When the agent is in Constructor Mode, transaction activity is tracked from thread to thread by instrumenting the constructors of Runnable objects, and their run methods, such that the agent can link the creation point of the object with their actual execution. Since in many cases the work executed by Runnable objects does not relate to the Business Transaction context within which they were created, the agent provides for exclude rules to limit which threads are tracked. The agent configuration maintains a default set which you can fine-tune when necessary.

Constructor Mode Configuration

You configure classes for multithreaded correlation in the <excludes> child elements of the <fork-config> element in the <agent_home>/conf/app-agent-config.xml file.

The default configuration excludes the Java, Org, WebLogic and WebSphere classes:

    <!-- exclude java and org -->
    <excludes filter-type="STARTSWITH" filter-value="com.singularity/"/>
    <excludes filter-type="STARTSWITH" filter-value="java/,javax/,com.sun/,sun/,org/"/>
    <!-- exclude weblogic and websphere -->
    <excludes filter-type="STARTSWITH" filter-value="com.bea/,com.weblogic/,weblogic/,com.ibm/,net/sf/,com/mchange/""/>
    . . .

The agent supports package names where the levels in the hierarchy are either separated by dots (.) or slashes (/). The agent converts the dots to slashes internally.

Custom Configuration

You can edit the app-agent-config.xml file to exclude additional classes from thread correlation. All classes not excluded are by default included.

Use the <excludes>  element to specify a comma-separated list of classes or packages to be excluded. Use the singular form, <excludes> , to specify a single class or a package.

For includes, you must specify each package or class individually using the <include> element. You can include a sub-package or subclass of an excluded element by specifying the sub-package or subclass with an <include> element. If a classname is matched by both an exclude and include pattern, the more specific pattern matched prevails. That is, an include match with org.example.myclass prevails over an exclude match for org.example

Configuration Using Node Properties

You can also configure which classes or packages to include or exclude using a node property. See thread-correlation-classes and thread-correlation-classes-exclude.

Disable Thread Correlation at the Agent

To disable thread correlation (which disables end-to-end asynchronous transaction monitoring as well) at the agent, use one of these:

  • Set the Java agent node property thread-correlation-classes-exclude to disable asynchronous monitoring for all the relevant classes.

  • Add the following line under the fork-config section of the app-agent-config.xml file.

    <exclude filter-type="REGEX" filter-value=".*"/>