There are two licensing models for AppDynamics products:

  • Infrastructure-based Licensing - new model launched February 23, 2021
  • Agent-based Licensing - original model

Infrastructure-based Licensing Model

The Infrastructure-based Licensing model offers license packages for Application Performance Monitoring (APM), End User Monitoring (EUM), Application Analytics, and security. Each package includes a combination of AppDynamics Agents and is based on a single metering unit: CPU Core. Because each agent can pull from a single metering unit, Infrastructure-based Licensing can support diverse applications and provide better license usage estimates. 

This table shows how licenses in the Infrastructure-based Licensing model bundle multiple AppDynamics products.

AppDynamics Product

Infrastructure-based Licensing Packages


Enterprise for SAP Solutions

Real User Monitoring (RUM) Peak

IoT Peak


Real User Monitoring (RUM) Pro

Infrastructure Monitoring

Synthetic Monitoring

Log Analytics Pro

Secure Application

Application Monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring

Transaction Analytics

Network Visibility

Server Visibility 

Database Monitoring

SAP Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP)

End User Monitoring

Real User Monitoring (Browser and Mobile RUM)

This page contains macros or features from a plugin which requires a valid license.

You will need to contact your administrator.



Real User Monitoring Analytics


Synthetic Monitoring

IoT for Connected Devices

Log Analytics

Log Analytics



Secure Application


Agent Version Recommendations

Machine Agent: All versions of the Machine Agent are compatible with Infrastructure-based Licensing packages, but we recommend Machine Agent >= 20.11 for better performance and accurate license counting. See Agent and Controller Tenant Compatibility for supported versions.

Database Agent: To monitor the databases concurrently, the Controller Tenant requires a license for the total number of databases. Though all the versions of the Database Agent are compatible, we recommend Database Agent >= 21.2 for Infrastructure-based Licensing packages. For Database Agent license details, see License Entitlements and Restrictions.

Controller Tenant UI for Observing Usage

If you have an Infrastructure-based Licensing license and Controller >= 21.2.0, you have a new UI to manage licenses in the Controller Tenant. See the Infrastructure-based Licensing tab on Observe License Usage.

Agent-based Licensing Model

If you purchased AppDynamics licenses before February 23, 2021, you most likely have licenses in the Agent-based Licensing model. Agent-based Licensing is the original model in which each AppDynamics agent is licensed and metered individually. For Agent-based Licensing license entitlements, restrictions, and definitions, see License Entitlements and Restrictions.

AppDynamics Product

Agent-based Licensing Packages



APM Microservices

Real User Monitoring (RUM)



APM Microservices


APM Microservices

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Browser RUM

Mobile RUM

Synthetic Monitoring

Database Visibility

Log Analytics

Application Performance Monitoring

APM Any Language




Infrastructure Visibility

Transaction Analytics

Network Visibility

Server Visibility

Database Visibility

End User Monitoring

Browser Real User Monitoring

Mobile Real User Monitoring

Synthetic Monitoring

IoT for Connected Devices

Business Performance

Browser Analytics

Mobile Analytics

Transaction Analytics

Log Analytics

Controller Tenant UI for Observing Usage

If you have an Agent-based Licensing license, you have the original UI to manage licenses in the Controller Tenant. See the Agent-based Licensing tab on Observe License Usage.

  1. RUM, RUM Analytics, Log Analytics, and Secure Application licenses are available outside the IBL Model.        
  2. The same entitlement as 5 APM Any Language units, restricted to use with the following: Docker Containers, all CloudFoundry-based providers, Redhat OpenShift, Heroku Dyno, Microsoft Azure App Services (including Azure WebApps, Azure WebJobs, and Azure API Apps), Microsoft Azure Functions hosted on a Microsoft App Service plan, Microsoft Azure Service Fabric, Microsoft Azure Containers, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Oracle PaaS (Java and Node.js only) and Bluemix Containers.