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Update Synthetic Web Monitoring Job API
This page describes the API used to update the Synthetic web monitoring jobs.
Update a Synthetic Job
Updates a synthetic job with the specified JSON payload.
Resource URL
PUT /v1/synthetic/schedule/<id>
Request/Response Format
You will need to contact your administrator.
"_id": "job_id",
"version": 2,
"scheduleRunConfigs": [
"rate": {
"value": 15,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"daysOfWeek": [
"timezone": "UTC"
"userEnabled": true,
"systemEnabled": true,
"type": "ALL_BROWSERS",
"rate": {
"value": 15,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"daysOfWeek": [
"timezone": "UTC",
"description": "appd1",
"appKey": "appkey",
"scheduleMode": "NONE",
"script": {
"contentType": "INLINE_PYTHON_3",
"script": "pageUrl = \"\"\ndriver.get(pageUrl)\nassert \"AppDynamics\" in driver.title, \"Title should contain AppDynamics\""
"browserCodes": [
"chromeVersions": [
"locationCodes": [
"failOnPageError": true,
"captureVisualMetrics": true,
"simulateMobileBrowser": false,
"networkProfile": {
"name": "Native",
"downloadKbps": 5000,
"uploadKbps": 1000,
"roundtripTimeMillis": 28,
"packetLossPercent": 0,
"isDefault": false
"timeoutSeconds": 30,
"state": {
"lastFireTime": "2022-04-01T04:49:46.544Z"
"projectedUsage": {
"projectedDailyRuns": 96,
"projectedMonthlyRuns": 2880
"performanceCriteria": {
"retestOnWarning": false,
"retestOnCritical": false,
"criterion": []
"composableConfig": {
"numBeforeConfirmedError": 0,
"resourceErrorDetection": {
"ignoreWhen": {
"resourceUrlContains": [],
"resourceMimeType": []
"onlyWhen": {
"resourceUrlContains": [],
"resourceMimeType": []
"created": "2022-04-01T04:49:46.538Z",
"updated": "2022-04-01T04:50:13.325Z"
"_id": "job_id",
"version": 1,
"scheduleRunConfigs": [
"rate": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"daysOfWeek": [
"timezone": "UTC"
"userEnabled": true,
"systemEnabled": true,
"type": "ALL_BROWSERS",
"rate": {
"value": 15,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"daysOfWeek": [
"timezone": "UTC",
"description": "",
"appKey": "appKey",
"scheduleMode": "NONE",
"url": "",
"browserCodes": [
"chromeVersions": [
"locationCodes": [
"failOnPageError": true,
"captureVisualMetrics": true,
"simulateMobileBrowser": false,
"networkProfile": {
"name": "Native",
"downloadKbps": 5000,
"uploadKbps": 1000,
"roundtripTimeMillis": 28,
"packetLossPercent": 0,
"isDefault": false
"timeoutSeconds": 15,
"state": {
"lastFireTime": "2022-04-06T05:57:16.000Z",
"nextFireTime": "2022-04-06T06:00:16.000Z"
"projectedUsage": {
"projectedDailyRuns": 2880,
"projectedMonthlyRuns": 86400
"performanceCriteria": {
"retestOnWarning": false,
"retestOnCritical": false,
"criterion": []
"composableConfig": {
"numBeforeConfirmedError": 0,
"resourceErrorDetection": {
"ignoreWhen": {
"resourceUrlContains": [],
"resourceMimeType": []
"onlyWhen": {
"resourceUrlContains": [],
"resourceMimeType": []
"created": "2022-04-05T05:30:36.426Z",
"updated": "2022-04-05T05:30:36.426Z"
Enable or Disable a Web Monitoring Job
You can enable or disable a web monitoring job by updating the following values:
Action | Field Name | Value |
Enable a web monitoring job |
| true |
Disable a web monitoring job | userEnabled | false |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Value | Description | Mandatory Request |
| String | Job ID of a synthetic job | Unique identifier of a synthetic job. To get the job ID:
| Yes |
version | number | Whenever a job is updated, the value of the version increases by a factor of one. A job with | No | |
scheduleRunConfigs | - | No | ||
rate | - | No | ||
value | number | Minutes: 1 - 60 Hours: 1 - 24 Days: "null" | No | |
unit | String | Minutes, Hours, or Days | No | |
daysOfWeek | String | "SUN", "MON", "TUES", "WED", "THUR", "FRI", "SAT" | No | |
timeRange | String | Between hh:mm AM/PM to hh:mm AM/PM | No | |
timezone | String | "UTC" | GMT +/-hh:mm | No |
startTime | String | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM | No | |
endTime | String | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM | No | |
userEnabled | Boolean | true or false | No | |
systemEnabled | Boolean | This field gets disabled when the license exhausts. | No | |
type | String | No | ||
rate | String | No | ||
value | Number | No | ||
unit | String | No | ||
daysOfWeek | String | No | ||
timeRange | String | No | ||
timezone | String | No | ||
description | String | No | ||
startTime | String | No | ||
endTime | String | No | ||
appKey | String | Application Key | You can get the application key from the Controller. Navigate to User Experience > Browser Apps. The application key is listed next to the application name. | No |
scheduleMode | String | No | ||
url | String | "null" or URL to monitor | The URL that you want to monitor. When you use this parameter, the value of the | No |
script | String |
| If you have a scripted job, specify the python-based selenium script used for simulating the user flow or behavior. When you use this parameter, the value of the | No |
contentType | String | No | ||
script | String | No | ||
credentialPlaceholders | String | No | ||
apiMetadata | String | Script object of the web monitoring job | No | |
browserCodes | String | Use the following Synthetic internal browser codes:
| Yes | |
chromeVersions | String | Chrome browser version 86 | Yes | |
locationCodes | String | Synthetic internal location codes of each agent location. See Location Codes. | Yes | |
failOnPageError | Boolean | No | ||
captureVisualMetrics | Boolean | true or false | No | |
simulateMobileBrowser | Boolean | true or false | No | |
| String | "name": "Native", "downloadKbps": 5000, "uploadKbps": 1000, "roundtripTimeMillis": 28, "packetLossPercent": 0, "isDefault": false | No | |
| String | Custom, Pixel, iPad, iPhone SE | Name of the device | No |
| String | If the name is Custom: If the name field is not Custom: | Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SAMSUNG SM-G950F Build/NRD90M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/5.2 Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Mobile Safari/537.36 | No |
downloadKbps | Number | Number | Download bandwidth in kbps | No |
uploadKbps | Number | Number | Upload bandwidth in kbps | No |
roundtripTimeMillis | Number | Number | Latency in milliseconds | No |
packetLossPercent | Number | 0 - 100 | Packet loss percentage | No |
isDefault | Boolean | true or false | No | |
timeoutSeconds | Number | 5 - 300 | Seconds | No |
state | - | No | ||
lastFireTime | String | No | ||
nextFireTime | String | No | ||
projectedUsage | - | No | ||
projectedDailyRuns | Number | No | ||
projectedMonthlyRuns | Number | No | ||
performanceCriteria | - | No | ||
retestOnWarning | Boolean | No | ||
retestOnCritical | Boolean | No | ||
criterion | String | No | ||
composableConfig | - | You can use this parameter to configure:
| No | |
numBeforeConfirmedError | Number | 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 | Number of retries | No |
resourceErrorDetection | - | No | ||
ignoreWhen | - | No | ||
resourceUrlContains | String | Comma separated list | List of resource URLs | No |
resourceMimeType | String | No | ||
onlyWhen | - | No | ||
resourceUrlContains | String | Comma separated list | List of resource URLs | No |
resourceMimeType | String | No | ||
created | String | No | ||
updated | String | No |
Response Status Codes
Code | Description |
200 | Success |
401 | Unauthorized |
402 | Exceeded job limit |
422 | Validation failure |
429 | Throttled |
500 | Internal server error |