AppDynamics offers a collection of tools that simplify the management of agents, enabling you to automate the agent operations, such as install, upgrade, and rollback. This document describes how to use these tools to auto-instrument the agents into your existing environment, easing the deployment. This is helpful for performing agent operations in a large-scale environment. For example, as an ITOps you would want to install an APM agent on more than 1000 machines. Installing the agents on the machines manually is a tedious task. Using the agent management tools, you can install agents on all the machines with an initial configuration.

Terminologies Used 

Agent OperationsThe operations performed by each agent during the agent management process. These are automated install, upgrade, or rollback. 
AppDynamics Ansible Collections

It is a collection of AppDynamics Agent-specific codes that can be used with AnsibleĀ® for management agents.

The example playbooks for each agent type is provided in the collections's playbooks folder. A playbook is an automation language written in the Python language.
You should either reference the example playbooks in the collection installation folder.

The var/playbooks/controller.yaml file is meant to contain constant variables such as enable_ssl, controller_port, and so on.

Get Started

To get started using the Agent, select your platform:

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