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Set up PSA in Bare Metal K8s Using Amazon EC2
Set up the Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA in Bare Metal K8s using Amazon EC2 as follows. If you want to set up PSA in an existing Kubernetes cluster, skip the Create the Kubernetes Cluster section.
- Create the Kubernetes Cluster.
- Build and customize the Docker image.
- Save Images to Minikube's Docker Daemon.
- Deploy the Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA.
- Monitor the Kubernetes cluster.
Most of the steps are common for both Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA. Wherever applicable, the differences in steps are highlighted.
This document contains links to AWS CLI documentation. AppDynamics makes no representation as to the accuracy of AWS CLI documentation because AWS CLI controls its own documentation.
Create the Kubernetes Cluster
You can use kops to create your own managed Kubernetes cluster on AWS. If you want to create self-managed cluster on a different cloud or your own datacenter, you might want to look into other tools like Kubeadm or Kubespray. See installing Kubernetes with deployment tools.
To create a Kubernetes cluster in Bare Metal K8s:
- Install and configure AWS CLI.
To create IAM Role, enter.
aws iam create-group --group-name kops aws iam attach-group-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess --group-name kops aws iam attach-group-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRoute53FullAccess --group-name kops aws iam attach-group-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess --group-name kops aws iam attach-group-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMFullAccess --group-name kops aws iam attach-group-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonVPCFullAccess --group-name kops aws iam create-user --user-name kops aws iam add-user-to-group --user-name kops --group-name kops aws iam create-access-key --user-name kops
CODE- Configure AWS CLI credentials using
aws configure
with the access key obtained in the previous step. Based on your platform, install kops following these instructions.
To create S3 bucket, enable versioning by entering:
bucket_name=heimdall-onprem-kops-state-store aws s3api create-bucket \ --bucket ${bucket_name} \ --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=us-west-2 aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket ${bucket_name} --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled
CODETo create cluster, enter:
export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=heimdall-onprem.k8s.local export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://${bucket_name} export KOPS_KUBERNETES_VERSION=1.x.x kops create cluster \ --node-count=4 \ --node-size=t3.2xlarge \ --zones=us-west-2a \ --kubernetes-version=${KOPS_KUBERNETES_VERSION} \ --name=${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME} kops update cluster --name ${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME} --yes
CODESpecify the
from one of the compatible versions.The
in the above code snippet are selected according to recommended configuration type. You can specify a configuration of your choice with a different type and number of nodes. See EC2 instance types.To validate if the cluster is running (might take some time for cluster to set up and run), enter:
kops validate cluster
Access the Cluster
To access the Kubernetes cluster, follow these instructions to install kubectl, a utility to interact with the cluster.
To verify that the cluster is running, enter:
kubectl get nodes
(Optional) Configure Proxy Server
Configuring a proxy server is supported only on Web Monitoring PSA.
When you configure a proxy server, it applies to all the domains. To configure a proxy server only for certain domains, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the
directory. - Open the
file. Navigate to the following string:
if self._proxy_server: chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server={}'.format(self._proxy_server))
CODEAppend the following details:
bypass_list = ["*", "*", "*"] chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-bypass-list=%s' % ";".join(bypass_list))
CODEDomain URLs that you specify in
are not redirected to the proxy server. You can add any number of domains in thebypass_list
. All other unspecified domain URLs are redirected to the proxy server.Specify the proxy server address on the
file. See Key-Value Pairs Configuration.If you make any changes to the
after building the docker image, you must rebuild the docker image.
Build and Customize the Docker Image
You can download the zip file for Simple Synth PSA installation from the Appdynamics Downloads Portal or from the beta upload tool.
This file contains Dockerfiles to install the agents and set up monitoring:
- Web Monitoring PSA: Dockerfiles for sum-chrome-agent, sum-heimdall, and Helm charts
- API Monitoring PSA: Dockerfiles for sum-api-monitoring-agent, sum-heimdall, and Helm charts
To build an image for sum-chrome-agent, sum-api-monitoring-agent, and sum-heimdall, ensure that Docker is installed. If it is not installed, you can download and install Docker from here.
For sum-chrome-agent:
- Unzip the zip file to access the sum-chrome-agent directory.
Navigate to the directory and run the following command:
docker build -f Dockerfile-PSA -t sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag> .
For sum-api-monitoring-agent:
- Unzip the zip file to access the sum-api-monitoring-agent directory.
Navigate to the directory and run the following command:
docker build -f Dockerfile-PSA -t sum-api-monitoring-agent:<agent-tag> .
For sum-heimdall:
- Unzip the zip file to access the sum-heimdall directory.
Navigate to this directory and run the following command:
docker build -f Dockerfile-PSA -t sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag> .
You can use any value for <heimdall-tag> and <agent-tag>, but ensure that you use the same value in the subsequent steps.
You must build the images on the host with the same OS type of Kubernetes cluster nodes. For example, if you are pushing the image to AWS, then run the following command:
docker buildx build -f Dockerfile-PSA --platform=linux/amd64 -t sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag> .
docker buildx build -f Dockerfile-PSA --platform=linux/amd64 -t sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag> .
docker buildx build -f Dockerfile-PSA --platform=linux/amd64 -t sum-api-monitoring-agent:<api-tag> .
(Optional) Add Custom Python Libraries
This section is applicable only for Web Monitoring PSA.
In addition to the available standard set of libraries, you can add custom Python libraries to the agent to use in scripted measurements. You build a new image based on the image you loaded as the base image
Create a Dockerfile and create
directives to run python pip. For example, to install the libraryalgorithms
you can create a Dockerfile:# Use the sum-chrome-agent image we just loaded as the base image FROM sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag> # Install algorithm for python3 on top of that RUN python3 -m pip install algorithms==0.1.4 # We can add more RUN directives for installing more libraries # RUN python3 -m pip install ...
CODEYou can create any number of
directives to install the required libraries.To build the new image, enter:
docker build -t sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag> - < Dockerfile
CODEThe newly built agent image contains the required libraries.
Tag and Push Images to the Registry
You must tag and push the images to a registry for the cluster to access it. It can be done in the following ways:
Bare Metal K8S using EC2
Vanilla K8S runs on AWS infrastructure. As kops create and assign appropriate roles to the cluster nodes, they can directly access Elastic Container Registry (ECR), without any other configuration.
To tag images, enter:
Web Monitoring PSA:
docker tag sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag> <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><heimdall-tag>
docker tag sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag> <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><agent-tag>
API Monitoring PSA:
docker tag sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag> <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><heimdall-tag>
docker tag sum-api-monitoring-agent:<agent-tag> <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><agent-tag>
Replace <aws_account_id>
and <region>
with your account and region values.
To create repositories, enter:
Web Monitoring PSA:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sum/sum-heimdall
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sum/sum-chrome-agent
API Monitoring PSA:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sum/sum-heimdall
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sum/sum-api-monitoring-agent
To push the images, enter:
Web Monitoring PSA:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker push <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><heimdall-tag>
docker push <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><agent-tag>
API Monitoring PSA:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker push <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><heimdall-tag>
docker push <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><agent-tag>
Bare Metal K8S using Private Registry
If you are managing your own Kubernetes cluster which is not on AWS, then you must deploy your own registry server. See deploy a registry server.
To tag images, enter:
Web Monitoring PSA:
docker tag sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag> <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag>
docker tag sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag> <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag>
API Monitoring PSA:
docker tag sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag> <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag>
docker tag sum-api-monitoring-agent:<agent-tag> <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-api-monitoring-agent:<agent-tag>
and <REGISTRY_PORT> to what you configured while deploying the registry.
To push the images, enter:
Web Monitoring PSA:
docker push <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag>
docker push <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-chrome-agent:<agent-tag>
API Monitoring PSA:
docker push <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-heimdall:<heimdall-tag>
docker push <REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT>/sum-api-monitoring-agent:<agent-tag>
Deploy the Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA
Ensure that you follow the applicable sequence of steps when installing Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA, respectively; some steps are common for both procedures.
The application is deployed to the cluster after the images are in the Registry. You use the Helm chart to deploy and create all Kubernetes resources in the required order.
Starting from PSA 23.12 release, you must deploy both Ignite and Heimdall in a single namespace named "measurement."
Install Helm following these instructions.
Create a new
namespace to run Apache Ignite pods.Ensure that you first run the Apache Ignite commands and then run the Heimdall commands.
To create a new
namespace, enter:kubectl create namespace measurement
CODEBefore you deploy Apache Ignite, you must set some configuration options. To view the configuration options, navigate to the previously downloaded
file and enter:helm show values ignite-psa.tgz > values-ignite.yaml
CODEIf you want to enable persistence, set
persistence > enabled
. This is an optional configuration.To deploy the Helm chart using the above-mentioned configuration, navigate to the previously downloaded
file and enter:helm install synth ignite-psa.tgz --values values-ignite.yaml --namespace ignite
CODEAll the Kubernetes resources are created in the cluster, and you can use Apache Ignite. After a few seconds, Apache Ignite initializes and is visible in the Controller.
To verify if the pods are running, enter:
kubectl get pods --namespace measurement
CODEProceed to the next steps only after the Apache Ignite pods run successfully.
Using a single command, you can deploy the Helm chart, which contains the deployment details. To deploy the agent, use the Helm chart
in the zip file that you downloaded previously. Before you deploy the Private Synthetic Agent, you must set some configuration options. To view the configuration options, navigate to the previously downloadedsum-psa-heimdall.tgz
file and enter:helm show values sum-psa-heimdall.tgz > values.yaml
CODEThese are the configuration key-value pairs that you need to edit in the
file:Web Monitoring PSA Using EC2:
Configuration Key
heimdall > repository
heimdall > tag
heimdall > pullPolicy
chromeAgent > repository
chromeAgent > tag
shepherd > url
Shepherd URL
shepherd > credentials
shepherd > location
agent location
API Monitoring PSA Using EC2:
Configuration Key
heimdall > repository
heimdall > tag
heimdall > pullPolicy
apiMonitoringAgent > repository
apiMonitoringAgent > tag
shepherd > url
Shepherd URL
shepherd > credentials
shepherd > location
agent location
Web Monitoring PSA Using Private Registry:
Configuration Key
heimdall > repository
heimdall > tag
heimdall > pullPolicy
chromeAgent > repository
chromeAgent > tag
shepherd > url
Shepherd URL
shepherd > credentials
shepherd > location
agent location
API Monitoring PSA Using Private Registry:
Configuration Key
heimdall > repository
heimdall > tag
heimdall > pullPolicy
apiMonitoringAgent > repository
apiMonitoringAgent > tag
shepherd > url
Shepherd URL
shepherd > credentials
shepherd > location
agent location
After configuring using Private Registry
Create registry credentials:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<REGISTRY_HOST>:<REGISTRY_PORT> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email> --namespace measurement
CODEPatch the default service account of the measurement namespace to use the
registry credentials:kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}' --namespace measurement
CODEYou can leave the rest of the values set to their defaults or configure them based on your requirements. See Configure Web Monitoring PSA and API Monitoring PSA for details on shepherd URL, credentials, location, and optional key-value pairs.
You need to replace
with your account and region values.If the Kubernetes cluster is locked down, and you cannot make cluster-wide configuration, you can make pod-level changes.
For example, if you want to change the pod-level DNS server setting to use your internal nameservers for DNS name resolution, specify the following details in the
file:Configuration Key Value agentDNSConfig:
["svc.cluster.local", "cluster.local"]
To deploy the Helm chart using the above-mentioned configuration, navigate to the previously downloaded
file and enter:helm install heimdall-onprem sum-psa-heimdall.tgz --values values.yaml --namespace measurement
CODEAll the Kubernetes resources are created in the cluster, and you can use Heimdall. After a few seconds, Heimdall initializes and is visible in the Controller.
To verify if the pods are running, enter:
kubectl get pods --namespace measurement
CODETo make any changes to the
after the initial deployment, navigate to the previously downloadedsum-psa-heimdall.tgz
file and enter:helm upgrade heimdall-onprem sum-psa-heimdall.tgz --values values.yaml --namespace measurement
CODETo remove the deployment:
helm uninstall heimdall-onprem --namespace measurement
CODEThis is not recommended unless it is required.
Monitor the Kubernetes Cluster
The Helm chart sum-psa-monitoring.tgz
in the zip you downloaded installs the monitoring stack. This Helm chart installs kube-prometheus-stack along with a custom Grafana dashboard to monitor the Private Simple Synthetic Agent.
Monitoring the deployment is optional; however, we highly recommend that you monitor the cluster to check its health periodically.
Install the Monitoring Stack
To create a separate
namespace, enter:kubectl create namespace monitoring
CODETo review configuration options, enter:
helm show values sum-psa-monitoring.tgz > values-monitoring.yaml
CODEThis generates a
file that contains all the configuration options. To modify and pass the generatedvalues-monitoring.yaml
file while installing the Helm chart, enter:helm install psa-monitoring sum-psa-monitoring.tgz --values values-monitoring.yaml --namespace monitoring
CODEAfter the monitoring stack is installed, you can Launch Grafana (which runs inside the cluster) to view the dashboard. To access Grafana from outside of the cluster, you can configure port forwarding or set up Ingress. To configure port forward to access it locally, enter:
kubectl port-forward svc/psa-monitoring-grafana 3000:80 --namespace monitoring
CODELaunch localhost:3000 from the browser and log in using the default credentials with username as
and password asprom-operator
. A dashboard named Private Simple Synthetic Agent displays and provides details about the Kubernetes cluster, Apache Ignite, Heimdall, and running measurements.