This page provides an overview of affected entities in AppDynamics.
The Affected Entities panel lets you define what entities your health rule affects. The health rule type you select determines the metrics that are offered for configuration in subsequent panels of the health rule wizard.
To define the affected entities:
Select a health rule type from the drop-down list. Depending on the type of the health rule, you can configure the corresponding entities that are affected. See Entities Affected by a Health Rule for information about the types of entities that can be affected by the various health rule types.
Use the drop-down list to select the entities affected by this health rule.
If you select entities based on matching criteria, specify the matching criteria. For example, if you select the Tier/Node Health - Transaction Performance as the health rule type, and if the health rule affects the nodes, you can restrict the health rule evaluation on the types of nodes or criteria such as meta-info, environment variables, and JVM system environment properties. Meta-info includes key-value pairs for:
key: supportsDevMode
key: ProcessID
key: appdynamics.ip.addresses
any key passed to the agent in the appdynamics.agent.node.metainfo system property