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Health Rule API
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This page describes the Health Rule API methods you can use to create, configure, update, and delete health rules for multiple applications simultaneously. This API allows you to programmatically update and maintain single or multiple health rules and migrate them across applications or Controllers.
- Minimal syntax validation of the JSON payload is done when creating the health rule.
- Path validation for a specified metric is not done. Ensure that you provide valid paths for all the metrics you define.
- If metrics are not resolved during the health rule evaluation, the health rule attains an unknown (?) state. Ensure that you provide valid metrics for all the affected entities you define.
Create a Health Rule
Creates a new health rule from the specified JSON payload. See Property Details.
Resource URL
POST <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/health-rules
Request/Response Format
This example creates a health rule with an affected entity type business transaction performance
and defines the evaluation criteria for the health rule. See Download Examples.
You will need to contact your administrator.
"name": "My new health rule",
"enabled": true,
"useDataFromLastNMinutes": 30,
"waitTimeAfterViolation": 5,
"affects": {
"affectedBusinessTransactions": {
"businessTransactionScope": "ALL_BUSINESS_TRANSACTIONS"
"evalCriterias": {
"criticalCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "SINGLE_METRIC",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)",
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "BASELINE_TYPE",
"baselineCondition": "WITHIN_BASELINE",
"baselineName": "All Data - Last 15 Days",
"baselineUnit": "PERCENTAGE",
"compareValue": 30.5
"warningCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "METRIC_EXPRESSION",
"metricExpression": "({metric1} + ({metric2} * 3))",
"metricExpressionVariables": [
"variableName": "metric1",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "95th Percentile Response Time (ms)"
"variableName": "metric2",
"metricAggregateFunction": "MAXIMUM",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)"
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "SPECIFIC_TYPE",
"compareCondition": "GREATER_THAN_SPECIFIC_VALUE",
"compareValue": 10
"id": 26,
"name": "My new health rule",
"enabled": false,
"useDataFromLastNMinutes": 30,
"waitTimeAfterViolation": 5,
"scheduleName": "Weeknights: 11pm-6am, Mon-Fri",
"affects": {
"affectedBusinessTransactions": {
"businessTransactionScope": "ALL_BUSINESS_TRANSACTIONS"
"evalCriterias": {
"criticalCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditionExpression": null,
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "SINGLE_METRIC",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)",
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "BASELINE_TYPE",
"baselineCondition": "WITHIN_BASELINE",
"baselineName": "All data - Last 15 days",
"compareValue": 30.5,
"baselineUnit": "PERCENTAGE"
"triggerEnabled": false,
"minimumTriggers": 0
"evalMatchingCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY_NODE",
"value": null
"warningCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditionExpression": null,
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "METRIC_EXPRESSION",
"metricExpression": "({metric1} + ({metric2} * 3))",
"metricExpressionVariables": [
"variableName": "metric1",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "95th Percentile Response Time (ms)"
"variableName": "metric2",
"metricAggregateFunction": "MAXIMUM",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)"
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "SPECIFIC_TYPE",
"compareCondition": "GREATER_THAN_SPECIFIC_VALUE",
"compareValue": 10
"triggerEnabled": false,
"minimumTriggers": 0
"evalMatchingCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY_NODE",
"value": null
Retrieve a List of Health Rules for an Application
This API returns a list of all the health rule IDs and names for the specified application ID. To retrieve complete details of the health rule, use GET //health-rule/{health-rule-id}
. See Property Details.
Resource URL
GET <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/health-rules
Response Format
Example Response
"id": 1,
"name": "Machine Availability is too low",
"enabled": true
"id": 2,
"name": "Overall Disk Space Available is too low",
"enabled": true
"id": 3,
"name": "CPU Usage is too high",
"enabled": true
"id": 4,
"name": "Memory Usage is too high",
"enabled": true
"id": 5,
"name": "Swap Usage is too high",
"enabled": true
"id": 6,
"name": "Disk Usage is too high on at least one partition",
"enabled": false
Retrieve Details of a Specified Health Rule
This API Returns the health rule details for the specified health rule ID.
JMX Health Rules are not supported.
Resource URL
GET <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/health-rules/{health-rule-id}
Response Format
Example Response
"id": 26,
"name": "My new health rule",
"enabled": true,
"useDataFromLastNMinutes": 30,
"waitTimeAfterViolation": 5,
"scheduleName": "Always",
"affects": {
"affectedBusinessTransactions": {
"businessTransactionScope": "ALL_BUSINESS_TRANSACTIONS"
"evalCriterias": {
"criticalCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditionExpression": null,
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "SINGLE_METRIC",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)",
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "BASELINE_TYPE",
"baselineCondition": "WITHIN_BASELINE",
"baselineName": "All data - Last 15 days",
"compareValue": 30.5,
"baselineUnit": "PERCENTAGE"
"triggerEnabled": false,
"minimumTriggers": 0
"evalMatchingCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY_NODE",
"value": null
"warningCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditionExpression": null,
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "METRIC_EXPRESSION",
"metricExpression": "({metric1} + ({metric2} * 3))",
"metricExpressionVariables": [
"variableName": "metric1",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "95th Percentile Response Time (ms)"
"variableName": "metric2",
"metricAggregateFunction": "MAXIMUM",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)"
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "SPECIFIC_TYPE",
"compareCondition": "GREATER_THAN_SPECIFIC_VALUE",
"compareValue": 10
"triggerEnabled": false,
"minimumTriggers": 0
"evalMatchingCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY_NODE",
"value": null
Update a Health Rule
This API updates an existing health rule (required fields) with details from the specified health rule ID. See Property Details.
To safeguard against potential API abuse of AppDynamics SaaS, you must limit the API calls to no more than 100 requests per minute to the specified API endpoint. Exceeding this threshold limit may result in the blocking of additional call requests to AppDynamics SaaS to maintain system integrity.
Resource URL
PUT <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/health-rules/{health-rule-id}
Request/Response Format
"name": "My new health rule",
"enabled": true,
"useDataFromLastNMinutes": 30,
"waitTimeAfterViolation": 5,
"affects": {
"affectedBusinessTransactions": {
"businessTransactionScope": "ALL_BUSINESS_TRANSACTIONS"
"evalCriterias": {
"criticalCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "SINGLE_METRIC",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)",
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "BASELINE_TYPE",
"baselineCondition": "WITHIN_BASELINE",
"baselineName": "All Data - Last 15 Days",
"baselineUnit": "PERCENTAGE",
"compareValue": 30.5
"warningCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "METRIC_EXPRESSION",
"metricExpression": "({metric1} + ({metric2} * 3))",
"metricExpressionVariables": [
"variableName": "metric1",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "95th Percentile Response Time (ms)"
"variableName": "metric2",
"metricAggregateFunction": "MAXIMUM",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)"
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "SPECIFIC_TYPE",
"compareCondition": "GREATER_THAN_SPECIFIC_VALUE",
"compareValue": 10
"name": "My new health rule",
"enabled": true,
"useDataFromLastNMinutes": 30,
"waitTimeAfterViolation": 5,
"affects": {
"affectedBusinessTransactions": {
"businessTransactionScope": "ALL_BUSINESS_TRANSACTIONS"
"evalCriterias": {
"criticalCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "SINGLE_METRIC",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)",
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "BASELINE_TYPE",
"baselineCondition": "WITHIN_BASELINE",
"baselineName": "All Data - Last 15 Days",
"baselineUnit": "PERCENTAGE",
"compareValue": 30.5
"warningCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "METRIC_EXPRESSION",
"metricExpression": "({metric1} + ({metric2} * 3))",
"metricExpressionVariables": [
"variableName": "metric1",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "95th Percentile Response Time (ms)"
"variableName": "metric2",
"metricAggregateFunction": "MAXIMUM",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)"
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "SPECIFIC_TYPE",
"compareCondition": "GREATER_THAN_SPECIFIC_VALUE",
"compareValue": 10
Delete a Health Rule
Deletes an existing health rule with the specified ID.
Resource URL
DELETE <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/health-rules/{health-rule-id}
Update a Health Rule Configuration
This API updates one or more configuration setting(s) of a health rule. See Property Details
You can enter one or both of the following field(s) in the request:
- Enable/disable the health rule.
- Update the schedule of the health rule.
Resource URL
PUT <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/health-rules/{health-rule-id}/configuration
Request/Response Format
"enabled": "false",
"scheduleName": "Weeknights: 11pm-6am, Mon-Fri"
"id": 26,
"name": "My new health rule",
"enabled": false,
"useDataFromLastNMinutes": 30,
"waitTimeAfterViolation": 5,
"scheduleName": "Weeknights: 11pm-6am, Mon-Fri",
"affects": {
"affectedBusinessTransactions": {
"businessTransactionScope": "ALL_BUSINESS_TRANSACTIONS"
"evalCriterias": {
"criticalCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditionExpression": null,
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "SINGLE_METRIC",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)",
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "BASELINE_TYPE",
"baselineCondition": "WITHIN_BASELINE",
"baselineName": "All data - Last 15 days",
"compareValue": 30.5,
"baselineUnit": "PERCENTAGE"
"triggerEnabled": false,
"minimumTriggers": 0
"evalMatchingCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY_NODE",
"value": null
"warningCriteria": {
"conditionAggregationType": "ALL",
"conditionExpression": null,
"conditions": [
"name": "Condition 1",
"shortName": "A",
"evaluateToTrueOnNoData": false,
"evalDetail": {
"evalDetailType": "METRIC_EXPRESSION",
"metricExpression": "({metric1} + ({metric2} * 3))",
"metricExpressionVariables": [
"variableName": "metric1",
"metricAggregateFunction": "VALUE",
"metricPath": "95th Percentile Response Time (ms)"
"variableName": "metric2",
"metricAggregateFunction": "MAXIMUM",
"metricPath": "Average CPU Used (ms)"
"metricEvalDetail": {
"metricEvalDetailType": "SPECIFIC_TYPE",
"compareCondition": "GREATER_THAN_SPECIFIC_VALUE",
"compareValue": 10
"triggerEnabled": false,
"minimumTriggers": 0
"evalMatchingCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY_NODE",
"value": null
Response Codes
Code | Description |
200 | Fetched successfully |
201 | Created successfully |
204 | Deleted successfully |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
409 | Already exists |
Property Details
Property Name | Type and Valid Values | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
id | integer | Auto-generated by the system and returned in the response. It is a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name | string Minimum length: 1 | Name of the health rule. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
enabled | boolean Default value: | Sets the health rule to enabled/disabled state. A health rule is evaluated only if it is in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 360 | The time interval (in minutes) during which the data collected is considered for health rule evaluation. Enter a value between 1 to 9 or a multiple of 10 that is less than 360. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
waitTimeAfterViolation | integer Minimum time: 1 minute | The wait time after a violation in minutes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
scheduleName | string Default option: | Name of schedule to be associated with the health rule for evaluation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
affects* | Describes entities affected by the health rule. For example, business transactions, servers, or databases. Affects
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
evalCriterias* | Defines a condition or a set of conditions (maximum of 8) expressed as a boolean expression to evaluate the health rule. Depending on Critical conditions are evaluated before warning conditions. If you have defined a critical condition and a warning condition in the same health rule, the warning condition is evaluated only if the critical condition is not
If you have defined a critical condition and a warning condition in the same health rule, the warning condition is evaluated only if the critical condition is not
Property | Type |
id* | integer |
name | string minLength: 1 |
enabled* | boolean |
The configuration details of a health rule that you can update individually without the need to send the complete health rule JSON payload. You can mention one or more properties and all those properties are set to the new specified values.
Property | Type |
enabled | boolean |
scheduleName | string |
Property | Type | Enums |
metricEvalDetailType* | string |
The deviation of a metric from the baseline used to evaluate the health rule.
Property | Type | Enums |
metricEvalDetailType* | string |
baselineCondition* | string |
baselineName* | string minLength: 1 | |
compareValue* | number minimum: 0 | |
baselineUnit* | string |
The deviation of a metric from a specific value used to evaluate the health rule.
Property | Type | Enums |
metricEvalDetailType* | string |
compareCondition* | string |
compareValue* | number minimum: 0 |
Metrics aggregated to determine the deviation and evaluate the health rule.
Property | Type | Enums |
| string |
The deviation of a single metric from the aggregated value used to evaluate the health rule.
Property | Type | Enums |
| string |
metricAggregateFunction* | string |
metricPath* | string minLength: 1 To ensure that a metric path for a health rule that includes a machine agent hierarchy is resolved appropriately, append the escape characters "\\" before the vertical bar for any custom metric. For example: Application Infrastructure Performance|Root\\|Containers\\|Fulfillment-Service|Individual Nodes|9b711cda4a83|Hardware Resources|CPU|%Busy | |
metricEvalDetail* | string |
The metric expression used to evaluate the health rule.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
| string |
| ||||||||||||
metricExpression* | string minLength: 1 | |||||||||||||
metricExpressionVariables* | string minItems: 1 | MetricDetailWithVariableName
| ||||||||||||
metricEvalDetail* | string | SpecificValueMetricEvalDetail
Property | Type | Enums |
variableName* | string minLength: 1 | |
metricAggregateFunction* | string |
metricPath* | string minLength: 1 |
Property | Type | Enums |
matchType | string |
Enter the matching criteria only when you select | number minimum: 0 |
A single condition that can be independently evaluated to true
or false
. List of conditions (maximum 8) along with other properties form a criteria.
Property | Description | Type/Enums | ||||||
name* | Name of the condition. | string | ||||||
shortname* | A short name used in conditionExpression to evaluate CUSTOM conditionType . | string pattern: ^[A-Z]{1,3}$ Enums
| ||||||
evaluateToTrueOnNoData | Controls the evaluation of the condition in cases where any metric on which the condition is based, returns no data. The condition evaluates to unknown by default when no data is returned. If the health rule is based on all the conditions evaluating to true , having no data returned may affect whether the health rule triggers an action. | boolean default: | ||||||
| Details of metric(s) considered for evaluation of the condition. Use | ConditionEvalDetail
| ||||||
triggerEnabled | If set to true , the value in field minimumTriggers is considered for evaluation. | boolean default: | ||||||
minimumTriggers | If you set a non-zero value, persistence thresholds are considered when evaluating the conditions. Ensure that you define a value less than useDataFromLastNMinutes . | integer default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 30 |
Property | Type | Enums |
evalDetailType | string |
Property | Description | Type/Enums | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
conditionAggregationType | Condition evaluation criteria that constitute a health rule violation. | string default: ALL Enums
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Use only when you set the | String minLength: 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| A single condition that can be evaluated independently to A list of conditions (maximum of 8) along with other properties to form a criteria. | String minItems: 1 Condition
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
evalMatchingCriteria | The criteria for evaluating a condition for the following health rule types:
It defines how many nodes in the affected entities must violate the condition before the health rule is considered to violate. | NodeEvalMatchingCriteria
Property | Type | Enums |
matchTo* | string |
matchValue* | string minLength: 1 | |
shouldNot | boolean |
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedTierScope* | string |
The scope of affected tiers is set to all tiers for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedTierScope* | string |
The scope of affected tiers is set to specific tiers for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedTierScope* | string |
tiers* | string minItems: 1 |
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedNodeScope* | string |
The scope of affected nodes is set to all nodes for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedNodeScope* | string |
The scope of affected nodes is set to all nodes for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedNodeScope* | string | SPECIFIC_NODES |
nodes* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of affected nodes is set to nodes of specific tiers for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedNodeScope* | string |
specificTiers* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of affected nodes is set to nodes matching a pattern for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
affectedNodeScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | EntityMatchingPattern
The scope of affected nodes is set to nodes matching a variable property for an affected entity.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
affectedNodeScope* | string | NODE_PROPERTY_VARIABLE_MATCHER | ||||||||||||
propVarPairs* | array minItems: 1 |
The scope of the affected entity is set to overall application performance.
Property | Type | Enums |
affectedEntityType* | string |
The scope of the affected entity is set to business transaction performance.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedBusinessTransactions* | string | AffectedBusinessTransactions
Property | Type | Enums |
businessTransactionScope* | string |
The scope of business transactions is set to all business transactions.
Property | Type | Enums |
businessTransactionScope* | string |
The scope of business transactions is set to specific business transactions.
Property | Type | Enums |
businessTransactionScope* | string |
businessTransactions* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of business transactions is set to business transactions for specific tiers.
Property | Type | Enums |
businessTransactionScope* | string |
specificTiers* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of business transactions is set to business transactions matching a certain pattern.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
businessTransactionScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
specificTiers* | string | EntityMatchingPattern
The type of affected entities is set to the performance of tier and node transactions.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedEntities* | string | AffectedTierOrNodeEntities
Property | Type | Enums |
tierOrNode* | string |
The scope of affected entities is set to tiers.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
tierOrNode* | string |
| ||||||
affectedTiers* | string | AffectedTiers
The scope of affected entities is set to nodes.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
tierOrNode* | string |
| ||||||
typeofNode* | string |
| ||||||
affectedNodes* | string | AffectedNodes
The affected entity type is set to tier node hardware.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedEntities* | string | AffectedTierOrNodeEntities
The affected entity type is set to servers in the application.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedServers* | string | ApplicationAffectedServers
Property | Type | Enums |
serversScope* | string |
The scope of servers is set to all servers in the application.
Property | Type | Enums |
serversScope* | string |
The scope of servers is set to specific servers in the application.
Property | Type | Enums |
serversScope* | string |
specificServers* | string minLength: 1 |
The scope of servers is set to all servers in specific tiers.
Property | Type | Enums |
serversScope* | string |
specificTiers* | string minItems: 1 |
The affected entity type is set to backends.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedBackends* | string | AffectedBackends
Property | Type | Enums |
backendScope* | string |
The scope of backends is set to all backends.
Property | Type | Enums |
backendScope* | string |
The scope of backends is set to specific backends.
Property | Type | Enums |
backendScope* | string |
backends* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of backends is set to backends matching a specific pattern.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
backendScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | string | EntityMatchingPattern
The affected entity type is set to errors.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedErrors* | string | AffectedErrors
Property | Type | Enums |
errorScope* | string |
The scope of errors is set to all errors.
Property | Type | Enums |
errorScope* | string |
The scope of errors is set to specific errors.
Property | Type | Description/Enums |
errorScope* | string |
errors* | string minItems: 1 | |
tiers | string minItems: 1 | Use if error names belong to multiple tiers. Provide the tier names as a list in
The scope of errors is set to errors related to specific tiers.
Property | Type | Enums |
errorScope* | string |
specificTiers* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of errors is set to errors matching a specific pattern.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
errorScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher | string | EntityMatchingPattern
The affected entity type is set to service endpoints.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedServiceEndpoints* | AffectedServiceEndpoints
Property | Type | Enums |
serviceEndpointScope* | string |
The scope of service endpoints is set to all service endpoints.
Property | Type | Enums |
serviceEndpointScope* | string |
The scope of service endpoints is set to specific service endpoints.
Property | Type | Enums |
serviceEndpointScope* | string |
serviceEndpoints* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of service endpoints is set to specific service endpoints.
Property | Type | Enums |
serviceEndpointScope* | string |
specificTiers* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of service endpoints is set to service endpoints that match a specific pattern.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
serviceEndpointScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | string minItems: 1 | EntityMatchingPattern
The affected entity type is set to information points.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedInformationPoints* | string | AffectedInformationPoints
Property | Type | Enums |
informationPointScope* | string |
The scope of information points is set to all information points.
Property | Type | Enums |
informationPointScope* | string |
The scope of information points is set to specific information points.
Property | Type | Enums |
informationPointScope* | string |
informationPoints* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of information points is set to information points matching a pattern.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
informationPointScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | string minItems: 1 | EntityMatchingPattern
The affected entity type is set to custom.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedEntityScope* | string | AffectedEntityScope
Property | Type | Enums |
entityScope* | string |
The scope of the affected entity is set to application performance.
Property | Type | Enums |
entityScope* | string |
The scope of the affected entity is set to specific entity performance.
Property | Type | Enums |
entityScope* | string |
entityType* | string |
affectedEntityName* | string minLength: 1 |
The affected entity type is set to databases.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
databaseType* | string |
| ||||||
affectedDatabases* | string | AffectedDatabases
Property | Type | Enums |
databaseScope* | string |
The scope of affected databases is set to all databases.
Property | Type | Enums |
databaseScope* | string |
The scope of affected databases is set to specific databases.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
databaseScope* | string |
| ||||||
databases* | string minItems: 1 | DbServer
Property | Type |
serverName* | string minLength: 1 |
collectorConfigName* | string minLength: 1 |
The affected entity type is set to servers.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
affectedEntityType* | string |
| ||||||
serverSelectionCriteria* | string | AffectedServersCriteria
Property | Type | Enums |
selectServersBy* | string |
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
selectServersBy* | string |
| ||||||
affectedServers* | string | ServerSelectionCriteria
Property | Type | Enums |
severSelectionScope* | string |
The scope of servers is set to all servers within an account.
Property | Type | Enums |
severSelectionScope* | string |
The scope of servers is set to all servers within a subgroup.
Property | Type | Enums |
severSelectionScope* | string |
subGroups* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of servers is set to specific servers.
Property | Type | Enums |
severSelectionScope* | string |
servers* | string minItems: 1 |
The scope of servers is set to servers matching a specific pattern.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||||||||
severSelectionScope* | string |
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | EntityMatchingPattern
The scope of affected servers is set to affected servers within a subgroup.
Property | Type | Enums | ||||||
selectServersBy* | string |
| ||||||
subGroups* | string minItems: 1 | AffectedSubGroups
Property | Type | Enums |
subGroupScope* | string |
The scope of affected servers is set to servers within all subgroups.
Property | Type | Enums |
subGroupScope* | string |
The scope of affected servers is set to servers within specific subgroups.
Property | Type | Enums |
subGroupScope* | string |
subGroupNames | string minItems: 1 |
Describes what entities the health rule affects. For example, business transactions, servers, or databases.
Property | Type | Enums |
| string |
Property | Type/Enums | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
criticalCriteria | CriteriaCritical conditions are evaluated before warning conditions. If you have defined a critical condition and a warning condition in the same health rule, the warning condition is evaluated only if the critical condition is not
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
warningCriteria | CriteriaIf you have defined a critical condition and a warning condition in the same health rule, the warning condition is evaluated only if the critical condition is not
Property | Type |
id* | integer |
name | string |
enabled* | boolean |
Property | Type |
statusCode | integer |
message | string |
*This property is required (mandatory).
Download Examples
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Download Swagger YAML spec
Download the Swagger YAML spec health_rule_openapi.yml