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Configuration API
This page describes the Configuration API methods you can use to read and modify selected Controller configuration settings programmatically. You can use it to script or automate tasks that you must perform frequently or in large batches, such as adding users.
The Configuration Export and Import API provides the ability to perform select configuration changes as well as you can edit and import Controller configuration definition files.
Include or Exclude a Business Transaction from Monitoring
You can exclude or include business transactions for monitoring by passing the exclude parameter to the business-transactions retrieval API described in the Application Model API.
To exclude a business transaction, pass the XML-represented ID of the business transaction to be excluded with the exclude parameter set to true
. To turn on monitoring for a currently excluded business transaction, set the exclude parameter to false
Send the list of business transactions to be excluded or re-included as the XML-formatted POST
payload. A sample business-transaction list is:
<business-transactions> <business-transaction> <id>15</id> </business-transaction> <business-transaction> <id>16</id> </business-transaction> </business-transactions>
Ensure that the Content-Type
header is set to application/xm
POST /controller/rest/applications/application_id/business-transactions
Input Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Value | Mandatory |
| URI | Provide either the application name or application id. | Yes |
| Post |
| Yes |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --user user1@customer1:your_password\?exclude=true -d @businesstransaction.xml
Retrieve All Controller Settings
The Controller global configuration values are made up of the Controller settings that are presented in the Administration Console.
GET /controller/rest/configuration
Input Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Value | Mandatory |
| Query | HTTP Request parameter included as part of the URL to change the output format. Valid values are | No |
curl --user admin@customer1:your_password <configuration-items><configuration-item> <name></name> <value>5000</value> <description>Max number of request segment data that can be retrieved from event service in a query</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> <configuration-item> <name></name> <value>15</value> <description>Maximum number of new actions dispatched per minute for each machine agent</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> ... <configuration-item> <name>tss.retention.period</name> <value>336</value> <description>Time (in hours) to retain 12 hour tss data values before they are purged from the system.</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> <configuration-item> <name>snapshots.retention.period</name> <value>336</value> <description>Time (in hours) to retain snapshots before they are purged from the system.</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> <configuration-item> <name>metrics.min.retention.period</name> <value>4</value> <description>Time (in hours) to retain minute metric data values before they are purged from the system.</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> <configuration-item> <name>system.notification.event.types</name> <value>LICENSE,DISK_SPACE,CONTROLLER_AGENT_VERSION_INCOMPATIBILITY,CONTROLLER_EVENT_UPLOAD_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_RSD_UPLOAD_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_METRIC_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_METRIC_DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW,CONTROLLER_ERROR_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_ASYNC_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,AGENT_ADD_BLACKLIST_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,AGENT_METRIC_BLACKLIST_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_STACKTRACE_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_SEP_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_MEMORY_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_TRACKED_OBJECT_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED,CONTROLLER_COLLECTIONS_ADD_REG_LIMIT_REACHED</value> <description>Comma separated list of Event Types (with no spaces between each) that will shown as System Notifications in the UI.</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> </configuration-items>
Retrieve a Controller Setting by Name
Use this API to get the value of a given Controller configuration setting.
GET /configuration?name=controller_setting_name
Input Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Value | Mandatory |
| Query | Name of the Controller setting to retrieve | Yes |
| Query | HTTP Request parameter included as part of the URL to change the output format. Valid values are | No |
curl --user admin@customer1:your_password\.min\.retention\.period <configuration-items><configuration-item> <name>metrics.min.retention.period</name> <value>4</value> <description>Time (in hours) to retain minute metric data values before they are purged from the system.</description> <updateable>true</updateable> <scope>cluster</scope> </configuration-item> </configuration-items>
Configure Global Controller Settings
Use this API to set a Controller setting to a specified value.
You cannot use this REST API to modify Controller settings on SaaS.
POST /controller/rest/configuration
Input Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Value | Mandatory |
| Query | Name of the Controller setting to get. | Yes |
| Query | Value to set. | Yes |
Mark Nodes as Historical
Use this API to mark nodes as historical, which suspends certain types of processing activities for the node (i.e. rule evaluation). By default, AppDynamics marks as historical (soft deletes) a node that has lost contact with the Controller for the number of hours configured in the node.retention.period
Controller setting. The default is 500 hours.
Pass one or more identifiers of the node to be marked as historical, up to a maximum of 25 nodes. Multiple IDs should be comma-separated.
POST /controller/rest/mark-nodes-historical?application-component-node-ids=value
Input Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Value | Mandatory |
| Query | Comma-separated list of node IDs | Yes |
curl -X POST --user admin@customer1:your_password,45 <application-component-node-id> <Node Id : 44 marked as historical./> <Node Id : 45 is not present or already marked as historical/> </application-component-node-id>