In the dse.yaml file, configure (or uncomment and edit) these parameters:

    enabled: true
    #  When t > 1, log queries taking longer than t milliseconds.
    #      0 <= t <= 1,  log queries above t percentile
    threshold: 2000
    # Initial number of queries before percentile filter becomes active
    minimum_samples: 100
    ttl_seconds: 259200
     # Keeps slow queries in-memory only and doesn't write data to the database.
    # WARNING - if this is set to 'false' then set threshold >= 2000, otherwise there will be a
    # high load on the database.
    skip_writing_to_db: false
    # The number of slow queries to keep in-memory
    num_slowest_queries: 5

You can adjust all of these parameters, except "enabled" and "skip_writing_to_db", per the monitoring requirements.

User Permissions for DSE Cassandra

CREATE ROLE appdynamics_role;
GRANT SELECT ON KEYSPACE system_traces TO appdynamics_role;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dse_perf.node_slow_log TO appdynamics_role;
GRANT appdynamics_role TO appdynamics;