Spring actuator exposes application-specific metrics at an HTTP endpoint such as /actuator/metrics. The relevant metric values can be accessed at /actuator/metrics/<metric-name>.
Java Agent can periodically poll the HTTP endpoint exposed by the Spring actuator at http://localhost:<port-number>/actuator/metrics/<metric-name> and report the collected metrics to the Controller.  The collected metrics can be seen in the Metric Browser.

To enable reporting of Spring Actuator metrics:

  1. Set enable-spring-actuator-metrics to true.
  2. Configure the spring-actuator-port node property if you are using a custom port that Java Agent queries to get the application metrics.

    By default, these node properties are disabled. Before you enable these node properties, ensure that the metrics endpoint is exposed using HTTP.

    See App Agent Node Properties to know how to add or edit a node property.
    The following screenshot represents how metrics are displayed in the metric browser.