This page describes the hardware components required for the Web Monitoring Private Synthetic Agent (PSA) and API Monitoring Private Synthetic Agent (PSA) to run on the Kubernetes (K8S) cluster.

Web Monitoring PSA supports these platforms:

  • SaaS Controllers
  • On-premises Controller >=21.4.1 with on-premise Synthetic Server >=21.4.1 
  • Python >=3
  • Chrome browser
  • Postgres 12
  • Heimdall with in-memory database using Ignite
  • x86-64 architecture

API Monitoring PSA supports these platforms:

  • SaaS Controllers >=21.11
  • Javascript
  • Postgres 12
  • Heimdall with in-memory database using Ignite
  • x86-64 architecture

You can install PSA with one of the following databases:

  • Postgres database (Use the PSA version <=22.6.0)
  • Heimdall with in-memory database using Ignite (Use the PSA version 22.9.0)
  • Web Monitoring PSA on Google Cloud Platform is not supported with an on-premise Synthetic server
  • API monitoring PSA is not supported with on-premise Controllers


  • Kubernetes cluster version from 1.21 to 1.22
  • License units (SaaS and On-Premise):
    • Browser Synthetic Monitoring - Private Agent - Per Location
    • Browser Synthetic Monitoring - Private Agent - Unlimited Locations

Hardware Requirements

This table lists the hardware components and their recommended configuration:



Minimum ConfigurationRecommended Configuration
# InstancesPer Instance# InstancesPer Instance
Orchestrator that connects to the Synthetic Cloud to fetch measurement jobs for the PSA cluster.1Processor: 2 vCPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
2Processor: 3 vCPU
Memory: 5 GB RAM

Postgres (DB)

Postgres is not required if you use Heimdall with in-memory database (Ignite)

Database (DB) for the local storage of in-progress measurement metadata. This DB does not store any business data. Any DB data loss or crash impacts ongoing measurements only.

Instead of setting up a new DB, you can use the existing Postgres DB set up with HA (High Availability) as a DB Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL (part of the configuration to Heimdall).
1Processor: 2 vCPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
1Processor: 3 vCPU
Memory: 6 GB RAM
A temporary or short-lived container auto-orchestrated by Heimdall to execute every measurement.

(Web Monitoring PSA) The measurement container image can be customized to install additional libraries.
Based on need, a temporary container instance is scheduled for every measurement

Burst-able CPU-RAM

Based on need, a temporary container instance is scheduled for every measurement

Burst-able CPU-RAM

Web Monitoring PSA:

Min: 0.5 vCPU, 1 GB RAM

Max: 1.25 CPU, 2 GB RAM

API Monitoring PSA:

0.1 vCPU and 100 MB RAM

Web Monitoring PSA:

Min: 0.5 vCPU, 1 GB RAM

Max: 1.25 CPU, 2 GB RAM

API Monitoring PSA:

0.1 vCPU and 100 MB RAM

Number of Measurement Containers 

You can calculate the number of required concurrent containers using this formula:

( (Number of Jobs) x (Average job duration in minutes) / (Frequency in minutes))

For example, the number of containers required for 10 jobs with an average duration of 30 seconds per job executed at 5-minute interval needs:

(10 x (30/60) ) / 5 )  = 1 container

When you use Heimdall with in-memory database, you cannot create more than one container.

Concurrent Measurements

The Kubernetes cluster specifications determine the number of concurrent measurements that can be executed. Any submission of jobs beyond the infra limits leads to the queuing of jobs in the Kubernetes cluster. To scale the number of concurrent jobs automatically, enable cluster auto-scaler. K8S auto-scaler functionality depends on the cloud or the managed service provider.

To set up Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA in any of these environments, see: