The latest Cluster Agent Helm Chart is available at appdynamics-charts/cluster-agent. Before you can upgrade to the latest Cluster Agent, you must first uninstall the existing Helm Chart and then re-install it.
Use helm get and helm show to determine if an upgrade is required to install the most recent Cluster Agent images from appdynamics-charts/cluster-agent:
# which images are currently installed by my release?
helm get all "<my-cluster-agent-helm-release>" -n appdynamics | grep -E 'agentTag|operatorTag'
agentTag: 21.12.0
operatorTag: 21.12.0
# which images are available to install?
helm show values appdynamics-charts/cluster-agent | grep -E 'agentTag|operatorTag'
agentTag: 21.12.0
operatorTag: 21.12.0
To perform the upgrade, uninstall and re-install the Cluster Agent Helm Chart using the same namespace from the previous installation: