBMON-6307Database VisibilityRemote DB Service with meta-info jdbc|db|adodotnet cannot be mapped to a database collector20.4.0
DBMON-6529Database VisibilityThe Connect backends to Database Visibility to track health status message is displayed every time, even when it is not required20.4.3
DBMON-6628, DBMON-6641ControllerMissing the database nodes in the Network Dashboard flow map20.4.0, 20.4.2
DIAGPLAT-58ControllerOptimizing EventManagerBean.getEventDetailsInBatch to prevent Internal Service and Event details errors20.4.0
DIAGPLAT-425ControllerReceiving 500 internal errors when attempting to view snapshots in an application20.4.0
L4A-10645AuthenticationSAML encryption key is updated when a role is deleted20.4.0
L4A-11010AuthenticationLDAP TLS client contexts should default to the newest TLS version supported by the Controller's bundled JRE20.4.0
L4A-11361AuthenticationNested group functionality not working20.4.0
L4A-11846AuthenticationReset password button is disabled20.4.0
L4A-12066AuthenticationOptimizing LDAP sync 20.4.0
L4A-13322AuthenticationUnable to set an expiry date for account license20.4.9

LDAP group sync fails due to deleted groups being included in results

METADATA-8112Dashboards and ReportsShow error in Controller UI when a user doesn't have permission to create dashboards20.4.0
METADATA-8228Controller - PlatformThe CustomDashboardImportExportServlet no longer writes a reply to the client before committing the transaction20.4.0
METADATA-9221APMNo snapshots are created because the ADD stacktrace purger takes more than 20 hours to complete and holds the read-only lock for the metadata table20.4.7
METRICSVC-5902Metric Service

The client connection pool gets saturated as the connections to the Controller are not cleared after a task is performed

MQS-1028MetadataExpression widget with business transactions with MetricHierarchy shows no data20.4.0
MQS-1203Metric Query ServiceAvailability metric appears to be different in MySQL when querying for 10 minutes after the 10 minute boundary20.4.10
MQS-1201Metric Query ServiceMQDC may not return the right metric data for a given time range
MQS-1207Metric Query ServiceFix availability is below 100% for high retention enabled case20.4.10
MQS-1209Metric Query ServiceAvailability metric appears less than 100% even when it is 100%20.4.10
REPORTS-591Reports ServiceApplication Health Reports show APPDYNAMICS_INTERNAL_DIAGNOSTICS events20.4.0
SERVER-6833Controller UIServer page displays total number of servers in the bottom right footer20.4.0
SERVER-7505Controller - Machine AgentAppDynamics Agents UI displays java.lang.NullPointerException error for Machine Agents20.4.0
SERVER-7725Controller - Machine AgentMachine Agent reports data continuously, but health rules on those metrics remain in a Cancelled status20.4.0
SERVER-7855Controller - Machine AgentMetric hierarchy REST API returns empty response for Root|* in hierarchy path20.4.0
SERVER-8249Controller UIOS icons are not displaying properly on on-premises Controller UI20.4.0, 20.4.3
SVCMON-639ControllerCreating a business transaction group causes a NullPointException20.4.0
SYNTH-5024Synthetic Browser MonitoringSynthetic Private Agent license usage for SaaS customers is incorrect20.4.0
SYNTH-5027Synthetic Browser Monitoring500 Internal Server Error caused by null pointer exception20.4.0
UIPLATF-9947Custom DashboardsCustom Time Range seems to be broken20.4.0
UIPLATF-6208Custom Dashboards Absolute Layout: Widgets aren't saved correctly after creation20.4.0
USERIMPACT-258ControllerRead-only users cannot access the Experience Journey Maps UI20.4.0

On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.

BRUM-5973EUM ServerMethod needed to specify domains or subdomains when setting the access-control-allow-origin HTTP header20.4.0
CDM-6234EUM ServerChange default ANR threshold value when AnrSeverityThresholdConfig is missing20.4.1
ECONSOLE-2824Enterprise ConsoleIf error occurs, Enterprise Console job fails immediately instead of waiting 45 minutes20.4.0
ECONSOLE-5553Enterprise ConsoleA check was added to the AWS Controller installation with Aurora to help prevent database misconfiguration20.4.0
ECONSOLE-5779Enterprise ConsoleController installation no longer fails due to timeout20.4.0
ECONSOLE-5906Enterprise Console

Controller upgrade from 4.5.x to 20.3 no longer fails with mysql_upgrade version

ECONSOLE-5933Enterprise ConsoleUpgrading Controller from 4.5.x to 20.3 fails with mysql_upgrade version check failure20.4.0
EUMPLAT-778EUM ServerMobile Dashboard fails to load20.4.1
EUMPLAT-790EUM ServerLicense Service keeps making calls for individual account usage and terms20.4.1
EUMPLAT-800EUM ServerMore usage data needs to be included into the EUM Usage Trend API20.4.1
SYNTH-5140Synthetic Private AgentFirefox measurements fail for some specific URLs20.4.0

Known Issues

There were no known issues for the on-premises platform in the 20.4 release.

20.3 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller (SaaS/On-Premises) Resolved Issues

No results found.



Health Rules

No audit log is captured when you disable or enable the health rule from Controller UI




Action suppression with object scope set to node resets to scope application when saved



Health Rules

OBJECT_UPDATED events show old values as 0 when a condition is updated in health rule



Health Rules

X of Y health rule based on wildcard custom metrics does not work when one metric is not reported




Logs from alerts is noisy and affecting the connection to node




Alert/event links do not open and display an error, post controller upgrade




Upgrade the Java library C3P0 to version


ALERT-6064AlertingUpgraded the C3P0 library in the Controller to version
ALERT-6489AlertingHibernate session cache becomes excessively large when the event reactor index is refreshed20.3.10
ALERT-6503AlertingEnable writing to digest tables based on flags20.3.11


Browser RUM

ZDT Controller restarts trigger re-transformation


AMCSEV-45App Monitoring Cloud ServicesIntermediate page is loaded briefly when user double-clicks an exception20.3.0
AMCSEV-47App Monitoring Cloud ServicesProcess snapshots are not filtered by a custom time range20.3.0
AMCSEV-433App Monitoring Cloud ServicesSearch option is not available the first time in Transaction Snapshots and filter options will not display20.3.0
AMCSEV-942App Monitoring Cloud Services

Customization of Automatic Leak Detection settings transforms APP_AGENT configuration




SQL data collectors are not enabled for analytics when saved from new HTML screens




Option to create SQL Data collector from APM snapshot is missing from 4.5.10 Controller version




Cannot collect SQL parameters from Analytics when you use the new HTML screens




Page Name control in Browser Request Business Journey milestone unresponsive




XLM export does not have values in daily reporting.




Cannot remove Business transactions from Transaction Analytics UI




Table widget is missing progress bar and toolbar




Missing widget titles in Analytics Search Visualization




Time series chart won't remove data series which exists in the previous page but disappears in new response


ANLYTCS_ES-3484AnalyticsClient connection pool gets corrupted and cannot recover, requiring Controller restart20.3.9
ANLYTCS_ES-3635AnalyticsRecreation of the client when the connection pool is corrupted20.3.12



Error graph shows correct information for time range greater than four hours




Libagent-based agents reporting version as are unable to register with the Controller




Customer time range selection is incorrect




Unable to filter the transaction snapshots list using the filter option in the UI



Browser RUM

Page Limit Ajax Request Warning documentation link does not work



Mobile RUM

Health rule violation summaries are not rendered when the health rule name contains HTML/XML elements



Mobile RUM

Health rule violation descriptions display incorrect health rule name containing HTML/XML elements



Cluster Monitoring

Metrics are now available when the time range filter is set to 8 days




Cluster Monitoring

Cluster Agent should respect pod limit set by the Controller



Cluster Monitoring

Incoming Cluster Agent requests are directed to the wrong threadpool



Cluster Monitoring

AppDynamics Metric Browser stops responding when cluster monitoring is enabled and a large number of nodes are registered



Cluster Monitoring

Default SIM health rules are being evaluated for clusters and pods leading to incorrect evaluation and health rule violations as depicted in the UI



Cluster Monitoring

Normal pods count is negative


CUSTOMDASH-9325Custom DashboardsCustom widget title is no longer displaying after upgrading to 4.5.1620.3.0


Database Monitoring

None of the DB collectors are reporting after Controller upgrade to 4.5.17


DBMON-6672Database MonitoringRemoved the DBMon Service from the Controller20.3.7
DBMON-6694Database MonitoringUpgrade the mysql-connector-java:8.0.13 library for the DBMon Service to 8.0.20 20.3.7


Health Rules

Event Summary page shows exception when accessed via link from email




Several ID blockers are skipped during the activation of the Controller




Invalid Account: Principal error is displayed when you load the events, post controller upgrade


DIAGPLAT-664EventsUpgrade the H2 database engine library in the Controller20.3.7
DIAGPLAT-667EventsUpgrade the Apache Commons library beanutil:1.8.3 in the Controller to 1.9.420.3.7
DIAGPLAT-681EventsUpgrade the mysql-connector-java library in the Controller to 8.0.2020.3.7
EUMPLAT-811, EUMPLAT-823Controller - EUMUpgrade the library jackson-databind to 2.11.0, and the libraries dropwizard-core and dropwizard-validation to 1.3.23 in the EUM client for the Controller20.3.7
JAVA-7529ControllerUpdate the Java Agent in the Controller to 20.4 20.3.7



New permissions added in a later release are not saved when added to existing roles




Cannot assign roles to the LDAP users when user attribute is updated on LDAP




Read-only user can access admin pages and see some admin entities




Error saving LDAP configuration if nested group attribute is an empty string in DB




User update operation leads to extra references in AuthEntityHelper.CacheRepository



Admin ConsoleOptimize account listing for the Controller Admin Console20.3.5



Email alerts are not generated as the notification configuration for AppDynamics account moves to invalid state


Including SAML config in Account DTO causes performance problems on controllers with many accounts


LDAP sync takes a lot of time in case there are more than 1,000 users with multiple groups assigned

L4A-12508AuthenticationLDAP sync fails while updating user outside of session20.3.7
L4A-12712AuthenticationUpdate the OneLogin SAML version to 2.5.0 in the Controller20.3.7
L4A-13321AuthenticationUnable to set an expiry date for the account license20.3.12

LDAP group sync fails due to deleted groups being included in results




Flowmap view and Detail screen no longer show mismatched data




The accounts to application cache is now consistent with applications cache and database




Server Health Status now shows correctly when the same dashboard is exported and imported




BT liveness data now loads correctly from Blitz




Admins can now enable the HSTS header as a setting




Metric Expression corrected in Custom dashboard




Downgrade metric ID log level to debug to 20.3.0


METADATA-8999MetricsUpgraded the libraries netty to version 4.1.48.Final and lettuce-core to 5.1.8.RELEASE20.3.5
METADATA-9120MetricsUpgrade the libraries apache-tomcat to 9.0.31, dropwizard-validation to 1.3.2, and mysql-connector-java to 8.0.20 for the Controller20.3.7
METADATA-9149MetricsUpgrade the mysql-connector Java library to 8.0.20 in modules of the Controller20.3.7
METADATA-9168MetricsUpgrade the dom4j library to 2.1.3 in the GlassFish application server of the Controller20.3.7
MQS-1032Metric Query ServiceNo data available when the custom time range is less than 30 minutes20.3.0
MQS-1161Metric Query ServiceSplit an insert statement for the Metric Hierarchy Store into smaller partitions20.3.9


Network Visibility

Error message needs to improve when user does not have permission to view Network agents tab




jsessionid no longer appears in URL and server log




Audit Report shows inconsistency when data is displayed in PDF and CSV formats




Unable to save the custom time range using the schedule report calendar fields


REPORTS-754ReportsRemove older unused version of the AppDynamics Node.js Agent from the Reports Service bundle20.3.7


Server Visibility

Server Visibility health rules work correctly with .NET compatible-mode enabled


SERVER-8254Server VisibilityUpgrade the Apache commons-httpclient library used by the Controller to version



Divide by Zero exception creates 500 error in Controller flowmap




Slow application dashboard flowmap



Server Visibility

SIM API not working for .NET agent in compatibility mode



Server Visibility

ID column in SIM table changed from int type to BigInt type



Browser Synthetic Monitoring

Business Transactions Missing Scroll Bar



Browser Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic Private Agent license usage for SaaS customers is incorrect




Functionality to set default landing screen is not working


On-Premises Platform Resolved Issues

No results found.



Enterprise ConsoleStacktrace propagated in status code while handling ADQL exceptions20.3.1
ANLYTCS_ES-3496Events ServiceIndex compaction causing client timeouts20.3.8
APMPLAT-13185Enterprise Console - ControllerUpgrade of the Controller 20.3.0 fails when attempting to modify the database table unresolved_backend_call_info20.3.1
ECONSOLE-4479Enterprise Consoletzdata check is now correct20.3.0
ECONSOLE-5691Enterprise ConsoleReplication script no longer fails if the file group name contains whitespace20.3.0
ECONSOLE-5718Enterprise ConsoleMySql configuration no longer disables the recovery of InnoDB pages20.3.0
ECONSOLE-5720Enterprise ConsoleRunning the final replication after incremental replication from the Enterprise Console UI causes the Enterprise Console to crash
ECONSOLE-5804Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade/Add Secondary HA directory validation fails because of a trailing forward slash in Controller path20.3.0
ECONSOLE-5828Enterprise ConsoleAdd secondary job no longer fails when the volume mounted has a wider name20.3.0
ECONSOLE-5934Enterprise ConsoleUpgrading the Controller from version 4.5.x to version 20.3 fails with mysql_upgrade version check failure20.3.5
ECONSOLE-5978Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade the mysql-connector Java library to 8.0.2020.3.7
ECONSOLE-5982Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade the dropwizard-validation and dropwizard-core libraries to 2.0.8 for the Enterprise Console20.3.7
ECONSOLE-5986Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade the jinjava library to 2.5.3 for the Enterprise Console20.3.7
ECONSOLE-5990Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade the okhttp Java library to
ECONSOLE-5994Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade the Apache tomcat-jdbc Java library to 9.0.3120.3.7
ECONSOLE-5999Enterprise ConsoleUpgrade the dom4j Java library to 2.1.320.3.7
ECONSOLE-6013Enterprise ConsoleRetain the internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine=MYISAM setting in the db.cnf file through the upgrades of the Controller and MySQL20.3.7
ECONSOLE-6044Enterprise ConsolePurge script to remove unused artifacts from a prior Enterprise Console installation20.3.7
EUMPLAT-572EUM ServerUpdated mysql-connector-java to 8.0.19 and mysql-version to 5.7.2920.3.0
EUMPLAT-901EUM ServerUse jetty-util 9.4.18 to resolve the issue upgrading SSLContextFactory20.3.1
SYNTH-4959Synthetic ServerPrevent schedules from being deleted when MySQL is down in on-prem environments20.3.0
SYNTH-5291Synthetic Private Agent

The Page Load Time metric is sometimes captured in events.json but not captured in the HAR

SYNTH-5339Synthetic Private AgentRevert Chrome to version 6420.3.0

20.2 Resolved and Known Issues

Controller Resolved Issues

No results found.


The company admins are unable to disable users.


On-Premises Resolved Issues

No results found.

SYNTH-4919Page count error for Synthetic Private Agent license consumption20.2.0Synthetic Private Agent
SYNTH-5291Page Load Time metric is sometimes captured in events.json but not in the HAR
20.2.1Synthetic Private Agent
SYNTH-5333Chrome upgrade to version 79 broke many non-W3C selenium commands20.2.1Synthetic Private Agent

Known Issues

There were no known issues in the 20.2 release.