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Action Suppression API
This page describes the Action Suppression API methods you can use to temporarily suspend the automatic trigger of actions and alerts by a policy in response to an event. This API is useful when performing maintenance activities or troubleshooting a component.
Syntax validation of the JSON payload is done when creating action suppression.
Create a New Action Suppression
Creates a new action suppression with the specified JSON payload. See Property Details.
Resource URL
POST <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/action-suppressions
Request/Response Format
This example creates an action suppression that affects specific health rules within an application. See Download Examples.
"id": 9,
"name": "TestAS",
"disableAgentReporting": false,
"suppressionScheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T11:43:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T12:43:00",
"recurringSchedule": null,
"affects": {
"affectedInfoType": "APPLICATION"
"healthRuleScope": null
"id": 9,
"name": "TestAS",
"disableAgentReporting": false,
"suppressionScheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T11:43:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T12:43:00",
"recurringSchedule": null,
"affects": {
"affectedInfoType": "APPLICATION"
"healthRuleScope": null
Retrieve a List of Action Suppressions Configured for a Given Application
Returns all the action suppressions that are configured for a given application. The required fields are action suppression IDs and names. Details such as timezone
, startTime
, endTime
and recurringSchedule
of configured action suppressions are returned. See Property Details.
Resource URL
GET <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/action-suppressions
Response Format
Example Response
"id": 11,
"name": "TestAS1",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T12:06:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T13:06:00"
"id": 12,
"name": "TestAS2",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T12:27:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T13:27:00"
"id": 13,
"name": "TestAS3",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T12:08:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T13:08:00"
Retrieve the Details of an Action Suppression
Returns JSON representation of action suppression for the given action suppression ID. See Property Details.
Resource URL
GET <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/action-suppressions/{action-suppression-id}
Response Format
Example Response
"id": 9,
"name": "TestAS",
"disableAgentReporting": false,
"suppressionScheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T11:43:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T12:43:00",
"recurringSchedule": null,
"affects": {
"affectedInfoType": "APPLICATION"
"healthRuleScope": null
Update an Action Suppression
Updates an existing action suppression with a specified JSON payload. See Property Details.
Resource URL
PUT <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/action-suppressions/{action-suppression-id}
Request/Response Format
"id": 9,
"name": "TestAS1",
"disableAgentReporting": false,
"suppressionScheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T12:05:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T13:05:00",
"recurringSchedule": null,
"affects": {
"affectedInfoType": "APPLICATION"
"healthRuleScope": null
"id": 9,
"name": "TestAS",
"disableAgentReporting": false,
"suppressionScheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T11:43:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T12:43:00",
"recurringSchedule": null,
"affects": {
"affectedInfoType": "APPLICATION"
"healthRuleScope": null
Delete an Action Suppression
Deletes an action suppression with the specified ID. See Property Details.
Resource URL
DELETE <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/action-suppressions/{action-suppression-id}
Retrieve the Details of an Action Suppression by Name
Returns JSON representation of action suppression for the given action suppression name. See Property Details.
Resource URL
GET <controller_url>/controller/alerting/rest/v1/applications/<application_id>/action-suppressions/action-suppression-by-name/?name=<ActionSuppressionName>
Replace <ActionSuppressionName>
with a name you specified for the action suppression. For example, ACTION_SUP_15
Response Format
Example Response
"id": 9,
"name": "TestAS1",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"startTime": "2020-08-19T12:05:00",
"endTime": "2020-08-19T13:05:00",
"recurringSchedule": null
Response Codes
Code | Description |
200 | Fetched successfully |
201 | Created successfully |
204 | Deleted successfully |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
409 | Already exists |
Property Details
Action Suppression
Payload details for action suppression.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||
id | integer | This is auto-generated by the system and returned in the response. It is a | ||||||
| string minLength: 1 | The name of action suppression. | ||||||
disableAgentReporting | boolean default: | If enabled, the agents defined in the scope do not report any metric data during the specified time frame. | ||||||
You cannot define a recurring action suppression if you set | ||||||||
suppressionScheduleType | string default: ONE_TIME | The available scheduling options for action suppression. Enums
| ||||||
timezone | string | The timezone ID. The default time zone is the controller timezone. | ||||||
startTime | string format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss | The time at which the action suppression is initiated. Specify | ||||||
endTime | string format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss | The time at which the ongoing action suppression ends. Specify startTime only if suppressionScheduleType is set to ONE_TIME. If not specified, action suppression ends at 60 minutes from the current time. The expected format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss conforming to rfc3339. | ||||||
recurringSchedule | string | The recurring schedule details to initiate an action suppression.
| ||||||
| Describes entities affected by action suppression. For example, applications, business transactions, servers, or databases.
| |||||||
healthRuleScope* | The scope of the health rules applicable to action suppression.
Action Suppression Schedule Type
Use this property to schedule a one-time or recurring action suppression.
Property Name | Type | Description |
ActionSuppressionScheduleType | string | Enums
Example for one-time action suppression
Recurring Schedule Frequency Details
Use this property to define the frequency of invoking action suppression on a recurring basis.
Property Name | Type | Description |
scheduleFrequency * | string | Describes how often action suppression is invoked. Enums
Example for recurring action suppression scheduled on a daily basis
Daily Schedule - Configuration Details
Use the following properties to configure the details of an action suppression that is scheduled on a daily basis.
Property Name | Type | Description |
scheduleFrequency * | string | Action suppression is invoked daily. Enum
startTime* | Time string pattern: ^([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d)$ | The time at which the action suppression is initiated. The time in 24 hour format. |
endTime* | Time string pattern: ^([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d)$ | The time at which the ongoing action suppression ends. The time in 24 hour format. |
Weekly Schedule - Configuration Details
Use the following properties to configure the details of an action suppression that is scheduled on a weekly basis.
Property Name | Type | Description | ||||||
scheduleFrequency * | string | Action suppression is invoked on a specific day of the week. Enum
| ||||||
days * | string minItems: 1 | The day(s) of the week to suppress actions.
| ||||||
startTime* | Time string pattern: | The time at which the action suppression is initiated. The time in 24 hour format. | ||||||
endTime* | Time string pattern: | The time at which the ongoing action suppression ends. The time in 24 hour format. | ||||||
Monthly Schedule, Specific Date - Configuration Details
Use the following properties to configure the details of an action suppression that is scheduled on a monthly basis, on a specific date.
Property Name | Type | Description |
scheduleFrequency * | string | Action suppression is invoked on a specific date every month. Enum
startDate* | string pattern: | The start date of the month to suppress actions. |
startTime* | Time string pattern: | The time at which action suppression is initiated. The time in 24 hour format. |
endDate * | string pattern: | The end date of the month to suppress actions. |
endTime* | Time string pattern: | The time at which the ongoing action suppression ends. The time in 24 hour format. |
Monthly Schedule, Specific Day - Configuration Details
Use the following properties to configure the details of an action suppression that is scheduled on a monthly basis, on a specific date.
Property Name | Type | Description | ||||||
scheduleFrequency * | string | Action suppression is invoked on a specific day of the month. Enum
| ||||||
startTime* | Time string pattern: | The time at which action suppression is initiated. The time in 24 hour format. | ||||||
endTime* | Time string pattern: | The time at which the ongoing action suppression ends. The time in 24 hour format. | ||||||
days * | string | The day of the month to suppress actions.
| ||||||
occurrence * | string | Enums
| ||||||
Schedule Frequency Details
Use this property to define the frequency of invoking an action suppression.
Property Name | Type | Description |
scheduleFrequency * | string | Enums
Occurrence Details
The occurrence of the day of the month to suppress actions.
Property Name | Type | Description |
occurrence | string | Enums
Monthly Action Suppression - Day
The day of the month to suppress actions.
Property Name | Type | Description |
DayOfWeek | string | Enums
Action Suppression Time Details
Use this property to define the time details to suppress an action.
Property Name | Type | Description |
Time | string pattern: | The time in 24 hour format. |
Property Name | Type | Description |
Timezone | string | Timezone Id. The default time zone is the controller timezone. |
Entities Affected by Action Suppression
Information pertaining to entities affected by action suppression.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
| string | Enums
Application-level Entities Affected by Action Suppression
Use to suppress actions for entities at the application-level.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
| string | Enum
Business Transactions Affected by Action Suppression
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the business transaction (BT) level.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||
| string | Enum
| ||||||
affectedBusinessTransactions* | The scope of the business transactions affected by action suppression.
| |||||||
Scope of Business Transactions Affected
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the BT level for the selected BT types.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
businessTransactionScope* | string | Enums
All Types of Business Transactions
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the BT level for all BTs.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
businessTransactionScope* | string | Enum
Specific Business Transactions
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the BT level for the specific BTs only.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
businessTransactionScope* | string | Enum
businessTransactions* | array of strings minItems: 1 | Specific business transactions affected by action suppression. For example:
Business Transactions Associated with Specific Tiers
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the BT level for BTs within specific tiers only.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
businessTransactionScope* | string | Enum
specificTiers* | array of strings minItems: 1 | Business transactions associated with specific tiers affected by action suppression. For example:
Business Transactions Matching a Pattern
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the BT level for BTs with properties that match a given pattern.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||||||||
businessTransactionScope* | string | Enums
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | EntityMatchingPattern
| |||||||||||||
Tiers/Nodes Entities Affected
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the Tier/Node level.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||
| string | Enum
| ||||||
affectedEntities* | TierNodeEntities
| |||||||
Tier or Node Entities Affected
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the tier level or node level.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
tierNodeType* | string | Enums
Tier-level Entities Affected
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||
tierNodeType* | string | Enum
| ||||||
affectedTiers* | AffectedTiers
| |||||||
Node-level Entities Affected
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||
tierNodeType* | string | Enum
| ||||||
nodeType* | string | Enums
| ||||||
affectedNodes* | AffectedNodes
| |||||||
Affected Tier Scope
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedTierScope* | string | Enums
All Tiers
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the tier level for all tiers.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedTierScope* | string | Enum
Specific Tiers
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the tier level for specific tiers only.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedTierScope* | string | Enum
tiers* | array of strings minItems: 1 | |
Affected Nodes
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedNodeScope* | string | Enums
All Nodes
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the node level for all nodes.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedNodeScope* | string | Enum
Specific Nodes
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the node level for specific nodes only.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedNodeScope* | string | Enum
nodes* | array of strings minItems: 1 | A list of nodes considered as affected entities for action suppression. For example:
Nodes within Specific Tiers
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the node level for nodes within specific tiers only.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values |
affectedNodeScope* | string | Enum
specificTiers* | array of strings minItems: 1 | |
Nodes that Match a Pattern
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the node level for nodes with properties that match a pattern.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||||||||
affectedNodeScope* | string | Enum
| ||||||||||||
patternMatcher* | EntityMatchingPattern
| |||||||||||||
Node Property Variable Matcher
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the node level for nodes that match specified environment variables.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||||||||
affectedNodeScope* | string | Enum
| ||||||||||||
propVarPairs* |
| |||||||||||||
Servers Affected
Use this to suppress actions for entities at the server level.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||
| string | Enum
| ||||||
affectedServers* | ApplicationAffectedServers
| |||||||
Specific Servers within an Application
Use this property to suppress actions for entities at the server level for specific servers within an application.
Property Name | Type | Description |
serversScope* | string | Enum
specificServers* | array of strings minItems: 1 MinLength: 1 | A list of servers considered as affected entities for action suppression. For example:
Databases Affected
Use this property to suppress actions for entities at the database level.
Property Name | Type | Description and Valid Values | ||||||||||||
| string | Enum
| ||||||||||||
affectedDatabases* | AffectedDatabases
| |||||||||||||
Scope of Affected Databases
Use this property to define the scope of action suppression at the database level.
Property Name | Type | Description | ||||||
databaseScope* | string |
Scope of Affected Databases—All Databases
Use this property to suppress actions for entities of all the databases.
Property Name | Type | Description | ||||||
databaseScope* | string |
Scope of Affected Databases—Specific Databases
Use this property to suppress actions for entities of specific databases.
Property Name | Type | Description | ||||||
databaseScope* | string |
| ||||||
databases * | array of strings minItems: 1 | DbServer
| ||||||
Database Server Details
Use this property to define database server details.
Property Name | Type |
| string minLength: 1 |
collectorConfigName * | string minLength: 1 |
Affected Database Types
Use this property to define the scope of affected databases.
Property Name | Type | Description |
AffectedDatabaseType | string | Enums
Health Rule Scope
Use this to suppress actions triggered as a response to health rule violation events.
Property Name | Type | Description |
healthRuleScopeType* | string | HealthRuleScopeTypeEnum
Health Rule Scope Type
Property Name | Type | Description |
healthRuleScope* | string | Enum
Specific Health Rules
Property Name | Type | Description |
healthRuleScopeType* | string | HealthRuleScopeTypeEnum
healthRules* | array of strings minItems: 1 | |
Action Suppression Summary
Property Name | Type |
id* | integer |
| string minLength: 1 |
Error Response
Property Name | Type |
statusCode | integer |
| string |
*This property is required.
Download Examples
Download Appdynamics Action Suppression to get a set of examples that help you configure a schedule.
Download SWAGGER YAML file
Download the Swagger YAML spec action_suppression_openapi.yml.