This page describes required and optional environment variables, including HTTP proxy support, and how to input the variables in the AWS Management Console.

Serverless Tracer Support

Java Versions

The Java Serverless Tracer supports Java 8.

Node.js Versions

The Node.js Serverless Tracer supports Node.js 10.x, 12.x, and 14.x.

Python Versions

The Python Serverless Tracer supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

Configure Environment Variables

To instrument Serverless APM for AWS Lambda, you must configure the environment variables listed in the table below. Enter all applicable information as key-value environment variables in the AWS Management Console.

When you change an environment variable, any existing instances complete execution using the previous value. All new requests execute with the updated value. 

Environment Variable


DefaultRequiredExample Value
APPDYNAMICS_ACCOUNT_NAMEAccount name associated with the Controller used by your AWS Lambda function.


APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEYAccess key for your Controller. See Agent-to-Controller Connections.<AppDynamics_account_key>YesAB1a2b3c4$123
APPDYNAMICS_APPLICATION_NAMEName of the application where the tracer is instrumented.<Your_app_name>YestestApp
APPDYNAMICS_CONTROLLER_HOSTHost associated with the Controller used by your AWS Lambda function. Do not include http:// or https://<Controller_host_name>Yes<accountname>

Port associated with your Controller.  


Disables the Serverless Tracer and stops all serverless application monitoring.

Accepted values are true and false.


Used by the Node.js Serverless Tracer to enable End User Monitoring for AWS Lambda functions. Set to true to enable EUM or false to disable EUM.

See Integrate the Node.js Serverless Tracer with End User Monitoring for details.

APPDYNAMICS_EUM_AJAXWhen set to true ensures EUM data is always returned in Ajax form. For example, ADRUM_0, ADRUM_1, and so on.falseNotrue
APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_TIMEOUT_MSHTTP timeout in milliseconds for the tracer to send data downstream.2000No3000

Log level for the tracer. Accepted values are DEBUG, INFOWARNERROR, and FATAL.


AppDynamics endpoint that the tracer to reports to. Serverless API endpoints are available for the following AWS regions: Sydney, Frankfurt, and Oregon.


The name of your AWS Lambda function.


Defaults to the name of your AWS Lambda function.


HTTP Proxy Support

To enable HTTP Proxy Support, define the following variables in the AWS Management Console:

Environment VariableDescriptionExample Value
APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_PROXY_HOSTPublicly-accessible hostname of the
APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_PROXY_PORTPort on which the proxy is running.8080
APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER_CERTIFICATERelative path to the proxy server's certificate. Required if your proxy server runs on a self-signed certificate for your AWS Lambda function to trust the proxy. If you have configured your runtime environment to trust your proxy server, you do not need this variable.resources/proxy-cert.pem

Additionally, you can add credentials for your proxy server's basic authentication. Add the following variables in the AWS Management Console:

Environment VariableDescriptionExample Value


Username associated with your basic authentication.user1


Relative path to the proxy server's basic authentication password. Required for your proxy server's password to trust your AWS Lambda function.password123


Plaintext file to the proxy server's basic authentication password file. Update your deployment package to contain the proxy server's password file. Required for your proxy server's password to trust your AWS Lambda function.resources/proxy-password.txt

When you add basic credentials, you are required to include either APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD or APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD_FILE. If you include both, the tracer only passes APPDYNAMICS_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD_FILE.

Add Environment Variables in the AWS Console

To add environmental variables through the AWS Management Console:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to AWS Services and open Lambda.
  3. Select your AWS Lambda function. 
  4. Go to Environment variables and enter your function's key-value pair environment variables.
  5. Click Save.

The following image shows an example of all required environment variables:

Environment Variables (AWS Management Console)

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