The Database Agent captures only traced queries. To enable query tracing:

  1. Turn on tracing in the CQLSH prompt
  2. Enable tracing for the statement/prepared statement in the client application
  3. Enable probabilistic tracing

Add this configuration to the cassandra.yaml file:

# TTL for different trace types used during logging of the repair process.
tracetype_query_ttl: 300

This reduces the persistence of entries in system_traces keyspace (sessions and events) from 24 hours to 30 minutes. You may allow longer retention based on the number of queries being traced.

User Permissions for Cassandra

These are the user permissions to configure Cassandra:

CREATE ROLE appdynamics_role;
GRANT SELECT ON KEYSPACE system_traces TO appdynamics_role;
GRANT appdynamics_role TO appdynamics;