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Machine Agent Configuration Properties
This page describes the Agent configuration properties, including controller-info.xml
elements, system property options (on the command line or in the startup script), and environment variables (where applicable). You configure Agent system properties based on your operating system and installation package.
The Agent updates dynamically in response to Agent configuration property changes, so you do not need to restart the Agent.
System Property Syntax
- System properties are case-sensitive
- Values that contain spaces must be enclosed with double-quotes
.NET Compatibility Mode
You must enable this mode if you want to collect and view Machine or Server metrics on a server with Machine and .NET Agents installed. See .NET Compatibility Mode.
Element in controller-info.xml: <dotnet-compatibility-mode>
System Property:
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: boolean
Default: false
Required: This mode is required if you want to collect and view Machine or Server metrics on a server with Machine and .NET Agents installed.
Account Access Key
The account access key used to authenticate with the Controller. This key is generated during installation, and you can locate the key by reviewing the license information in the Controller Settings. See Observe License Usage.
Element in controller-info.xml: <account-access-key>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.accountAccessKey
Type: String
Default: None
Required: Prior to version 4.1, this property was required only for SaaS and multi-tenant Controllers. For versions 4.1 and later, the account access key property is required to authenticate all agent to Controller communications.
Example: -Dappdynamics.agent.accountAccessKey=165e65645-95c1-40e3-9576-6a1424de9625
Account Name
The account name used to authenticate with the Controller. If you are using the AppDynamics SaaS Controller, the Account Name is provided in the Welcome email sent by AppDynamics.
Element in controller-info.xml: <account-name>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.accountName
Type: String
Default: None
Required: For AppDynamics SaaS Controller and multi-tenant users, but not for single-tenant mode (the default).
Agent Logging Directory
Deprecated. appdynamics.agent.logs.dir
should be used instead. Behavior identical to Agent Logs Directory: <appdynamics.agent.logs.dir>/logs/
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.logging.dir
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Agent Logs Directory
Sets the logs directory for log files for nodes that use this agent installation. If this property is specified, all agent logs are written to <appdynamics.agent.logs.dir>/logs.
See Deploy Multiple Machine Agents From a Common Directory when deploying multiple Machine Agents from a common directory. This property overrides the directory specified through the appdynamics.agent.runtime.dir.
If appdynamics.agent.logs.dir
property is not provided, the logs directory will be created on the same level as the Machine Agent installation folder. No changes are expected in log4j.xml
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.logs.dir
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Agent Runtime Directory
Sets the runtime directory for all runtime files (such as logs) for nodes that use this Agent installation. If you specify this property, then all Agent logs are written to <agent-runtime-dir>/logs/node-name
. Use when deploying multiple Machine Agents from a common directory. See Deploy Multiple Machine Agents From a Common Directory.
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.runtime.dir
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Container Process Selector Blocklist Regex
Any container with a process matching this regex is ignored and is not registered in the Controller.
System Property: -Dappdynamics.docker.container.process.selector.blacklist.regex
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Controller Host
This is the host name or IP address of the AppDynamics Controller, for example: or myhost or This is the same host used to access the AppDynamics browser-based user interface.
Element in controller-info.xml: <controller-host>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.controller.hostName
Type: String
Default: None
Required: If the Enable Orchestration property is false.
If Enable Orchestration is true, and if the Agent is deployed in a compute cloud instance created by an AppDynamics workflow, do not set the Controller host unless you want to override the auto-detected value. See Enable Orchestration Property.
Controller Keystore Filename
By default, the Agent looks for a Java truststore file named cacerts.jks
in the conf
directory in the Agent home. Use this property to enable full validation of Controller SSL certificates with a different Java truststore file. See .Machine Agent Configuration Properties v23.4.
Element in controller-info.xml: <controller-keystore-filename>
System Property: N/A
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Controller Keystore Password
The plain text or encrypted value of the Controller certificate password. To encrypt or obfuscate passwords, see Encrypt Agent Credentials.
Element in controller-info.xml: <controller-keystore-password>
System Property: N/A
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Controller Port
The HTTP(S) port of the AppDynamics Controller. This is the same port that you use to access the AppDynamics browser-based user interface. If the Controller SSL Enabled property is set to true, specify the HTTPS port of the Controller; otherwise, specify the HTTP port. See Controller SSL Enabled Property.
Element in controller-info.xml: <controller-port>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.controller.port
Type: Positive Integer
On-premises Default: port 8090 for HTTP and port 8181 for HTTPS
SaaS Default: For the SaaS Controller Service, use port 443 for HTTPS connections.
Required: If the Enable Orchestration property is false.
If Enable Orchestration is true, and if the Agent is deployed in a compute cloud instance created by an AppDynamics workflow, do not set the Controller port unless you want to override the auto-detected value. See Enable Orchestration Property.
Controller SSL Enabled
Specifies whether the Agent should use SSL (HTTPS) to connect to the Controller. If SSL Enabled is true, set the Controller Port property to the HTTPS port of the Controller. See Controller Port Property.
Element in controller-info.xml: <controller-ssl-enabled>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.controller.ssl.enabled
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: No
Create Node if Absent
Force the Machine Agent to create an APM node when the Agent registers with the Controller.
Element in controller-info.xml: <create-node-if-absent>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.machine.agent.registration.createNodeIfAbsent
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Required: No. If you set the app/tier/node in your controller-info.xml
file (existing upgrades or by accident), you can prevent the Machine Agent from creating APM nodes by setting this flag to false. See Machine Agent Installation Scenarios.
Enable Docker Visibility
To enable Docker Visibility on the Agent, manually add the docker-enabled element in controller-info.xml
setting, and set the flag to true
Element in controller-info.xml: <docker-enabled>true</docker-enabled>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.docker.enabled
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: Yes
Enable HTTP Listener
When set to true
, this property enables the Machine Agent HTTP listener. You can send metrics to the Machine Agent using its HTTP listener. You can report metrics through the Machine Agent by making HTTP calls to the Agent instead of piping to the Agent through sysout
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property: -Dmetric.http.listener
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: No
Enable Orchestration
Enables the Machine Agent workflow task execution when set to true
. It also enables auto-detection of the Controller host and port when the app server is a compute cloud instance created by an AppDynamics orchestration workflow. In a cloud computing environment, auto-detection is necessary for the Create Machine tasks in the workflow to run correctly. The Machine Agent polls for task executions only when orchestration is enabled. If the host machine on which this Agent resides is not created through AppDynamics workflow orchestration, this property should be set to false
. See Controller Host Property and Controller Port Property.
Element in controller-info.xml: <enable-orchestration>
System Property: N/A
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: No
Force Default SSL Certificate Validation
Used to override the default behavior for SSL validation.
This property has three states:
true: Forces the Agent to perform full validation of the certificate sent by the Controller, enabling the Agent to enforce the SSL trust chain. Use this setting when a public certificate authority(CA) signs your Controller SSL certificate.
false: Forces the Agent to perform minimal validation of the certificate. This property disables full validation of the Controller's SSL certificate. Use this setting when full validation of a SaaS certificate fails.
unspecified: The validation performed by the Agent depends on the context:
- If the Agent is connecting to a SaaS Controller, full validation is performed.
- If the Agent is connecting to an on-premises Controller and the
file is present, then full validation is performed using the cacerts.jks file. - If the Agent is connecting to an on-premises Controller, and there is no
file, then minimal validation is performed
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property: -Dappdynamics.force.default.ssl.certificate.validation
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Boolean
Default: None
Required: No
Enable Dynamic Monitoring Mode (DMM)
When this option is enabled, the Agent reports metrics based on the Dynamic Monitoring Mode specified for that Agent in the Controller. When this option is disabled, the Agent reports all metrics based on its local configuration; DMM settings on the Controller have no effect. Disabling DMM on an Agent is recommended only for mission-critical servers and other machines for which you are sure you want to collect all available metrics at all times. See Dynamic Monitoring Mode and Server Visibility.
Element in controller-info.xml: <dynamic-monitoring-enabled>
System Property: appdynamics.machine.agent.dynamicMonitoring.enabled
Type: Boolean
On-premises Default: True
SaaS Default: True
Required: No
HTTP Listener Port
To enable the Machine Agent HTTP listener, you must also specify the HTTP listener port.
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property: -Dmetric.http.listener.port
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Numeric
Default: 8293
Required: Only if the HTTP listener is enabled.
Logging functionality is done via Apache Log4j2. Use this property to provide a custom location for log4j configuration. In this case, you need to ensure that all file destinations are valid and contain absolute paths.
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property: -Dlog4j.configurationFile
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Numeric
Default: None
Required: No
Machine Hierarchy
You need a Server Visibility license to use this feature.
This setting enables you to group servers together into arbitrary hierarchies by specifying a hierarchical path to the server. The server hierarchy displays in the Metric Browser and on the Server Dashboard. The server hierarchy is also used to select subgroups of machines for health rules. The last element of the path indicates the server name (a name of your choice). This name appears as the Name on the Servers list. If the path contains spaces, then you must it enclose it in double-quotes. See Machine Agent Hierarchy.
Element in controller-info.xml: <machine-path>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.machine.agent.hierarchyPath
Type: ASCII string with path elements that are separated by a "|" (bar).
Default: The value specified by Unique Host ID. If the last part of the machine hierarchy is empty, the Unique Host ID is the machine name. For example, if machine hierarchy is "Data Center 1|Rack 2|" and Unique host ID is "Host ID 3", then the machine hierarchy will become "Data Center 1|Rack 2|Host ID 3".
Required: No
Limitation: The length of the characters composing the machine-path up to, but not including, the last pipe cannot exceed 95 characters.
- System Properties: -
Dappdynamics.machine.agent.hierarchyPath= "Data Center 1|Rack 2|Machine3"
<machine-path> "Data Center 1|Rack 2|Machine3" </machine-path>
CODEEnvironment Variable:
Proxy Host
The proxy host name or IP address. The HTTP property works for both http and https proxy configuration. Proxy authentication cannot be used with SSL.
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property:
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: If using a proxy to connect to the Controller; otherwise this is not required.
Proxy Password File
The absolute path to the file containing the password of the user that is authenticated by the proxy host. The password must be the first line of the file.
If <use-encrypted-credentials>
is set to false, enter the password in plain text. If <use-encrypted-credentials>
is set to true, encrypt the password. See Encrypt Agent Credentials.
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property: -Dappdynamics.http.proxyPasswordFile
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Example: -Dappdynamics.http.proxyPasswordFile=/path/to/file-with-password
Proxy Port
The proxy HTTP(S) port. The proxy host name or IP address. The HTTP property works for both http and https proxy configuration. The default ports are 8090 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property:
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Positive Integer
Default: None
Required: Yes, if using a proxy to connect to the Controller. Otherwise, no.
Proxy User Name
The name of the user that is authenticated by the proxy host.
Element in controller-info.xml: N/A
System Property: -Dappdynamics.http.proxyUser
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Server Visibility Enabled
Enable Server Visibility on the Agent. This requires a Server Visibility license.
Element in controller-info.xml: <sim-enabled>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.sim.enabled
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: Required to enable Server Visibility. See Enable Server Visibility.
Service Availability Update Interval
This setting controls the time, in milliseconds, to wait between sending Service Availability periodic events to the Controller. See Service Availability.
Element in controller-info.xml: <sam-event-update-interval-millis>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.machine.agent.sam.event.updateIntervalMillis
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Positive integer
Default: 300000 ms (5 minutes)
Required: No
Unique Host ID
This property logically partitions a single physical host or virtual machine. In the context of installing the Machine Agent, the unique Host ID property is not required. However, if you do not define a unique Host ID, then the Machine Agent uses the Java API to retrieve the host ID. The results from the API can be inconsistent, and may cause the same JVM to return a different value for the same machine, each time the Machine Agent is restarted. To avoid these issues, AppDynamics recommends that you set the value of unique Host ID to the host ID that you want to see in the UI.
Element in controller-info.xml: <unique-host-id>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.uniqueHostId
Type: ASCII string without spaces and must be unique across the entire managed infrastructure.
Default: None
Required: Optional, but recommended.
Use Simple Hostname
By default (unless overridden with the uniqueHostId
system property), the Agent determines the host name of the OS it is running in using reverse DNS lookup. In some circumstances, this host name may be set as the fully qualified domain name of the host name. If this property is set to true
, the Agent removes any domain name and uses the simple hostname to identify the host. In cases where the host name is an IP address (which happens if the DNS lookup fails) then the full IP address in string form is used. The host name is used in mapping metrics gathered by the Machine Agent to application nodes. See Unique Host ID Property.
Element in controller-info.xml: <use-simple-hostname>
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Required: No
For example: If this property is set to true '
' becomes 'server'.
Independent Machine Agent Install Scenario
Typically, you only use the following properties if you are installing the Machine Agent on a server that does not have any AppDynamics App Agents installed.
Application Name
The name of the logical business application that this JVM node belongs to. This is not the deployment name (ear/war/jar) on the application server. If a business application of the configured name does not exist, it is created automatically.
Element in controller-info.xml: <application-name>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.applicationName
Type: String
Defaults: None
Required: No. See Machine Agent Installation Scenarios.
Node Name
The name of the JVM node. When not specified, this defaults to Node1
for the Machine Agent.
Element in controller-info.xml: <node-name>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.nodeName
Type: String
Defaults: None
Required: No. See Machine Agent Installation Scenarios.
Tier Name
The name of the logical tier that this JVM node belongs to. This is not the deployment name (ear/war/jar) on the application server. If a tier of the configured name does not exist, it is created automatically.
Element in controller-info.xml: <tier-name>
System Property: -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName
Type: String
Defaults: None
Required: No. See Machine Agent Installation Scenarios.
Exclude File Cache Memory from Memory Usage
You can use the following system property to exclude the file cache memory while calculating memory usage on AIX with server visibility enabled.
If you set <-Dappdynamics.machine.agent.collect.memoryMetrics.using.vmstat.command = true>
and <sim_enabled = true>
for AIX, you get memory usage metrics on the Controller UI after excluding the file cache memory.
System Property: -Dappdynamics.machine.agent.collect.memoryMetrics.using.vmstat.command
Environment Variable: N/A
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: No