The following steps describe how to collect troubleshooting information for your Controller. You may be requested for the information when troubleshooting with the AppDynamics support team.

Get Heap and Histogram Dump Files

It is recommended that you install JDK on your system before using the following commands.

  • Get the process id of the Controller to use in subsequent commands.

    ps -ef | grep java
  • Get the heap dump before garbage collection using the following command:

    <java-jdk-install-dir>/bin/jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap_before_live.bin <Controller_pid>
  • Get the histogram before garbage collection using the following command:

    <java-jdk-install-dir>/bin/jmap -histo <Controller_pid> | head -200 > histo_before_live.txt
  • Get the histogram after garbage collection using the following command:

    <java-jdk-install-dir>/bin/jmap -histo:live <Controller_pid> | head -200 > histo_after_live.txt

Take Four Thread Dumps at Three Second Intervals

  • Using the Controller process ID, execute the following command:

    kill -3 <Controller_pid>
  • Save the <Controller_Installation_Directory>/appserver/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/jvm.log file.

Send the Files to the AppDynamics Support Team

If asked to provide the information to the AppDynamics support team, send the following files generated by these steps: 

  • heap_before_live.bin
  • histo_before_live.txt
  • histo_after_live.txt
  • jvm.log