This page describes the list of crash snapshot properties. They display in the Crash Snapshot Details panel when you open a crash snapshot from Crash Analyze.

  • Carrier: Name of the mobile carrier.
  • Connection Type: Active connection type at the time of the crash, if known.
  • Crashed File/Line/Function: Name of the source file containing the crashed function, with the line number, if available. The name of the topmost function on the crashed thread's call stack. If this function is an Objective-C method, this name includes the class name. For Android, this name is the fully qualified name of the topmost method on the uncaught exception's stack trace.
  • Crash Time: Timestamp when the crash occurred, based on the mobile device's clock.
  • Device/Manufacturer: Model or manufacturer name of the mobile device on which the crash occurred.
  • Events Prior to Crash: Any breadcrumbs you might have set up.
  • Exception Name: Name of the fatal signal (iOS) or uncaught exception (Android) associated with the crash.
  • Memory Usage: Memory used by the app when the crash occurred.
  • Mobile App: Name of the app that crashed.
  • OS Version: Operating system version of the mobile device on which the crash occurred.
  • Platform: iOS or Android.
  • Request Timestamp: Time when the beacon arrived at the Collector. Snapshot only.
  • User Data: Any user data you might have added.
  • Version: Version string of the crashed application.

Crash Snapshot list only

  • Country: Originating country.
  • Crash id: Unique identifier for the crash.
  • Deobfuscated: For Android: true, if this crash report has been matched with a ProGuard mapping file and deobfuscated; otherwise, false.
    See Manually Upload Mapping Files and Get Human-Readable Crash Snapshots. A false value for this property does necessarily indicate that the crash report will not be human-readable since it is possible that the application in question was not obfuscated  
  • Symbolicated: For iOS: true, if this crash report has been matched with a dSYM file and symbolicated; otherwise, false.
    The application must have been compiled with the Debugging Information Format set to DWARF with dSYM File for a crash report to exist. See Upload the dSYM File and Get Human-Readable Crash Snapshots