You use the Pages view to see an aggregated view of how each page visited in your jobs is performing over time. The metrics displayed in the Pages view are aggregated across all jobs, so if multiple jobs visit the same page, their metrics will be aggregated.

To filter the Synthetic pages using the custom Tags, click Tag Filter and specify the tags. This displays the list of pages that match the specified tags.

You can also Configure Page Identification and Naming using the same mechanism as Browser RUM uses.

Pages Details

Just as in the Browser RUM view you can filter the dataset and manage which pages are displayed and which metrics are shown. If you select an individual page and click Details, you are shown a Page dashboard very similar to the Browser RUM Pages Dashboard.

The Synthetic Pages Dashboard, however, includes some additional metrics. To understand these added synthetic metrics, you can hover over the metric name and a tooltip explaining the metric popup. See Browser Synthetic Metrics.

Synthetic Pages Dashboard