This feature is only available for Linux installations.

Using the appd-diagnostics.lua file, you can determine:

  • If the core file will be produced on aborting.
  • The maximum soft and hard core file size settings.

In Network Agent < 23.3.0, core file creation defaulted to the system settings. In Network Agent >= 23.3.0, by default, core files are not created unless otherwise configured.

To allow the creation of core files, you must configure the values in the appd-diagnostics.lua file as shown below. These values must be set before the Network Agent is started. Modifying values while the Agent is running will have no effect.

  1. Navigate to the appd-diagnostics.lua file, located in the <root installation>/conf directory for the Network Agent (Example: /opt/appdynamics/netviz/conf).
  2. Navigate to the following structure within the appd-diagnostics.lua file. The two other structures in the file are unrelated.

    appd_netagent_diagnostics = {
       rlimit_soft = 0,
       rlimit_hard = 0,
       pr_set_dumpable = 0,
       init_pause = 0,
  3. Modify the values for the following settings.

    • rlimit_soft/rlimit_hard: Defines the maximum size in bytes of the core file.
    • pr_set_dumpable: Defines if a core file is created (=1) or not created (=0).

For more information on these settings, see the Linux man-pages documentation for ulimit settings.