The Agent Command Center is a web interface which allows you to view agents in AppDynamics, with the ability to view the agent’s health history, perform a version upgrade, and enables the recovery or roll-back of agents in case of failure.

For any questions or concerns regarding regional support or scale requirements, contact customer support. 


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Before You Begin

Perform the following steps before upgrading the agents:

  1. Upload a new or file to the Controller. 
  2. Verify the checksum of the zip files displayed on the Controller.


To install the Agent Upgrade, you must: 

  1. Clone the agent-control-center repo using git clone command.
  2. Edit the file setup.env which is located at config folder to refer to configurations section below.
  3. Run the command: docker-compose up -d

Configure the Agent Command Center 

Configure the Agent Command Center to connect to the AppDynamics setup.env file in the config folder. To configure the Agent Command Center, use the following file content:  


How Does It Work?

  1. Go to the Agent Control Center and access http://localhost:3000 using your Web Browser.
  2. Click AppDynamics > Agents.
    All agents in the AppDynamics environment will be listed.

  3. Click Play next to the corresponding agent to upgrade the agent version. 
  4. Click Create Task to confirm the new agent version, and the server access key. 
    An Ansible task will be created, which prepares the agent version update.