Use crashes to get trend and detailed information on mobile application crashes.
A crash snapshot is a detailed report on a particular crash including the code that was executing when the application crashed. Crash snapshots help you understand the causes of crashes.
The Crash Metrics and Events widgets are on the Mobile App Dashboard. The Crash Metrics widget displays the crash rate and the number of crashes for your mobile application. The Events widget displays new crash events.
- Open the application you want.
- From the Mobile App Dashboard, both Events and Crash Metrics Scorecard widgets display.
- Click Crash Metrics or click one of the new crash events in the Events widget to access the Crash Dashboard.
Access the Crash Dashboard
The Crash Dashboard is where you can view both summary and detailed information about crashes.
- In the Controller UI, go to the User Experience tab.
- Select a mobile application.
- In the left navigation bar, click Crashes.
See the following pages for configuring crashes in the Controller UI: